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Can't water or remove seeds from garden plots - 1.26 Experimental
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


Cannot water or remove seeds from garden plots, both dug garden plots and greenhouse plots do not work. Player can fertilise the crops however.

Tried using tools in case there was a change but could not remove the seed.

This was tested on Livonia but problem may occur on Chernarus


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Plant a seed in a garden plot and try remove it + try to water the plots.

Event Timeline

JaX_Stutz created this task.Aug 9 2024, 7:05 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Aug 12 2024, 11:34 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Acknowledged.Aug 12 2024, 4:29 PM
sileed added a subscriber: sileed.Aug 13 2024, 1:19 PM
pngu added a subscriber: pngu.Sep 10 2024, 11:54 PM

I can confirm this bug still exists on version 1.26.158752.

Has this been addressed?? Not being able to grow crops is a pretty major issue imo

Geez changed the task status from Acknowledged to Need More Info.Dec 3 2024, 4:24 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello everyone, can you please let us know if this still occurs after the release of 1.27?

Hello everyone, can you please let us know if this still occurs after the release of 1.27?

Yes, tried yesterday - nothing works to use to water with (jerrycan, plastic bottle, glass bottle, my shoes, wringing my clothes over the plot, crying epic tears hoping for it to take)

Geez added a comment.Dec 4 2024, 9:37 AM

Hello everyone, can you please let us know if this still occurs after the release of 1.27?

Yes, tried yesterday - nothing works to use to water with (jerrycan, plastic bottle, glass bottle, my shoes, wringing my clothes over the plot, crying epic tears hoping for it to take)

1.27 update has not been released yet

This confusing me too, I've seen people's farm plots with food growing on Chernarus. Will attempt to farm some today and will let you know

This was tested on Spaggies Vanilla Chernarus Blue server

Can plant seeds

Can water crops

Seems to work now

Crops seem to be growing all good on here

Crops grew completely fine

Well I'm on Spaggies Vanilla Chernarus Green server

and while I can confirm that crops do grow and can be harvested as intended, I have not once been able to get the prompt to water the plots. Even though in my experience I should have been able to water them.
The seeds are on top of the soil, it has not rained for a while. But no watering prompt and I think I have been thorough looking for it.
Don't think it's a clipping / hitbox issue because we've had plots in distinctly different locations, also on an open field.

Can water crops


Geez added a comment.Dec 5 2024, 11:34 AM

Hello everyone, can you please let us know if this still occurs after the release of 1.27?

Please keep in mind to check this after the 1.27 update. The current update is still 1.26

Geez added a subscriber: younesof.

1.26.159040 same bullshit on chernarus

Hello everyone, can you please let us know if this still occurs after the release of 1.27?

Please keep in mind to check this after the 1.27 update. The current update is still 1.26

@squidboy. ^^^

This comment was removed by Geez.

when will update 1.27 be available?

when will update 1.27 be available?

The 1.27 experimental is being shown off tomorrow at 3pm cest so a date will likely be announced for the experimental branch

Hello everyone, can you please let us know if this still occurs after the release of 1.27?

Still the same problem, and nothing in patchnotes.

Geez added a comment.Jan 20 2025, 2:49 PM

Hello hyperunknown.
Can you please send us a video of the issue?

Hello hyperunknown.
Can you please send us a video of the issue?
There you go, let me know if you want me to do anything else, or use something else, and I'll record a new one :)
In this one you can see me switching modes in the bottom-left corner, but I only get "Drink" or "Empty" as options.

Geez added a comment.Jan 23 2025, 11:18 AM

Hello hyperunknown.
Can you please send us a video of the issue?
There you go, let me know if you want me to do anything else, or use something else, and I'll record a new one :)
In this one you can see me switching modes in the bottom-left corner, but I only get "Drink" or "Empty" as options.

Thank you

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Jan 23 2025, 11:18 AM
Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Confirmed Internally.Jan 23 2025, 11:39 AM

Just wanted to add that for us (DUG) gardening in greenhouses worked fine in 1.26, but is now not working in 1.27. We only allow growing food in green houses so this is a major issue for our playerbase.