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The inventory nerf
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I can't get back into the game, I've been trying to. I feel like I'm loosing my favorite game to a select group of people that want "realism". The game is meant to be fun. Prioritizing like this doesn't add to the game. I should be able to spend my time enjoying the world around me.. the player, not worrying about what I need to drop every time I find something new or going back to a base or stash every time I fill my measly inventory.

It makes base building twice as time consuming when it was already a job in itself, same for getting a vehicle together. It makes being a fresh spawn, joyless. I used to be able to find a couple of better clothing items and feel like I could stroll along and enjoy the trip. Now I have to find all kinds clothing just to resemble what inventory I used to have as a fresh spawn. When I realize what the game is now I just turn it off.

If these changes are final give me the heads up so I can give up on this.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

for people who play alone, there is no point in raiding bases or even just finding secret stashes, because there is simply nowhere to put the things you find and carry them. if you come to raid with two weapons on your back, it means that you can take a couple of grenades and one weapon from the stash and your inventory is already bursting at the seams. reducing the size of the inventory did not lead to new challenges and new interest in the game, it only led to a worsening of the experience. enough time has passed since the last update to understand this in the process of playing.