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Opposite teams cars falling through the map
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Get in the opposite teams vehicles and you'll fall through the map. This happens at random in the current build and last build there's no way to predict when it's going to happen.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

falcon91 created this task.Jan 12 2023, 6:44 PM
falcon91 changed Category from General to Gameplay.Jan 12 2023, 6:47 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 13 2023, 9:11 AM

This is still occurring on the servers

This now occurs with both sides, but not all the time... it seems to be random. I had it happen with a UAZ on the way to Morton just about 100 meters East of the road block. This issue is random, and I'm wondering if it's a possible texture map issue as well.

falcon91 added a subscriber: Geez.Jan 11 2025, 5:56 AM

@Geez have not seen this in multiple months aside from I got randomly stuck into a rock the other day on Arland. I'll have to find what rock, but it's a small bug compared to the others.

Maybe then we should ask to close this ticket as no longer valid?

Maybe then we should ask to close this ticket as no longer valid?

Agreed on that, should keep an eye out though with the new map coming. Hopefully we also get Nogova

So, this issue is mostly fixed, but the issue of players falling through the map is back, I'm not sure how the guy did it, but somehow he fell through the map getting out of a humvee on Arland @Geez may want to check into this some more to be safe. I saw this happen on one of the US-SF servers yesterday, we were laying mines down that we stole from a damaged humvee just before the gas station heading west out of Beauregard.

So, this issue is mostly fixed, but the issue of players falling through the map is back, I'm not sure how the guy did it, but somehow he fell through the map getting out of a humvee on Arland @Geez may want to check into this some more to be safe. I saw this happen on one of the US-SF servers yesterday, we were laying mines down that we stole from a damaged humvee just before the gas station heading west out of Beauregard.

yes. when you get out of a vehicle, you fall into the sea under the map. i had that too months ago. i'll keep my eyes open here too.

@Geez have not seen this in multiple months aside from I got randomly stuck into a rock the other day on Arland. I'll have to find what rock, but it's a small bug compared to the others.

I think it was months ago that this happened. I bumped into a stone somewhere. And I fell into this sea under the map. I keep my eyes open.