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- User Since
- Aug 5 2013, 5:22 PM (606 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
I misunderstood the task, there is no bug and the tasks functions properly.
However the Temporary Results placeholder pop-up appears even if you drill at the ASPX task locations which it probably is not supposed to.
Closing as duplicate of 0000032: Time skip amount does not change despite setting.
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Closing as duplicate of: 0000159: Landers won't stay landed sometimes.
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Closing as duplicate of: 0000087: Kaiser Crater camera targets 11, 12, 14 and 15 do not work
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Closing as duplicate of: 0000087: Kaiser Crater camera targets 11, 12, 14 and 15 do not work
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Make sure you have the latest development build to receive real-time fixes.
Properties -> Betas -> Development
Closing as duplicate of: 0000022: Thrust effect is not aligned with thrusters on the landers
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Please make sure you do have the latest version.
First of all make sure you have the development build selected
properties -> betas -> development
after that please verify the integrity of the game cache
switch to local files tab -> verify integrity of game cache
Following that please try to reproduce the issue. If the problem persists please let us know and we will investigate.
Closing as duplicate of: 0000159: Landers won't stay landed sometimes
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I believe this has already been fixed today. Please try updating your game and seeing if the problem persists.
Confirmed. "National" characters are not displayed on Mars.
Thank you for the report.
Can you please attach a dxdiag report of your computer for checking (no sensitive personal information will be collected):
- Open the Start menu.
- In Windows XP, click on 'Run'. In Vista/7, continue to step 3.
- Type 'dxdiag' (without the quotes).
- Press Enter.
- In dxdiag window, click on 'Save All Information' button.
- Attach the resulting file to this report.
Thank you.
It seems that your graphics card drivers are almost 3 years old. Please try updating your graphics card drivers and see if the issue persists.
Right click the game in your library -> Properties -> Betas -> Select Development
afterwards switch to the Local Files tab -> click "Verify Integrity of Game Cache"
Please try updating to the latest development version. I believe this has been fixed today. Try reproducing the issue. Should you succeed, please let us know and we will ivestigate.
APXS completes no problem on the current public development build. Please make sure you have the correct instrument selected and that the right instrument is touching the ground.
I can confirm the photo targets not working.
Closing as duplicate of: 0000216: Lander Camera mode stuck on, camera GUI not loading
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Fixed in the latest public development build.
Issue confirmed by internal testing.
Landing camera remains after a lander lands.
Thank you for the report.
Hey guys, thanks for the reports. I will close this ticket and merge it with the duplicate by DaSkippa, seeing as he has screenshots and all.
Issue confirmed on the save file that is attached.
Scanning the rocks does not complete the tasts.
Thank you for the report.
Confirmed by internal testing.
Thank you for the report!
Closing as duplicate of 0000095: Camera on the rover points in back
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This is a known issue. Please try lowering your Physics Simulation Detail to lower the likelihood of failure.
Confirmed by internal testing. There is no way to use more than 6 cameras even if they are equipped.
Thank you for the report.
Closing as duplicate of: 0000085: Landers
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It seems that you have landed during dawn. Like Bigdave said, this does not seem to be an actual bug.
Confirmed in internal testing. Usually happens when you resume Space Program in the main menu.
Thanks for the report!
Tested and it is working as intended.
What happens is that the game keeps rendering the cursor at the position it was last before your cursor went to the other screen. When you right click you actually click on the other screen therefore the "alt+tab" is working as it should.
Please disconnect any gamepads or joysticks you may have connected to your computer if your rover keeps driving right without you touching the keyboard.
If the rover turns right when you are driving forward, it is possible that some of your wheels have been damaged which can cause slight turns.
the "problem" you are having is that you are facing the wrong way :)
By default the APXS is located on the front of the rover. Your rover is facing away from the rock. If you have placed your APXS on the back, its possible it cannot reach the rock because of the solar arrays.
The texts in the game are not fully implemented and proof reading is yet to be done. Thank you for your feedback however!
64bit executable is not necessary.
The game is of course made for 64bit systems. Can you please specify what problem you are having exactly?
Bigdave is pretty much correct.
The game's recommended configuration lists 4GB of RAM which is more than enough of RAM for this particular game.
What made you think otherwise if I may ask?
Good point, will check.
