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May 10 2016

Nicolii set Category to category:launcher on T85124: Launcher Exception.
May 10 2016, 12:27 PM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T80711: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.


The space bar is already supposed to the the context sensitive action button, but the game's context sensitivity is bad at the best of times. So pressing space bar would be doing the main priority action, and holding it would bring up the menu, then say you could select the action with the middle mouse button.

May 10 2016, 10:04 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T80711: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

Okay. This constant loop of radial menu is great! Just because I said it is! and... Radial menu is shit! Just because I said it is! without any reasons given what so ever is the worst kind of feedback any one could ever give. And it's shitting me off because your a bunch of useless fools-(other, stronger words would like to be said).

Learn how to give proper CONSTRUCTIVE feedback people, or else your just being useless and wasting time. Sure any kind of feedback is still feedback, but can you possibly be any worse at helping BI make the game better?
This is what this tracker is for. It's for US to HELP BI make the game BETTER for US!!!

How much do you fools want to kicks yourself in the testicles more times and be even more useless to yourself. You want a better game? Then help make to game better and stop your complaining and spend the same time you spend being a useless fool on a FEEDBACK tracker and give proper, constructive FEEDBACK!

Rant over. Now on the the constructive stuff

This is my view on the radial menu as a designer, taking into thought of how Arma works. This will be constructive, this is how ALL feedback should be.

The radial menu is bad (for Arma).
This is why.

  1. Arma requires you to have control over your aim/view at all times, unless in special circumstances (inventory, map, etc).

A radial menu requires mouse input to effectively work. Taking away the instant reaction you should be able to have to aim at shoot at an immediate threat. It also takes away head looking with Alt-key for people without Track IR.

  1. A radial menu takes up screen real estate radially around the screen making all options easily accessible.

This precious screen real estate is used once again to be able to spot immediate threats and see important real time information at all times.

  1. A well implemented radial menu requires the text and/or icons to be easily readable immediately since you want people to be able to make their choice as quickly as possible, also you want the options to be consistent so the player can easily build muscle memory of all the options and knowledge of where each one will be every time.

Since Arma's actions are always changing because not all options are available at all times, this makes is, nigh on impossible to have consistent options (unless the unused ones are blanked out, then I'd ask, what the hell are there doing unusable options taking up precious screen real-estate?), which then make it impossible to build muscle memory, which then make it very difficult to make your choice extremely quickly with confidence. And with a game where every choice matters what you do down to the micro-seconds then why give your players doubt on what choices they know they want to do and what they think they are going to select and I very highly doubt that you'd want to doubt your you are doing with a game that requires such precision.

May 10 2016, 10:04 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T80711: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.


Please keep the derogatory comments off this feedback tracker, this is not a online forum, it's a feedback tracker for the devs to make the game better.

May 10 2016, 10:03 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T80711: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.


It's really not a difficult task for any graphics programmer to do an outline, it's the exact same way you get the cartoony outline in games like Borderlands.

May 10 2016, 10:03 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T80711: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

I believe this is what Dslyecxi wants with the asset outlining/highlighting.

Feel free to use it in the ticket description if you please.

May 10 2016, 10:03 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T72052: Performance changes in ArmA3 | 64-bit Support (arma3.exe*32).

Correct me if I'm wrong. But wasn't A2 eventually converted to 64-bit?

If so BIS know how to do it. I guess one version is better for maintaining a better product.

May 10 2016, 6:02 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T71197: Grass flips like a fence to the ground.

True, I forgot about soft weights, shows how out of practice I am with animation. But that still leaves x12 GPU performance which again, I'd much rather have as much grass in the distance than good looking grass close up.

May 10 2016, 5:38 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T71197: Grass flips like a fence to the ground.

Having grass like MGS means:

4 planes, 1 for each blade of grass. That's 4 polygons per grass so that's x4 performance impact for the same amount of grass.

Then each plane is subdivided at least three times for each blade of grass. So that's 4x3 = x12 the performance impact for the same 1 polygon grass as currently.

Then each blade of grass would need 3 "bones" to animate correctly compared to the current 1 "bone", and then react from collision and wind. That you give each grass asset x12 the performance impact on the CPU for animation and collision calculation.

I would much rather have x12 more grass on screen than have grass like MGS. Having small grass with the level of geometry is for a future Arma game. Though it's possible BIS will have that on the larger types of grass, but again, I doubt it. It's not worth the performance impact when the game has to simulate 1000 other things and with PhysX included as a compulsory feature that's even more of a strain on the CPU.

May 10 2016, 5:38 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T71197: Grass flips like a fence to the ground.

The grass in Arma is a flat plane. Very, very few games have grass as more than one polygon. This is so we can see grass as far as possible in the distance with it taking the least amount of performance as possible.

As much as I would like realistic grass it's just not a reasonable thing to do for about another ten to fifteen years for Arma as seeing grass as far as possible will take a higher priority than geometrically detailed grass close up.

