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AI not spawning when joing conflict server
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


When joining the server as the first and only one, the ai does not spawn on a conflict server.

Checking in gamemaster you can see where they are supposed to be but the characters are not there.
Even when you are close to avoid some sort of spawing issue.

When I wait and then respawn they all seem to appear.

I’ve seen this issue a while ago and thought it was fixed.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Join an empty server running conflict. (not one you just logged off from)

Go to the first location where enemy ai is supposed to be only to find out there is no ai anywhere.

Respawn and try again makes them also spawn.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Mar 18 2024, 12:36 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Mar 22 2024, 2:06 PM

Hello OldRavenNL.
Can you please send us a video of the problem?

I will try as there is nothing to see :)

I will try to make a video from joining the server to getting to first enemy location.

When I respawn the enemies do spawn.

Hi Geez,

I've been doing some tests the last few days with the server and managed to replicate it so I know what is going on.

I password protected the server so I was always the first and only one to join so I could properly test it.

Here's what I did and found out.

-Restarted the server so it was fresh fresh.
-Joined and moved to the first objective

  • AI did spawn so all ok.

Then logged off and waited a few hours before rejoining.

-Rejoined the server
-Moved to the first objective

  • AI did spawn so again all is ok

Repeated this by restarting the server, same result.


Next test
-Joined the server
-move to first objective
*AI was there, so no problems.. then died and respawned.
Now I think this is it.

-Logged in as admin and went into Gamemaster mode to check.
-You see the AI but not the characters as you are not really near I suppose
-Then returned to play as character.
-Move to the objective
-Went Back to the Objective
*AI was there so all ok again

So this is where I figured why I don't have AI spawning the first time.

When preparing for a Coop night with friends I'm the first one to join the server to check and set everything up.
I usually only need to change time of day and weather and then the session can start.
So when you are the first to join the server, go into GM mode and check the first Objective.. there are no AI spawning.

So as a final check I did the following.

-Restart the server
-Join the server
-Take admin control
-go into GM
-Out of GM and spawn
-Move to the first objective
-Go back to the objective
*AI spawned so all is OK.

All in all I don't see this as a major issue.. it has something to do with taking admin control.
When you do it when there are people already playing it does not happen.

So no alarm, just something server admins need to be aware of.. I think it is the devs who have the final decision on if this is a problem or not.

Thanks and keep up the good work!


Today after the minor update of I tested again on conflict.

After the server was updated an rebooted, joined to game as 1st and only.
-Did not login as admin
-No AI spawning at enemy location
-After respawn , enemies spawn.

So it's does not seem to be the GM that is causing this.

I'm a bit lost.. somehow almost seem to feel random.. but I cannot rely on joining and just starting to play.
Only to find out after I reach an enemy location.. I need to respawn to trigger the AI to spawn?

So I'm taking the no alarm back from the previous post.. if this persists it's a major issue.

This comment was removed by Geez.

I am also running into this same issue as game master but haven't found any solutions.