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7800X3D maxing out at 100 an causing major stutters
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Modded?: Yes

If modded, please list the mods:
Ace Carrying
Ace Core
Ace Mag Repack
Better sounds 3.6
Better UAZ
Coalition Squad Interface
Chat Message Roles
Disable Game master Budgets
East Euro Conflict
Game Master Enhanced
Game Master FX
Harbin z-11
Harbin z-11 Reskin USSR
Kali Launchers
Keep gun when Uncontious
M110 DMR
M249 Scope Rails
M249 PKM RPK Rails
Masks compatible with RHS
Player Map Markers
RHS Status quo
RHS Terra Core 2
RHS Laser Attachments
Scary Terry's ef88
Server admin tools
Server admin tool image mod
Sikorksy MH60 Dap Project
Single slot for primary
Space Core
TT Arsenal Config
TT Conflicts Serhivka
TT Conflicts West Zagoria
TT Factions Conflicts
TT Server Banner
TT Vehicles CA Config
Tactical Flava
Talking on Radio Beeps
Team Balancer
Third Person Vehicle Only
UAZ NSW Turret
WCS_Loadouts Editor
WCS_Spawn Protection
WCS_Vehicle Lock
West Zagoria
Where am I

Issue Description:

7800x3d Gets pinned to 100 percent causing stutters. Affects all cores. Process Lasso tells me that it is Arma that is at 100 percent so it is game related. This is in a mulitplayer sever. I have a friends and with a 5900x as well as a 5600g and they dont have issues like this. People in the server also say they dont have issues.
I then tried limiting Arma to 7 cores to prevent discord from lagging with the usage and it really didn't like that. You can see from the pictures attached. Using a 4090, 32GB Ram. Bios is up to date on 24h2 with all drivers including chipset up to date. This issue is reproducable for me after about 15 minutes. When I join it runs flawlessly for 15 minutes and then there are massive regressions in performance. Some stutters last 200ms some have lasted 10 and one bricked my PC to require a hard restart to my PC.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

This issue is reproducable for me after about 15 minutes. When I join it runs flawlessly for 15 minutes and then there are massive regressions in performance. Some stutters last 200ms some have lasted 10 seconds and one bricked my PC to require a hard restart to my PC.

Additional Information

I set CPU priority even to high in task manager and the same issue persisted.
Game is installed on a gen 4 NVME
Spoke to a friend that has the same setup, even motherboard and he said he has no issues, using 23h2. Seems to be a 24h2 issue?
I should add that a friend also confirmed with a 7800x3d on 23h2 that he has no problems.

Event Timeline

TPepperoni666 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
TPepperoni666 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
TPepperoni666 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sep 30 2024, 2:26 AM
R34P3R added a subscriber: R34P3R.Sep 30 2024, 2:54 AM

How should BIS knows where this comes from, if you use a ton of MODs? Do you have the same issue on an regular Server without mods? If not, the problem comes from one of the mods.

I should add that a friend also confirmed with a 7800x3d on 23h2 that he has no problems. It is clearly not a mod issue if friends are on the same server as me playing with the same mods that it is not a mod issue and a windows build issue. If it is the case, seeing as it is the next major build of windows releasing in the next few weeks, it should probably get addressed.

TPepperoni666 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sep 30 2024, 3:22 AM
TPepperoni666 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sep 30 2024, 12:54 PM
TPepperoni666 updated the task description. (Show Details)
TPepperoni666 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Sep 30 2024, 2:58 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello TPepperoni666.
Can you please try to uninstall all mods and try on a vanilla server and let us know if you still have problems?

Okay after a month I have been doing test. I am almost certain it is an arma reforger issue on 24h2 with x3d cpu's.

Friend with the exact same hardware has had no issues on 23h2.
I installed linux and proton runs it smoother than windows. I played for hours without a single stutter or hitch.
I had a crash to desktop when the hitch lasted a minute!!!! The error code on my board was A9 which is apparently a RAM issue. My guess is it is to do with windows/ arma is struggling to work out what to do with memory with these x3d chips.
No other games have an issue!!! I can't stress it enough, I am certain there are no hardware issues otherwise this would have persisted when I tried linux.
I will put a report into the discord as well and hopefully one of the devs can flag it

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Reviewed.Oct 29 2024, 11:55 AM

Does reviewed mean that it has been passed on or the case is closed?

I can also supply images of cpu utilisation on linux with no spikes over 100 percent usage if that furthers my case

Geez changed the task status from Reviewed to Assigned.Oct 29 2024, 12:46 PM

Uploading Complete PC specs to perhaps help

The 1- 10 - sec hitches I experience happen all the way from 175fps down to 60, seems like the problem doesn't occur as quickly on lower frame rates, as in it takes longer for the hitches to start.

Geez added a comment.Nov 25 2024, 2:42 PM

Hello TPepperoni666.
Can you please try to uninstall all mods and try on a vanilla server and let us know if you still have problems?

@TPepperoni666 can you please let us know?

thuggins added a subscriber: thuggins.EditedJan 12 2025, 9:02 PM

Hey I am here to report the same issue, unfortunately.

RTX 3090
32 GB DDR5
Windows 11 Pro 24H2

When my play session reaches ~2 hours (conflict, vanilla, 128 person servers), I start to experience spikes of 100% CPU utilization every 1 minute or so, leading to stutters that can last up to 5 seconds.

It makes the game unplayable :(

tanz added a subscriber: tanz.EditedFeb 1 2025, 10:55 PM

Same issue:

9800x3D (default clock speed / voltage)
RTX 4080S
64GB DDR5 @ 6000Mhz
Windows 11 Pro 24H2
OS Build 26100.2894
Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.36.0
Samsung 990 PRO 1TB (OS)
Samsung 990 PRO 2TB (Game installed on this drive)

CPU typically averages between 15-30% utilization. Overall system temps are fine - CPU, GPU, SSDs all stay at normal levels. Memory, network, IO seem to be basically flat the entire time, without spikes.

I don't use mods and I play exclusively on vanilla servers. The ones I frequent typically average 20-30 server fps. I have a 144Hz limit on my framerate (using Arma Reforger gfx settings). My Monitor is 1440p @ 240Hz, and my GPU can push well above 200fps if I remove the cap.

A couple of hours in, I get major hitches due to CPU spikes from the ArmaReforger process (watched Process Monitor and Process Explorer extensively - there were no IO or network spikes, only CPU for what it's worth).

Usually they start small but get increasingly more severe and last longer and longer until what feels like a hard lock occurs (it's possible that I'm not waiting long enough for it to recover). I can hear audio chunks slowly working their way through the buffer, but after >1m the game doesn't recover so I hard reset. It seems to happen more on Everon than on Arland. Lots of times when I whip the mouse around suddenly, it will hitch pretty hard for a second.

Nipeno added a subscriber: Nipeno.Feb 4 2025, 10:43 AM

Same issue:

5800X3D (undervolted, but stable in all other games)
RTX 4070 Ti Super
32GB DDR4 @ 3200Mhz
Windows 11 24H2 (Build 26100.3037)
970 EVO Plus 2TB SSD

Game runs at a stable framerate regardless of gettings, temps are fine. Once a hitch occurs it drops my GPU Clock to 0 until the hitch is over. Also freezes my entire system and rarely freezes it to the point where I have to kill the power and reboot from there.
Happens on both vanilla and modded. Noticed it happens A LOT MORE on high ping servers (maybe the game trying to catch up after a ping spike).