May 10 2016, 5:38 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T71076: Night Sky is too boring.

I agree with this ticket but not to the extent that it says.

As others have said, the stars at night aren't as clear and colourful as indicated in the photograph, unless your at high altitude. As far as I can tell, both Statis and Altis aren't all that high, they are both islands so both start at sea level. But I haven't seen all of Altis so I'm not a authority on how high Altis is.

A moonless night is when you can see the most stars, as the moon (especially when full) acts as a bright light and makes your iris' contract making your eyes less sensitive to the light stars emit. BIS already has systems in place and working that changes your characters "eyes" depending on what your looking at (either focused around the cross-hair or just overall screen brightness, I don't know). So BIS should be able to have the night sky as detailed as it should be out in the rural areas of the islands and when in towns, bases or anything with bright lights around, your "eyes" will have adjusted to the light and you won't be able to see as detailed of the night sky as you could compared to the rural areas. This could also work with the different phases of the moon. No moon, you can see more stars. Full moon, you see less stars.

Although this implementation of is isn't realistic, as you could look up in the middle of a town where you see nothing else but the sky and be able to see all the stars, but I feel it's good enough until the day they can simulate every particle that refracts light and have proper, realistic light pollution.

Also if they did this they should either: simulate the planets movements (Mars, Venus, etc) or, just remove those planets all together as they usually don't help with navigation and significantly change position in relation to all the other stars we see in our galaxy and less so in our universe.

May 10 2016, 5:34 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii edited Steps To Reproduce on T70408: Add tabs to the inventory menu on corpses.
May 10 2016, 5:11 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T69618: Online (live) editor.

This is a good idea, though you can effectively do the same thing with a automatic online upload with your mission file then every 5 minutes or so merge your missions together.

But +1

May 10 2016, 4:42 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T69617: Biggest Arma Pet Peeve Must be Fixed - Alt Weapon Load Cycle..

Yes this is quite frustrating when you have a gun ship about to swoop you and your character is too busy reloading the AA launcher you just picked up then GTFO of there.

A dirty scope is unreasonable as you are unable to clean it.

And the AI aim and awareness is up to the mission designer to determine, it's very simple to edit it to be more suppressive than deadly. But really you should be in hard, bullet stopping cover before you sit still and return fire.

May 10 2016, 4:42 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T69565: Please put a new CHERNARUS MAP in final release....

I think the dev's shouldn't waste their time on porting old maps. Especially when the new maps are much larger, and I'd rather the art team work on making new, high quality stuff while the community can easily work on porting the old maps over and save BI time.

May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T69469: Separate Keys for Various Throw Items.

Although I don't agree with how the creator of this ticket has worded it, it would be nice to be able to shortcut keys to the different types of thrown objects.

To be able to do that would be great for the people with TrackIR or macro keys on their keyboards, or even just replace keys you never use and have then as throw grenade/smoke/chem-light/etc.

May 10 2016, 4:36 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T69085: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.


The space bar is already supposed to the the context sensitive action button, but the game's context sensitivity is bad at the best of times. So pressing space bar would be doing the main priority action, and holding it would bring up the menu, then say you could select the action with the middle mouse button.

May 10 2016, 4:21 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T69085: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

Okay. This constant loop of radial menu is great! Just because I said it is! and... Radial menu is shit! Just because I said it is! without any reasons given what so ever is the worst kind of feedback any one could ever give. And it's shitting me off because your a bunch of useless fools-(other, stronger words would like to be said).

Learn how to give proper CONSTRUCTIVE feedback people, or else your just being useless and wasting time. Sure any kind of feedback is still feedback, but can you possibly be any worse at helping BI make the game better?
This is what this tracker is for. It's for US to HELP BI make the game BETTER for US!!!

How much do you fools want to kicks yourself in the testicles more times and be even more useless to yourself. You want a better game? Then help make to game better and stop your complaining and spend the same time you spend being a useless fool on a FEEDBACK tracker and give proper, constructive FEEDBACK!

Rant over. Now on the the constructive stuff

This is my view on the radial menu as a designer, taking into thought of how Arma works. This will be constructive, this is how ALL feedback should be.

The radial menu is bad (for Arma).
This is why.

  1. Arma requires you to have control over your aim/view at all times, unless in special circumstances (inventory, map, etc).

A radial menu requires mouse input to effectively work. Taking away the instant reaction you should be able to have to aim at shoot at an immediate threat. It also takes away head looking with Alt-key for people without Track IR.

  1. A radial menu takes up screen real estate radially around the screen making all options easily accessible.

This precious screen real estate is used once again to be able to spot immediate threats and see important real time information at all times.

  1. A well implemented radial menu requires the text and/or icons to be easily readable immediately since you want people to be able to make their choice as quickly as possible, also you want the options to be consistent so the player can easily build muscle memory of all the options and knowledge of where each one will be every time.

