Thank you for the report veleho.
This is going to be investigated by BattlEye.
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Jan 13 2025
Hello OngLok.
Please upload the following files:
Thank you, this will be investigated by BattlEye.
Thank you, this will be investigated by BattlEye.
Thank you.
According to the dev team, this is as designed due to the new control change from version 1.2.1
You can find more info here:
Resolved for 1.27
You can use this website to generate game sound effects.
Sound Effect Generator
Fails to "create" existing, custom directory too
17:13:20.112 DEFAULT (E): WorkshopApi: Could not create directory /home/server/armaRef/mods/addons/
Hello steffenbk.
This has been intentional design change.
In T183542#2714128, @Geez wrote:In T183542#2713259, @Geez wrote:Hello everyone, can you please let us know if this still occurs after the release of 1.27?
Please keep in mind to check this after the 1.27 update. The current update is still 1.26
1.26.159040 same bullshit on chernarus
Same shit.....
In T169722#2735670, @falcon91 wrote:@Geez have not seen this in multiple months aside from I got randomly stuck into a rock the other day on Arland. I'll have to find what rock, but it's a small bug compared to the others.
In T169722#2736543, @falcon91 wrote:So, this issue is mostly fixed, but the issue of players falling through the map is back, I'm not sure how the guy did it, but somehow he fell through the map getting out of a humvee on Arland @Geez may want to check into this some more to be safe. I saw this happen on one of the US-SF servers yesterday, we were laying mines down that we stole from a damaged humvee just before the gas station heading west out of Beauregard.
Yes, I can confirm this bug. It occurs after a few grenades on the official server. Experimental. It only helps to jump from a high object. The character then returns the pin. During this process - you can't jump - and you move like a snail. Even after you have “repaired” yourself, the character appears damaged. I run much slower and you can no longer throw grenades. I could only do this when I opened the map several times, ran around wildly, put down my main weapon and picked it up again.
The barbed wires remain and are no longer despawned. Thank you. This report is no longer valid.
The barbed wires remain and are no longer despawned. Thank you. Closing this report.
I fixed it for some reason it moved some files to one drive.
Found them Geez
based on my experience playing other game like Greyzone warfare which is also very FPS limited if you dont have a upper end 40 series card, everything in the distance looks super blurry when using FSR or DLSS. Those who need it for the frames will use it but its almost impossible playing without a magnified optic if you want to shoot anything beyond 50 meters. The AI generally spot you sooner then youd see them trying to scan with ironsights.
9800X3D, RTX 3090 here. Game is severely GPU bound.
This is not the first time I see something like this. There isn't a large player base and we still see a lot of hackers.
What are the actions you are going to take to prevent this and compensate the players who are reporting the hackers?
The first picture is the menu stuck on the second is after I have used the radial menu. Game Vers
The menu stays stuck on even after re-spawn or in game master control and when viewing the map
I am having this same issue, running Combat OP Everon hosting locally with a couple friends, no mods. It has happened in the last two sessions. No network issues, same issue, but I am running Win11
In T188160#2736094, @byNautiic wrote:Seems to be resolved for a future version:
Jan 12 2025
Related, we just crashed two full helicopters (Huey transport, Mi-8 armed) into each other and the server froze completely around 1 minute after, which is a few seconds after the destroyed helis hit the ground. Server 100015
22:45 CET 12 January
Hey I am here to report the same issue, unfortunately.
Please remove comments of "KingCurls" regarding all iterations of this problem. His comments are misleading.
So, this issue is mostly fixed, but the issue of players falling through the map is back, I'm not sure how the guy did it, but somehow he fell through the map getting out of a humvee on Arland @Geez may want to check into this some more to be safe. I saw this happen on one of the US-SF servers yesterday, we were laying mines down that we stole from a damaged humvee just before the gas station heading west out of Beauregard.
In T169724#2736272, @Yamachinu wrote:I have this happen to me a lot. To the point where my squad mates tell me not to throw grenades. I generally try to spam click and get off as many as possible and this seems to be the biggest trigger for the issue. It's also worth noting that when you "fix" the issue your character will pop the pin back in, which almost makes me feel like the client is seeing the pin in, but the server is seeing the pin out? i don't know how to explain it but but i do know that it's gotten me killed many times. If i don't have something to drop off, or i also found that you can get in a car and it will also reset it FYI. But often times i will just charge in as the grenade will still go off after you die.
I have 3060ti and had same problem. Using drivers 555.85 helped. It happened every 2-3 hours before. After installing old drivers it didn't happened again.
I have 3060ti and had same problem. Using drivers 555.85 helped. It happened every 2-3 hours before. After installing old drivers it didn't happened again.
I have 3060ti and had same problem. Using drivers 555.85 helped.
Please help me asap
if needed, I can join a specific server at a specific time to help reproduce or demonstrate the issue
I’ve found posts from several players specifically on ps5 that have the same issue, i.e. this is not a single case.
@Zubert please give me your solution because I have a same problem ^^ thanks :D
In T188084#2736387, @fr0gbutt wrote:And again.. nothing.. This guy has found ALL of my hidden loots (statistically impossible). and added boxes of ammo to all of my empty spaces. I can only assume he's done this to everyone on the server, so everyone now has a massive amount of ammunition. This changes the entire game dynamic. This sucks.. HELLOOOO??????
for example inventory imageset
And again.. nothing.. This guy has found ALL of my hidden loots (statistically impossible). and added boxes of ammo to all of my empty spaces. I can only assume he's done this to everyone on the server, so everyone now has a massive amount of ammunition. This changes the entire game dynamic. This sucks.. HELLOOOO??????
After some testing, it seems to be related to setting the bounds of the world further than the default. I tried making a new terrain and I was able to press F5 without crashing, however after editing the bounds to go past the 3000 default, F5 no longer worked.
I am also running into this same issue as game master but haven't found any solutions.