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- User Since
- Nov 25 2024, 11:12 AM (11 w, 4 d)
Sun, Feb 2
It's incredibly annoying when the infected hit you while standing with their backs to you
Fri, Jan 17
the map of chernarus is very large and if i go on a long journey, then, having found valuable loot, i want to be able to take the valuable loot to my base in one, albeit long, journey, and not run back and forth 6 times, because the inventory only holds a bandage and a few cans of food. it is necessary to return the size of the inventory.
for people who play alone, there is no point in raiding bases or even just finding secret stashes, because there is simply nowhere to put the things you find and carry them. if you come to raid with two weapons on your back, it means that you can take a couple of grenades and one weapon from the stash and your inventory is already bursting at the seams. reducing the size of the inventory did not lead to new challenges and new interest in the game, it only led to a worsening of the experience. enough time has passed since the last update to understand this in the process of playing.
Jan 13 2025
when will update 1.27 be available?
Jan 6 2025
I have created a ticket in November and provided a video of another cheater, but the ticket was simply ignored. So there is very little hope that you will be helped. This is sad.
Dec 30 2024
The PROBLEM is that some players turn up the brightness/gamma to the maximum on their MONITORS and they can see at night, and other players do not see anything at night on their TVs.
For this reason, night is not a playable time for me, since others can see me, but I cannot see them.
It would be good if the night was made equally dark for all players regardless of the monitor or TV.
Dec 25 2024
Yes, @RainSenshi , I understand the specifics of this game ☝️ but it's not hip fire. When you press L2, the character aims. The crosshair is where the bullet should go, I guess 🪖
Dec 17 2024
This is not only a problem of the Sahal map. I forgot the last time I saw a boat on Chernarus. They are simply collected in one place, or driven along rivers deep into the map, once I saw a boat under a bridge. Hunting for cars makes sense, since they are multifunctional transport. Although meeting a car at a respawn point is more often an exception than a rule. But boats have a very limited use, it is simply a bonus to movement on water and that's all. It would be great if boats respawned after some fixed time, for example every hour, two, four, and so on.
Dec 15 2024
Reduced inventory capacity might make sense for the Sahal map, where people can test their strength in specific conditions. However, on the Chernarus map, the current inventory capacity makes it impossible to make forays to replenish your supplies at the base or in secret caches.