Since Arma's actions are always changing because not all options are available at all times, this makes is, nigh on impossible to have consistent options (unless the unused ones are blanked out, then I'd ask, what the hell are there doing unusable options taking up precious screen real-estate?), which then make it impossible to build muscle memory, which then make it very difficult to make your choice extremely quickly with confidence. And with a game where every choice matters what you do down to the micro-seconds then why give your players doubt on what choices they know they want to do and what they think they are going to select and I very highly doubt that you'd want to doubt your you are doing with a game that requires such precision.

May 10 2016, 4:20 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T69085: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.


Please keep the derogatory comments off this feedback tracker, this is not a online forum, it's a feedback tracker for the devs to make the game better.

May 10 2016, 4:20 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T69085: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.


It's really not a difficult task for any graphics programmer to do an outline, it's the exact same way you get the cartoony outline in games like Borderlands.

May 10 2016, 4:20 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T69085: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

I believe this is what Dslyecxi wants with the asset outlining/highlighting.

Feel free to use it in the ticket description if you please.

May 10 2016, 4:20 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T69047: Shouldn't hold breath while zooming binocs, non-zoom sights.

Have you guys had a look at this, I largely use what Dsylecxi uses but of course changed some keys to better suit how I play. This keeps the zoom and hold breath keys separate.

May 10 2016, 4:18 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T68764: Horrible effect on 3D scopes.

You would not get glare on the scope from a light source behind you as your head would be blocking it. And as supercereal4 said, they are anti-glare for the times when the light would be coming in at a angle.

May 10 2016, 4:08 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T68548: Where is Altis?.

No, they said nothing about the community playing on Altis in the Beta, they stated that the island of Altis is being reserved for the full release.

May 10 2016, 3:58 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T68405: Arma 3 Not Ready for Beta?.

This kind of poll is for the forum, not a platform the dev's made for the community to help make to game better.

And here you are abusing it against what it clearly isn't for.

Alpha is for squashing bugs, and as far as I could tell the game was better as an early alpha as some of the games that have come out recently as a full release

Beta is for features and assets after the developers are confident that the game is working as planned (or close enough, never as planned though).

Please close this ticket so the moderators or the developers don't have to waste their time.

May 10 2016, 3:53 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii edited Steps To Reproduce on T68341: Picking up a rocket launcher when non-host in multiplayer loses the ammo..
May 10 2016, 3:51 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T68124: [Feature request] Realistic tracer ammunition behavior....

A couple particles to come off a shot wouldn't be all too demanding, only if you had 100 consecutive tracers hitting a wall at once.

But tracers sitting until burnout would be great, also has tactical benefits as well. it doesn't even have to emit light, they could just make it glow without being a dynamic light to save system resources.

May 10 2016, 3:42 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T67911: civilian car.

This isn't a problem with the sounds, it's a problem with the collision detection with PhysX and how much friction it's detecting on the tires.

May 10 2016, 3:35 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T67910: Aircraft carrier.

I would assume with how both the official maps are completely surrounded by water that they will have a few large ships in the game.

May 10 2016, 3:35 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T67908: infantry fighting.

Because that would be contradictory to Arma 3 being a war simulator, not a action first person shooter set in a war.

There's a reason why camouflage was invented and is used.

This isn't a problem with the game. Be alert, and stay near cover so you lessen the chance of being spotted first. And if they do spot you then you have time to identify with location of where the enemy is without being shot.

I think infantry is a little too easy to spot at long distances.

May 10 2016, 3:35 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T67896: Ability to create or edit maps.

There are plenty of map making tools out there that can lay down the terrain for Arma.

And if you want to make buildings for free then get Blender and start making 3D buildings. It really isn't that hard to do.

Also you can make your own bases using the assets already in the game in the editor, if you explore the editor you'll find a lot of things.

May 10 2016, 3:35 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T67840: Visual navigation point is barely visible..

It fades away when your looking at it so it doesn't obstruct your view because an enemy could be directly behind that marker and you wouldn't be able to see them at all.

If you want to see it clearly just look away from it for a second and then turn back.

But really, learn how to navigate on your own without visible markers, not only does it help you in game but you learn how to read maps for real life as well, and you never know when that might be crucial to saving your or somebody else's life.

May 10 2016, 3:33 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T67840: Visual navigation point is barely visible..

A game is not programmers, it is a game.

HUD is the correct term in game development when referring to what displays information to the player during game play.

The GUI when making games is what we refer to as the user being able to interact with during game play and other menus and items when in menu, etc.

May 10 2016, 3:33 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T67840: Visual navigation point is barely visible..

Your just on a mission to try and prove somebody wrong aren't you, now that somebody who works in the industry said that your little UI argument was wrong your now trying to get me with things I didn't say.

I said read a map, reading a map doesn't have to mean a compass as well. It's true that A3 doesn't have height lines every 10m or so but it does have radio towers, peaks, and other various landmarks, you can determine the rise and fall of the land off those and navigate from those. You don't need a compass, plus there is also the sun, moon and stars to navigate from.

