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Arma Reforger crash: Exception GPU hangs!
Assigned, NormalPublic


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Issue Description: Game always crashes after 10-30 mins of gameplay.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

It always crashes after 10-30 mins of gameplay. Used to crash on previous versions but after fixes the game ran fine, then just the servers were kicking me due to game-related bug (it was a known problem everyone complained about) but then again no issues until the latest update since then the crashes are constant with 10/10 reproducibility on my PC. I play on modded servers: RU PODVAL, UA/RUS but no one complaints about crashes so I would assume it doesn't relate to mods.


  • turning FidelityFX on/off
  • turning all graphics settings to min
  • updating the drivers
  • clearing documents folder with all addons and settings
  • cleaning up the PC from dust
  • reinstall Arma Reforger
  • clear directx shader caches in Disk Cleanup tool
  • sent crash reports in Crash Reporter

My compact PC runs hot (82*C max GPU temp, 98*C max hotspot temperature) but I doubt it's due to overheating because I can play other games just fine with these temperatures and don't encounter the GPU throttling. Could it be Arma Reforger intentionally crashing itself due to high temps? I'm a careful PC user and exclude there could be viruses or something. Or is it a known issue? I want the devs to clarify because this is the only game I played and it has become literally unplayable due to crashes and it seems like no one encounters crashes besides me.

Additional Information

OS: Windows
CPU: AuthenticAMD: AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor
RAM: 16326 MB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
VRAM: 5954MB
GPU Driver: 560.70 [ 10.7.2024 (27 days) ]

Exception: GPU hangs!

Event Timeline

yavl created this task.Aug 5 2024, 12:36 AM
yavl edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)

I had a similar experience but with an AMD 6800XT card. My hotspot temp was over 100 but I would get GPU Hangs down at 90 degrees.

Other games would run fine, just Reforger was crashing.

I re-timmed my GPU with Arctic Silver and installed an additional case fan blowing on the Gfx card and haven't had a single GPU Hang since. Hotspot temp is down around 80-85 degrees now.

yavl added a comment.Aug 5 2024, 2:23 AM

Thanks for your reply! Gonna try tomorrow capping max fps to 30 (that option existed iirc) as a workaround, just to play. If it actually checks you GPU I hope they will remove that behavior in future release or hotfix, like why when there is throttling and so on.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Aug 5 2024, 3:06 PM
yavl added a comment.EditedAug 5 2024, 10:14 PM

So I did some research with MSI Afterburner and have solved crashes for myself. I encountered the same crash with 72*C GPU temp limit set and 88*C hotspot temperature.

Then I lowered temp limit to 67*C (with little hope honestly) and wow, there were no crashes so far for few hours with 67*C GPU temp limit set in MSI Afterburner and 80-81*C GPU hotspot temperature observed in OCCT monitoring. Though there was one 1-2 secs long stutter (with higher temps this means the game will certainly crash) with graphics hang and sound glitch but it didn’t crash and I was able to continue playing.

The issue is seemingly directly related with GPU temperature. I asked some folks in the game and they sad their game run fine and their PC is cold but in rare occasions the game also crashes for them especially in intense scene with rain, night, fire etc.

I don’t mind playing with lower fps and temperatures in exchange for a stable game so it’s solved for me. But I think there shouldn’t be any GPU temperature cap in the game itself (if I’m right with my theory)

UPD: Nevermind, it’s still crashing today after 5-10 mins, sad

Looks like rolling back to older Nvidia driver - 555.85 fixes "GPU hangs" error.

This comment was removed by Geez.
yavl added a comment.EditedDec 27 2024, 3:52 PM

Looks like rolling back to older Nvidia driver - 555.85 fixes "GPU hangs" error.

Looks like rolling back to older Nvidia driver - 555.85 fixes "GPU hangs" error.

No one listen to this person, they keep posting the same thing in peoples comments and this has no effect apart from making things worse! Don’t trust them!

As an OP I can confirm rolling back to 555.85 actually fixes GPU Hangs crash. Someone said some newer nvidia driver also fixed the crash but I can't try.

I have 3060ti and had same problem. Using drivers 555.85 helped.

yavl added a comment.Jan 16 2025, 2:56 AM

It doesn’t crash anymore on RTX 2060 with latest nvidia drivers.