Okay, I have retested this with the highest physics simulation detail and it does seem that the panels fall off a little too easily. I keep losing one of the panels after driving over a tiny little rock that barely makes my rover bounce.
The radiation analysis device seems even more fragile than the solar arrays and breaks off sometimes for no apparent reason.
Lowering the physics simulation detail seems to improve the situation a great deal so I would recommend lowering it while we look into this.
Thank you for the reports everyone! Much appreciated!
I have been driving around the test area for about an hour and the solar arrays are still holding even though I was trying pretty hard to break them somehow. I've actually broke off different instruments.
Can you please provide more insight into what exactly you were doing (driving across level surface, dunes, rocks etc) when the arrays came off as well as what other equipment you had on your rover?
You are correct. We have already seen this issue during internal testing.
Thank you for the report!
Closing as duplicate of: 0000163: Night vision gets dark in the day
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Vehicles not landing is a known issue.
Seen here:
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There is currently no way to control thrusters, the landing is automated while the landing feature is being worked on.
Issue confirmed by internal testing.
Awaiting resolution.
Thank you for your report!
Unable to reproduce on both stable and dev builds.
Please try setting the HUD option in the main menu and then entering the game.
I successfully reproduced the issue in the end. However, I managed to get rid of it as well.
I simply connected to a vehicle, entered the options (arcade is selected), I select normal, go back to game (still normal hud), open options again (normal is selected), select arcade, go back to game (arcade hud).
Please try doing this to fix the problem.
I have updated the steps to reproduce with reproduction of the error.
Please try lowering your "Physics Simulation Detail" in the game's options. This seems to be a valid workaround to the prolonged landings.
Confirmed by internal testing. It is possible to lift the lander using the drill or robotic arm in a way that causes the lander to fly up in the air and "re-land". The landing waypoint is also displayed.
Awaiting resolution.
Thank you for the report.
I can confirm this issue. Rover wheels appear to be damaged easily especially during and/or shortly after landing without any apparent cause (ie. crashing into a rock).
Closing as duplicate of: 0000022: Thrust effect is not aligned with thrusters on the landers
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Can you please add a screenshot with the objective marker visible? Please make sure you can see the title of the marker as well. If you could display the mission in the mission tab of the hud that would be great!
It seems (its kind of hard to tell) that you are putting your drill into the ground, not the probe. The probe is located an a different side of the robo arm's head. Try rotating the arm's head with the PROBE 1 instrument selected.
Note that saving the screenshot as .jpg should be quite enough to reduce its side. Compression should not be necessary.
Are you sure you rotated the arm's head in the right direction when using the probe? Please attach a screenshot of the robotic arm so I can see if you are positioning your arm correctly.
Was not able to reproduce the issue.
Please make sure that the instrument is inserted into the ground and that the correct instrument is selected on the left side of the HUD.
Simply click where it says "INST" and then select the "PROBE 1" instrument from the list.
This issue is related to an existing one (0000042: 3d resolution scale).
Try changing the Resolution Scale setting in the option to see if that gets rid of the problem.
It will be addressed of course. I will close this report as it is a duplicate of the one I mentioned earlier. You can follow the progress on the issue there.
Closing as duplicate of: 0000049: Program the rover.
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Closing as duplicate of: 0000065: Two impact craters - Task: ANALYZE: Rock Scan 02 not completing properly
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To speed up the landings, please try lowering your "Physics Simulation Detail" setting in the game's options.
Closing as duplicate of: 0000049: Program the rover
"Tempomat" is already implemented.
Could you please send the dxdiag report of your computer for checking (no sensitive personal information will be collected):
- Press WinKey + R.
- Type 'dxdiag' (without the quotes).
- Press Enter.
- In dxdiag window, click on 'Save All Information' button.
- Attach the resulting file to this report.
Also, more detailed steps to reproduction of the issue would be appreciated!
Closed as duplicate of: 0000059: Rovers will not land
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Closing this issue as it was not actually a bug.
Confirmed in internal testing.
Updated steps to reproduce.
Awaiting resolution.
Thank you for the report!
Tasks 11, 12, 14 and 15 in the Ancient Floodplains confirmed as impossible to complete by internal testing.
Awaiting resolution.
Thank you for the reports!
Was able to reproduce the issue. No specific repro, only had to land the very first lander two times to reproduce.
Physics setting was set to the second lowest one during the attempt.