And yes generally you are given a GPS but some mission designers (I'm one of them), and mods remove any type of GPS from your characters to make the mission a little bit more challenging.

And no, playing a video game won't make you shoot better with a real gun (which I never mentioned, how did this come into the conversation?), or read maps perfectly (which I never said), but you will be able to read a map with some skill, and no, it won't be perfect but by the lay of the land you can figure out generally where you are, and which way is north.

May 10 2016, 3:33 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66651: Equipement issues - NVG.

Are you on DEV build or default?

May 10 2016, 2:50 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66444: Night time (darkness) visual problem with [DEV] build....


Don't forget that being closer to the poles leaves you with a much thinner ozone layer. I don't know if that does affect how blue your night sky is (or lack thereof), but it could warrant some research.

I know from working long days on a farm in rural central-eastern Australia that the sky is almost black but not quite. And I'm taking into consideration that circumstances could be different in the Mediterranean regions that the night sky could be of stronger blue than what I see. But I've never been in the northern hemisphere so I couldn't tell you.

May 10 2016, 2:41 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66444: Night time (darkness) visual problem with [DEV] build....

I feel that a aperture of 12 is correct for the colouration of the night sky, but I know on a full moon the light coming from the moon to light up Earth is about as bright as it is on 0. You can very easily read a book, no problem on a full moon.

And please Gugla, please push for a high res star field. The night sky looks so empty with the few white dots Arma 3 has.

EDIT: used settings "setDate [2035,6,10, 00, 00]; setaperture 12;"

May 10 2016, 2:41 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66444: Night time (darkness) visual problem with [DEV] build....

rogerx is correct. The sky is only blue because of how the light from the sun refracts off our atmosphere space is pretty much black with few exceptions which the human eye can't see. And although Anachoretes is correct in stating that the moon reflects the light of the sun back to us, the light coming from the moon doesn't have the same properties as direct sun light to make the night anywhere near as blue as what it is in the game.

May 10 2016, 2:41 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66444: Night time (darkness) visual problem with [DEV] build....

It's true that with a full moon things are blue but the hue at which you see the environment is not as strong as it is in the game. Some times I spend months out spraying crops at night and being very far away from any bright lights (except the spray rig which most of the time I can't even see) and I don't recall the night with a full moon being as blue intensive as it is in the game. And yes reading a book on clear sky and full moon is very easy to do, I do it all the time and you don't even have to strain your eyes to read.

But even in a city (where I live most of the time), a full moon makes it so much easier to see as well, you can clearly see down strips of road and see every object and detail with ease. But on a moonless night you'll have a hard time seeing in between the street lamps.

May 10 2016, 2:41 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66444: Night time (darkness) visual problem with [DEV] build....

Out in the fields is reasonable, as a full moon will provide you with great visual clarity at night, but the blue hue is much to strong. A night with no (waning?) moon is very dark even with the stars, very difficult to see what's on the ground let alone make out individual trees in a woods area, although your eyes start to make out some stuff after an hour or two of basically seeing black.

In the town is pretty terrible though, the street lights shouldn't be as dark as they were, but they were a lot closer to how it should be than the new DEV build.

May 10 2016, 2:41 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66379: unit removeItem/removeWeapon "NVGoggles" doesn't work!.

To remove "NVGoggles" you have to first unassign them from the character.

this UnassignItem "NVGoggles"; this RemoveItem "NVGoggles";


removeAllAssignedItems this;

Sure I know that this is a bad excuse and it shouldn't stay in the game this way, you should be able to remove "NVGoggles" with out first unassigning them. But it's a temporary fix and it works (in the latest DEV build).

At least this is working for me, tell me if it doesn't work for you and I'll see if there is another temporary fix for it that you could use.

Also check to see if you had the -RemoveAllItems this;- command working (without the dashes) just to make sure you had the scripting right.

You should also correct this title of this ticket saying that RemoveItem didn't work as "NVGoggles" aren't a weapon but an inventory item.

May 10 2016, 2:39 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66377: Combat pace is too fast.

Combat pace is and should be exactly the same as having the sights up, it's just the same speed with more visibility and quicker engagement time than the normal jog/run

May 10 2016, 2:39 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66370: Random Crashin/ Maybe poor setting optim. on my part.

@jrmorgan1014, compress any files above the 2k limit into a zip then I found the best way is to put it into a public folder of my DropBox account or Google Drive (or any other cloud storage service) and then pass the link on into here.

It's great because you control what's in the service at all times and plus the links don't expire until you delete the file from the cloud storage.

May 10 2016, 2:39 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66370: Random Crashin/ Maybe poor setting optim. on my part.

Just to help out Bohemia

Change the category of this ticket to Game Crash

and set your severity to a high value

May 10 2016, 2:39 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66365: No difference between the 6-character and the 8-character.

