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Server which is marked as Favorite can't be de-marked directly by clicking on the star when the server is not of the same software version
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number:

Modded?: No

Issue Description:
If you have marked a server as a favorite one so he is shown in the Favorite tab it is impossible to de-mark the server if the server not of the same software version as itself (the client) because the warning triangle with the sw warning prevents to click directly on the yellow "star" that indicate the server as a favorite one.
A solution could be to give the favorite symbol a dedicated space so it is never overlapped by another warning. There is plenty space in the current layout.
A workaround is to attempt to join the server and click in mod screen on the button on "delete from favorite".
I marked it as minor because there is a workaround.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  • mark a server with the older sw version as the client as a favorite one by clicking on the server so you see the status window. Now click on "mark as a favorite". The press ESC (you are in the server list again".
  • try to de-mark the server as favorite by clicking where normally the yellow star is shown in the server list while the red triangle with the sw version is shown on the place where normally the grey/yellow star is shown

-> impossible to de-mark as favorite server

Event Timeline

Wetzer created this task.Jan 12 2025, 10:43 AM
Wetzer updated the task description. (Show Details)
Wetzer edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Wetzer edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 12 2025, 10:51 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 13 2025, 1:15 PM