I could hear the thrusters sound throughout the whole time of taking pictures/samples.
The texts in the game are not final and proof reading is yet to be done.
Thank you for your feedback however!
Closing as duplicate of: 0000059: Rovers will not land
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As a workaround, please try lowering your "Physics Simulation Detail" in the game's options to see if the descent speed increases.
Closing as duplicate of: 0000049: Program the rover.
Please use the search function before posting issues. Thank you!
Oops, I missed your save before, UbioZur. I checked your savegame now and even though i was able to complete the task in the end, it took me several attempts. At first it was enough to just move to the opposite side of the rock, but when I tried it again it was still giving me trouble.
I've consulted Dram and he promised he'd have a look at it.
Thanks for your reports and files, guys. We appreciate it even if I was acting skeptical at first :)
Could not reproduce the issue. The task completes no problem. Please note that APXS is fairly sensitive and needs to be set up in the right direction (very subtle movements might be required).
You can still run the scan even if you are not set up properly which will naturally not finish the task.
The best way to set up the APXS is to get the hud to flash red and display the message "READY".
Please refer to the screenshot TKOMQAtest.jpg in the attachments.
Yes, approaching from a different angle is also possible.
The "READY" message should be enough. Only time I failed to scan properly with this message displayed is when I slid down a slope while scanning which interrupted the process.
I have no problem moving the rover very slightly by just tapping the appropriate direction key(s).
Like i said I never reproduced the issue and completed the scans on the first try. As far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with the trigger. The problem is you are not aligning your rover correctly.
Issue confirmed by internal testing.
Unable to take screenshots using steam while in fullscreen mode. Windowed mode works fine.
Awaiting resolution.
Thank you for the reports!
Thank you for your feeedback!
This issue is currently known to us, please try lowering your "Physics Simulation Detail" in the game's options to see if the descent speed increases.
We have actually identified the problem. This is not a bug.
The time skips correctly, you just have to click the value before skipping time.
We agree that this is confusing however and we will change the interface so that it is more intuitive.
As other have already said it is not possible to merge Make Take On Mars with Arma 3. Each game utilizes a fundamentally different engine and file formats as mentioned by Zalifer.
It was possible to merge Take On Helicopters with Arma 2 because they were both using the Real Virtuality engine which is not the case with Arma 3 and Take On Mars.
Hello, thank you for your feedback.
Please try lowering your "Physics Simulation Detail" in the game's options to see if the descent speed increases.
Issue confirmed by internal testing.
Awaiting resolution.
Thank you for the report!
Please note that by default the APXS is located on the FRONT of the of the rover. On your screenshot, the rover's back is facing the rock. Please confirm that the issue persists after you made sure that the correct instrument is facing the rock.
I was not able to reproduce the issue. I scanned the rock without a problem.
Confirmed by internal testing.
Awaiting resolution.
Thank you for the report!
As cky said, this is currently working as intended.
The recharge process is currently not working as it should and therefore we allow players to move even without power to avoid a show stopper.
this is likely a problem with the Steam client. As such, you will have to contact the Steam customer support through
Unfortunately we cannot assist you in any way when it comes to BattlEye bans. You will have to wait until they respond.
You cannot get your character back this way. Characters are not stored locally on the computer. The only character that is saved on your computer is the one on the main menu screen which is what you have been copying. Upon connecting to a server you will not load the same character.
Thanks, but I really need to see where he's duping his gear.
Hi there,
can you please let me know at what time in the video the streamer dupes his gear?
we are aware of this issue and are already working on a fix.
Please keep monitoring this issue for future updates on the situation.
Thank you for your feedback!
Everything seems to be in order as far as hardware configuration is concerned. Can you please check if the issue persists if you use speakers or a different set of headphones?
please upload your dxdiag file for us to have a look at.
You can get your dxdiag file thusly:
Open the Start menu
Type "dxdiag"
Press Enter
Click "Save All Information"
Upload the resulting file here
This is a duplicate report. Please use the search function before posting an issue.
Refer to #77 for further development or to provide additional information on the issue.
Thank you.
we are aware of this issue and are already working on a fix.
Please keep monitoring this issue for future updates on the situation.
Thank you for your feedback!
This is a duplicate report. Please use the search function before posting an issue.
Refer to #78 for further development or to provide additional information on the issue.
Thank you.