Having to set the interface size higher when the game supports "Very Small" is a great temporary fix, but BI should make all text readable on all interface sizes.

May 10 2016, 2:39 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66365: No difference between the 6-character and the 8-character.

you could also include brackets ( ) and square brackets [ ]

They look exactly the same

May 10 2016, 2:39 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66338: Calling in Artillery: Improper Radio Etiquette.

This should be a feature request, not categorised as anims.

May 10 2016, 2:36 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66317: Arma 3 not running out of steam..

@Dr Death
Steam is a type of DRM. Firstly you need to be logged into a service, which is a form of DRM, which in this case is Steam. And you need a CD key or game activation code which is another form of DRM. It then checks the Steam servers if your credentials are correct, which is online activation, which is a form of DRM. Then every time you log into Steam it verifies that you have the proper credentials to play a game, which in this case is Arma 3, which is yet another form of DRM.

If you want proof of this, don't log into Steam and try running the game from the .exe in its install folder. It will deny you the privilege of playing the game unless Steam is running.

DRM has been around since the days of floppy disks, it take all various forms. Always online DRM is but a small piece of the DRM pie.

May 10 2016, 2:36 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66317: Arma 3 not running out of steam..

This should be filed as a bug report proper, not seeking advice, try to give BI as much details of the process as possible, which alpha version are you using? the default build or the dev build? Give them your DXDiag, give them the error report Arma 3 creates when it crashes, and change the severity for this ticket.

Edit this ticket to change the severity of it and other details and if you don't know how to do the other things, at the very top right of this site there is a "HOW TO GUIDE" in a red button that explains everything else.

May 10 2016, 2:36 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T66269: Occlusion Culling for structures (Rendering technique, huge performance saver since DX9).

If object culling wasn't implemented your computer would crash every time you started a game. Games like Arma just wouldn't be possible to do without it. Even the beastliest of the beastly computers wouldn't be able to handle Altis.

It is possible that Arma doesn't cull behind geometry, which the techniques for doing so were vastly improved with DX11(or 10, I can't remember), but I've never bothered finding out if that is the case.

DX 11 bought many improvements that improved performance with rendering in games, it's just that we've hardly seen them as most games have been DX9 compatible and unable to use techniques because the time spent implementing such techniques was not worth while for developers.

May 10 2016, 2:34 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65890: Distant gun fire should sound like pops.

Ok I get you now, it's alright, english isn't the first language for everyone in the world. You might want to copy/paste this description to yours to clarify what you mean.


I'll start with saying that the new sound is MUCH better, huge difference with the distances on weapon sounds.

Another thing that should be added/edited is the popping sound from distant shots. The sounds that firearms make at large distances is just a pop, at large distances they lose the distinct sounds that identify each gun and just sound like a pop.

If this is added, sound will be awesome in this game :)

That's basically the same statement you made but a bit clearer on what your intentions are for this ticket. Good luck :)

Oh and change the title of this ticket from
"Add Second Poppin sound to Arms"
"Distant gun fire should sound like pops"
and that'll communicate much better for what people expect from your ticket

May 10 2016, 2:18 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65890: Distant gun fire should sound like pops.

I'm not sure what popping sound your referring to in the video. That popping sound in the video isn't from your weapon fired, it's from very distant firing. And if that's what you're referring to with your ticket, you haven't made it very clear.

May 10 2016, 2:18 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65881: Tracers at the bottom of 30Rnd magazines are a liability.

Arma is a military sim first and foremost, which means, simulating the military structure and that's the way Arma will always be, BI have no intention at all to make Arma the next CoD, although they would love to sell a billions copies they won't compromise the game that their fan base has been playing for over a decade, because it is this dedicated fan base that has kept the Arma series alive for so long and are the one's who mod it to create the experiences they want out of their game. If you really want a game that panders to the your play style then there are other games out there and if you not satisfied with how BI have done their game then mod the crap out of it or wait for a mod to do the same.

Bohemia's loyalty works both ways, the fans of the Arma series are incredibly loyal as they have helped shape the Arma series over the years with all the feedback, just as BI are incredibly loyal to their fans because as I said, it's their feedback that keeps Arma alive and improving every day. Players like you have come and gone with each Arma game but it's the people who love the military sim part of the military simulator game that have stayed and made what Arma is today.

May 10 2016, 2:17 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65881: Tracers at the bottom of 30Rnd magazines are a liability.

I'm assuming Deadfast is referring to that a marksman is always part of a squad more or less to provide spotting and cover for said squad. A sniper on the other hand can be lone or, much more likely, have a spotter with them. As a soldier in the modern military, you just about never do anything on your own.

May 10 2016, 2:17 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65881: Tracers at the bottom of 30Rnd magazines are a liability.

