I can't get back into the game, I've been trying to. I feel like I'm loosing my favorite game to a select group of people that want "realism". The game is meant to be fun. Prioritizing like this doesn't add to the game. I should be able to spend my time enjoying the world around me.. the player, not worrying about what I need to drop every time I find something new or going back to a base or stash every time I fill my measly inventory.
It makes base building twice as time consuming when it was already a job in itself, same for getting a vehicle together. It makes being a fresh spawn, joyless. I used to be able to find a couple of better clothing items and feel like I could stroll along and enjoy the trip. Now I have to find all kinds clothing just to resemble what inventory I used to have as a fresh spawn. When I realize what the game is now I just turn it off.
If these changes are final give me the heads up so I can give up on this.