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Taking screenshots via Steam doesn't work
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


It seems to be a common bug. Launch the game, hit f12. For some players it works, for others it doesn't. No more information on that, after f12 just nothing happens. There are 2 threads on Steam forum about it.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Launch the game. Press Steam screenshot key (f12 by default).

Event Timeline

Bohemia added a project: Restricted Project.May 9 2016, 9:48 AM
FeltHat edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 2 2013, 12:25 PM
FeltHat set Category to category:bugs.
FeltHat set Reproducibility to Always.
FeltHat set Severity to None.
FeltHat set Resolution to Open.
FeltHat set Legacy ID to 68254814.May 9 2016, 9:48 AM
bardosy added a subscriber: bardosy.May 9 2016, 9:48 AM

It works for me without problem. I took a lot of screenshots with steam in TOM.

FeltHat added a subscriber: FeltHat.May 9 2016, 9:48 AM

i dont want to sound mean but did you read my description? "For some players it works, for others it doesn't." You really think i didnt check that before i made this ticket? Even if it works for you, problem still exists for others. I'd say that by downvoting this you want others to not have that possibility to take screenshots like you do.

There seems to be a split within the community with this. Some it works, others it doesn't. For me it doesn't.


You can get it to work by switching to windowed mode. Not ideal, but a work around.

It seems that the problem arises from fullscreen mode somehow.

i confirmed this, its works with windowed mode

Works without problems in any mode.

Issue confirmed by internal testing.

Unable to take screenshots using steam while in fullscreen mode. Windowed mode works fine.

Awaiting resolution.

Thank you for the reports!

Lima added a subscriber: Lima.May 9 2016, 9:48 AM
Lima added a comment.Sep 7 2014, 6:35 AM

I'm also having the same problem
is very much needed this function
and for those who aren't having the problem...good, for you