If your interest in games only lasts about 3-6 months then you joined Arma 3 at the worst time possible. The Alpha is just bare bones for BI to be able to work out as many issues with the engine as possible, the Beta might take forever to have a decent amount of assets and features (that aren't broken) in there to create a great and diverse game that your hoping for, not only that but the game doesn't even have a release date yet. It's expected to be Q3 this year but that's set in the most malleable material ever and not in stone.

I'm not patronizing you. I'm just saying that the game that your expecting/hoping to play is still a long ways off. And seriously, the worst time possible to join ;)

But in the mean time you could probably just port over the Arma 2 stuff (if you have it) to create a asset rich game and find the servers that support it. There's tutorials all over the net for the porting.

May 10 2016, 2:17 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65881: Tracers at the bottom of 30Rnd magazines are a liability.

This is a Alpha, BI have stated time and time again that they are focusing on getting the feel for what they have in the game right and to fix as many bugs as possible, added features like this that they can easily do (and probably already have done) is for the Beta. BI's priority is to get the game working with as little issues as possible first and then bring in all the features in the Beta.

But if you really want that right now you could just get or make a mod that takes those magazines and removes the tracers from them.

May 10 2016, 2:17 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65863: Creepy hand shadows.


But although almost unnoticeable it is a little unnerving when you accidentally see that shadow from behind you.

May 10 2016, 2:16 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65861: Ctrl & Shift Block Arrow Movement Key.

I just tried it out on my game, I didn't have the problem. Have you tried it in other games since this started happening in Arma 3? And can you use that same Ctrl and Shift with other keys?

May 10 2016, 2:16 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65861: Ctrl & Shift Block Arrow Movement Key.

It could be the actual keyboard this is a problem. The reason why WASD is the default is because hardware manufactures support it nowadays than what the default used to be 2 decades ago.

This explains why your keyboard could be limiting your key presses because of hardware limitations

To combat this as best a possible hardware manufacturers add better support for multiple key presses around the WASD, left-Shift, left-Ctrl, and Space keys. I doubt you'll find a keyboard with better support for multiple presses around the arrow keys

May 10 2016, 2:16 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65856: Release a sophisticated editor guide!.

I'd rather BI focus on making a 3D editor that works but, as with Grezvany13 and Kid18120 there is more than enough community resources to effectively learn how to do just about anything in Arma, learning how to do great things in Arma just means practice make perfect.

As with any great game designer ever. Start simple, try your ideas and keep testing them and building on everything you learn. Designing games is not a easy thing, it takes a lot of time and some people have the motivation to create great things while others just want to only do it if there is some easy way, which there never is (There are easier ways but never a easy way). If you want to create great missions then start creating, there is nothing stopping you, all the tools that you'll ever need are right there.

I'm a modeller and a animator, I love seeing things visually, it's the reason that when BI announced that they would have a usable 3D editor I'm pretty sure I pee'd myself a little out of excitement and, it's the reason why I absolutely love working in the Unreal Engine so much.
But I wanted to learn how to make missions for my friends and I to play so I searched for some video tutorials on YouTube (I still prefer to learn things visually, Check out ArmaIdiot for Arma 3 tutorials and read the comments as they sometimes have a better solution) to get me started and then I jumped on the BI wiki when I wanted to go further with my mission design and now I'm pretty comfortable scripting missions for Arma 3, but not too complex as yet, I only started 2 weeks ago (though some things are still inconsistent and buggy which is frustrating but it's a Alpha).

May 10 2016, 2:16 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65717: Game crash around helicopter eject.

I haven't had the problem since the update, it was happening every ~ 3-7 times. I tested it out about 20 times and didn't have the crash. You can close this ticket and I will re-open if it happens again, I will be keeping a close eye on that area so I can try to pinpoint the problem.


May 10 2016, 2:10 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii edited Steps To Reproduce on T65717: Game crash around helicopter eject.
May 10 2016, 2:10 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65649: FEATURE REQUEST: Ability to choose the shape of unit placements & waypoints..

This would cause problems as it's very easily possible for the game to spawn units inside a rock as it only takes into account the terrain coordinates, not any assets placed on top.

And way points can be made elliptical, just change to X and Y values to be different

May 10 2016, 2:07 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65562: Unarmed people pose as if holding a gun in the Helicopters.

Ok will do, thank you.

May 10 2016, 2:04 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii edited Steps To Reproduce on T65563: Sand should glisten and (possibly) reflect more light.
May 10 2016, 2:04 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii edited Steps To Reproduce on T65562: Unarmed people pose as if holding a gun in the Helicopters.
May 10 2016, 2:04 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii edited Steps To Reproduce on T65429: Foliage doesn't have that 'sheen' from reflecting light.
May 10 2016, 1:58 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65429: Foliage doesn't have that 'sheen' from reflecting light.

The problem appears to be fixed, though I would like the leaves to be a little bit more shiny on the closest LOD on a bit more foliage but I won't complain further if you choose not to.

You may close the ticket if you please.

Oh and please give my thanks to who ever fixed the collision on the rocks, it's a godsend for improved movement.

