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Can't raise or lower your stance while aiming.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Another bug from the update,It's Ctrl+mouse wheel to raise and lower the stance
Game Version number:


Operating System
Windows 11 x64

Event Timeline

Ponezun created this task.Dec 12 2024, 3:52 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Dec 12 2024, 7:47 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Dec 17 2024, 9:37 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Ponezun.
Please try to go to C:\Users\...\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\.save\app..._user...\settings and delete InputUserSettings.conf.
We have tested this on our end and we were unable to reproduce the issue.

Hello Ponezun.
Please try to go to C:\Users\...\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\.save\app..._user...\settings and delete InputUserSettings.conf.
We have tested this on our end and we were unable to reproduce the issue.

I found the problem, you can't raise or lower your stance while aiming if you switch the aiming settings to the old keystrokes which is Ctrl+Right Mouse Button.
By the way did you guys test the bug that you can only switch scopes when you're aiming?
Honestly the new version has too many button bugs

Geez added a comment.Dec 18 2024, 12:38 PM

Hello Ponezun.
Please try to go to C:\Users\...\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\.save\app..._user...\settings and delete InputUserSettings.conf.
We have tested this on our end and we were unable to reproduce the issue.

I found the problem, you can't raise or lower your stance while aiming if you switch the aiming settings to the old keystrokes which is Ctrl+Right Mouse Button.
By the way did you guys test the bug that you can only switch scopes when you're aiming?
Honestly the new version has too many button bugs

Can you please specify in more detail? Possibly provide step by step what we have to do in order to produce the issue?

Hello Ponezun.
Please try to go to C:\Users\...\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\.save\app..._user...\settings and delete InputUserSettings.conf.
We have tested this on our end and we were unable to reproduce the issue.

I found the problem, you can't raise or lower your stance while aiming if you switch the aiming settings to the old keystrokes which is Ctrl+Right Mouse Button.
By the way did you guys test the bug that you can only switch scopes when you're aiming?
Honestly the new version has too many button bugs

Can you please specify in more detail? Possibly provide step by step what we have to do in order to produce the issue?

Changed the toggle scope key to ctrl+right mouse button (this was the old version of the key setup),
ok now you can't raise or lower your stance while aiming!

Geez changed the task status from Reviewed to Confirmed Internally.Jan 13 2025, 10:51 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 13 2025, 11:43 AM
Geez claimed this task.

Thank you.
According to the dev team, this is as designed due to the new control change from version 1.2.1
You can find more info here:


Thank you.
According to the dev team, this is as designed due to the new control change from version 1.2.1
You can find more info here:


But it's still a problem isn't it, you'll fix it right?

Thank you.
According to the dev team, this is as designed due to the new control change from version 1.2.1
You can find more info here:


But it's still a problem isn't it, you'll fix it right?

Technically every bug is "As designed"