Thank you.

May 10 2016, 1:58 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65426: [0.55.103923] Rain setting missing in editor.

They haven't implemented rain yet so disabling the option is the best way to stop people from complaining that it isn't working.

So at the moment in this stage of development the missing rain isn't a bug, and it's a road mapped feature, so I would say that this ticket is unnecessary.

May 10 2016, 1:58 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65199: Game needs more video options.


That's because on disable the game doesn't have to do anything, but on low the game has to render from a new camera point as well as render your view. So really you computer has to render the game twice. And I think the difference between low to high is just the update rate, though I could be wrong.

There's pretty much nothing BI can do to improve picture in picture apart from add independent detail settings for PiP cameras.

May 10 2016, 1:51 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65199: Game needs more video options.

I guess it could have always been in their road map so regardless if someone made a ticket of this or not they still possibly could have done it.

They say they have added support but no UI data so you might be able to check out a .ini file with the new settings until they add support in the UI.

May 10 2016, 1:51 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65199: Game needs more video options.

Just so you guys know

Changelog for the latest DEV build

exe rev 06264

FIX: APOLimeiter effect for sounds
Adjusted names for units in radio protocol
FIX: Thermal Imaging now works even for proxies
Increased performance of particle effect

**Added support for new video options in engine (UI data are in progress)**

So it is happening but I'm guessing that for BI Alpha is for squashing bugs and the soon to be beta is for features, and this is technically a feature.

May 10 2016, 1:51 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T65199: Game needs more video options.

I support this, but one thing

(optional) Texture detail and special textures separate, allowing users to high the highest resolution textures without using the normal maps, great for cards that do not support advanced shaders.

If your trying to play the game on a PS2 that would be a problem but the minimum specs for this game are a DX10 compatible card. This game is DX10 and up. Some of the things mentioned on here wouldn't be a problem. They just need to offload some things to separate CPU cores as that's where the bottleneck is.
GPU works fine and I'm surprised how efficiently they have the game running just off two cores (I believe that it's the PhysX that's offloaded to the other core) and a decent GPU. What the problem that people are seeing with the GPU under utilisation is the CPU unable to keep up with what the GPU wants to do and it's creating quite a severe bottleneck for the GPU.

May 10 2016, 1:51 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T64958: Port All ArmA2 Units, Weapons & Vehicles to ArmA3.

76, sorry but that's a pretty piss poor excuse to not do research. If your going to accuse someone of making stuff up just because it looks a little bit futuristic, then you should do the research to see how many prototypes and how much equipment today is starting to look like that.

Also a lot of stuff in Crysis is based off prototypes as well with a little bit of artistic liberty here and there, basing things off real stuff is called hard sci-fi and it is done much more than you think in books/movies/games

May 10 2016, 1:43 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T64511: realistic ballistic curves, projectile speeds and loosing energy until point of impact.

Although I think wind affecting a bullet would be good, it would also be bad.

Wind is something that we feel with our skin and hair. You don't have that constant kinetic feedback and being able to approximate how strong the wind is and what direction it's going, not only that but I've noticed plenty of times when throwing a smoke grenade that the wind in the game changes, a lot, in fact far too much. The most common time I see wind being so volatile with it's speed and direction is normally around dawn and dusk.

I'm perfectly fine with the wind affecting the bullets being left out of vanilla Arma 3. I'll wait for ACE mod to implement it and add in the additional wind measuring instruments for my sniper missions.

May 10 2016, 1:27 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T64462: Sitting down or laying down should regenerate stamina faster.

After running long distances your better off walking for a good while than your are stopping/sitting/laying. You want your body to get rid of the lactic acid in your muscles and walking helps the oxygen get back into your muscles better than stopping/sitting/laying, and lack of oxygen and fuel is what causes fatigue in the first place, so I can't agree with this.

May 10 2016, 1:25 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T64291: Proper glass reflections.

The map size has nothing to do with PiP, however the view distance does and how much detail is rendered off the reflection.

Really I don't care if they make it PiP or keep the HDR Map as the reflection, it's such a minute detail when your trying to stop yourself from dying.

Plus if the angle of incidence of the reflection was done right, what you would see off the reflection is what you could see it you turned your head 45 degrees or less because of convex scope optics.

May 10 2016, 1:20 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T63980: The watch should display AM or PM.

I think one of the reasons for having a 12 hour watch is for navigation purposes. Though I'm not sure that you can use a 24 hour watch as a make shift compass. And how can you seriously not be able to tell the difference between night and day, the lighting engine is vastly improved so even when it is cloudy in A3 it's nowhere near as dark as night time. A2 had the problem of being pitch black but A3 isn't bad. And I enjoy making missions that require the player to have some knowledge of navigation without a compass, it's knowledge that you learn for the game and helps you out in real life as well.

May 10 2016, 1:08 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T63459: Jamming / Malfunctions of small arms.

Better, though unless you can make frictionless, self maintaining material, then it'll never be perfect.

May 10 2016, 12:41 AM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T62533: [Feature request] Dragging / carrying bodies or injured soldiers.

^^ I guess you could to that in scripting with triggers

May 10 2016, 12:05 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Nicolii added a comment to T61531: Sprint too fast and urealistic.

If you want the animation changed then create a new ticket to reflect that. What is said in both the title and the category doesn't say anything about the animation. But again in the link I posted in my earlier comment, BI are working on both movement speed and the animation that goes along with it from the forum feedback specifically about this issue and the one your complaining about (and many others).

There is no point in bringing up an issue that isn't related to the issue that the ticket is created for, it doesn't help BI in any way (animation and movement speed aren't related so don't try to argue that point, one is a issue for the programmers/designers the other is for the animators).

This feedback tracker is hugely efficient and a excellent system for reporting problems but people need to learn how to give effective feedback to BI for it to be efficient.

May 9 2016, 11:11 PM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T61531: Sprint too fast and urealistic.

zzecool: Yes we know you are talking about the stable builds but we are saying that BI are already working on the movement speeds and testing it out with feedback with people who are participating in the DevBuild.

If you want to give feedback to BI about what the movement speeds are like then your feedback on the DevBuild where they are tweaking the speeds would be much more useful to them, as your feedback for how it isn't at the moment is kinda of irrelevant as it is.

We are working on fine tuning the speed of the movement as the forum link I posted here earlier will enable you to see what they have done, and what they are doing.

May 9 2016, 11:10 PM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T61531: Sprint too fast and urealistic.

Just so you know the movement speeds are currently being worked on and tested in the Dev Build

I can say from being part of the Dev Build all the movement speeds except sprinting feel much better. The speed of most movement has been slowed down a bit and the animations have been adjusted to better match representing the speed of the movement.

May 9 2016, 11:10 PM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T60844: Trees and other vegetation, not affected by terrain shadows.

This is because the terrain doesn't cast a dynamic shadows off dynamic lights.

Although dynamic lights have been improved somewhat, the lack of dynamic shadows make it impossible to hide in a building at night when a street light shouldn't have rays of light touching the inside of the building because the engine isn't calculating what should and shouldn't be casting a shadow caused by the light.

The sun and moon are the only dynamic light that casts dynamic shadows from objects not including the terrain.

BI already have a system for casting dynamic shadows off lights in place, they use it for the trees and buildings etc. affected by the sun/moon, so I expect all BI have done is disabled a any light that isn't the sun/moon light to cast dynamic shadows. And all BI would need to do to make the shadows work is just change one value (or more depending on how the code is written) from FALSE to TRUE for the lights from vehicles, flashlights, etc.

I also think this would be true for the terrain if they have it coded in.

Although the performance hit would be pretty huge BI should still make it a option in the video setting for the people who want to sacrifice performance for a better more realistic light rendering system. And they could possibly add in the option to fine tune what lights casts dynamic shadows and what don't.

Also it'd be a good way to get better visual fidelity as the years pass by and GPU's get better and better.

Forgive me for any mistakes, I am very tired from E3.

May 9 2016, 10:17 PM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T60692: Smoke passes through objects and building walls.

EXE rev 06546

Added: Scripting support for CTree UI control
Added: RPT header now contains allocator library used in the game
Added: AI is now better able to adjust shots at longer distances
Fixed: AI is better in choice of weapons
Added: Doppler effect to modify source frequency

**Added: PhysX particles have been enabled (technology test only so far!)***

Added: New colision sound sources for soldiers and small trees
Optimized complexity of hash map optimizations

It's very much possible that soon particles won't be able to pass though walls. But we'll have to see how well this test goes internally before it gets passed onto the DEV build.

May 9 2016, 9:54 PM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T60692: Smoke passes through objects and building walls.

Since this game already has PhysX integration they could just offload the calculations for smoke particles to PhysX and getting them to reconise collisions with uhhh collisions..? Walls, vehicles etc. (I don't think the other particles are important enough to have PhysX calculations as they are trying to keep PhysX only on the CPU and the performace hit would be huge)

This is the cheapest way to not have rain obscuring your view indoors. Just about every game ever uses this exact same technique as having rain not go indoor regardless of where you are means setting up individual volumes in the game or, actually having the rain with calculated physics, and with all the AI and physics calculations in Arma stressing the CPU to the max I think I'd rather my calculations going into the AI and the physics than adding extra calculations for volumes indicating where the rain should and shouldn't be hitting or physics calculations for the rain itself.

May 9 2016, 9:54 PM · Arma 3
Nicolii added a comment to T59720: Shadows are not anti-aliased correctly..

You don't AA shadows, you increase the shadow resolution, it's more efficient.

I'm not even sure that you can actually apply AA to shadows. I've never had the option to do it in any game engine, you just increase the shadow resolution.

May 9 2016, 7:10 PM · Arma 3