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- User Since
- Sep 22 2022, 9:36 AM (125 w, 8 h)
Sat, Jan 25
Considering that being around the boat for a period of time doesn't cause any further lag. I would highly suggest that it is corrupted data and if it is, redownloading the game would fix the problem
It could be caused by corrupted files on your console I suggest deleting and redownloading your game. You might loose sensitivity settings but your loot will be fine.
Sat, Jan 18
Ahh yes, we're finally down to the truth of why you are here thanks for clearing it up for us
You clearly have a problem with the feedback tracker, I'm sorry that I don't want want you want. What you want hinders my playstyle when what I want has no affect on yours. Now you're throwing a tantrum and storming off because I keep making valid points. Interesting behavior friend
A protective case can't go inside of a protective case even though it has the space to. If you have such a problem with guns going inside of clothing then ask for that feature. Don't ruin my playstyle, when It doesn't affect yours
"No one is asking me to play it" Do you think before you press the enter button? XD
You said you didn't agree before. What's your deal? Also it's false that you could carry that much before, you are exaggerating to make your point seem more valid. 3 radiators and full base building supplies is more on track.
arther.morgan If you wrote a post of your own what would it look like? The more people asking for change the better
and I hope I can encourage you to say it in your words on a new post!
Fri, Jan 17
I think maybe the keys could be a good thing considering that the boats will be so common now. I find it problematic that we'll keep having to go back to the same ship that's out in the open water. We should have dynamic ship crashes, oil rigs or maybe submarines and the keys should be found on those dynamic wrecks.
Listen, you should think more clearly about what you are writing and why you are writing it. I thought it was common sense on how an airdrop should be implemented. Plane flies over, drops a package, package is visible from far away, players fight for said package. Does that make enough sense to you? Yes, it's also common sense for a bag to carry three radiators.. like it did for so many years.
The inventory change causes too much downtime, sitting and organizing loot in my actual inventory and making constant trips to my stashes and bases like this takes away from the time I could be experiencing the game like I once did.
Junglecat That's just the thing. Helicrashes hardly ever draw people to them, I have 11k hours on the game and I could count on my hand how many gunfights I've been in at a helicrash despite it having a crash sound and a plume of smoke. I've only seen one group of players because of a convoy.. and that was on the way to the Livonia bunker. If it's nothing new, then why are they so bad at doing what is intended?
Dec 24 2024
Dec 18 2024
Dec 15 2024
You could logically fit three jerrycans in an Alice backpack or two wheels and some extra items. I run with a maxed out character at all times (best gear) and I miss having a ton extra room because of well prioritization. I would leave base with bandages, a knife, a compass, food and maybe each kind of repairing kit for clothing and firearm(s). I really miss leaving base without a backpack and still having the room to collect a reasonable amount of items. Keeping my character looking like an operator or special ops and of course having the smaller silhouette. I personally don't know if any official players would run a ghillie suit anymore.
Dec 11 2024
Dec 10 2024
Oct 21 2024
Sep 21 2024
Jan 21 2024
Jan 17 2024
Dec 3 2023
Dark orange color variant to patrol uniform
they did this so that you can load in with your friends, they just need to do it like battlefield 4 and have a join party system
its in the ps5 safe mode and will make your ps5 run faster. if that doesnt help your dayz situation then you need to delete and reinstall dayz, you will only loose your settings, not your gear
Rebuild your data base, look up on youtube how to do it for the ps5. It deletes and replaces corrupted files with new ones while simultaneously organizing your files in a way that makes the game run even better. Im on ps4 and i do it at least 3 times a week. I can confidently drive 100 km
I have had my base completely dismantled. It happens
Oct 10 2023
Sep 30 2023
Even with vehicles there should be no exceptions, vehicles should spawn slightly less to compensate. The ammo case should be extremely rare but again no capacity. This will make it to where you don't go weeks without seeing one car. I didn't even know ammo cases where a thing until a year after I first got the game. That goes to show how the loot is effected..
Onemiller11 yes, I'm aware of the tier system. Tisy and the military gas station are the only places that can spawn landmines on vanilla Chernarus, other than the random tier 4 military crates in nearby towns. Yet I have looted Tisy up to 8 times on my main official server at one point and didn't find any within that 4-5 month span. That can only mean that the landmines that are set elsewhere near someones flagpole are keeping them from spawning. If you know what landmines are best used for you could start to understand that any item in the game (once interacted with) should not effect how many of that item spawns after that point.
Sep 5 2023
Aug 12 2023
Jul 1 2023
Jun 14 2023
May 31 2023
May 29 2023
May 26 2023
May 25 2023
You aren't cooking them right use the cooking slots the fireplace is for getting rid of unwanted items
May 23 2023
Mar 6 2023
Jan 29 2023
Jan 23 2023
Jan 22 2023
Jan 20 2023
Another error code is 0x00040034
Jan 19 2023
It is your playstation. You might need to reinstall the game or rebuild your system database in the (playstation safe mode) good luck
Yes I believe this is the cause. It is my opinion that having to seek out whoever's base has all of the landmines on the server can be a huge task, especially if they are deep in the woods. We have been searching other servers with no luck. Thank you for your time, keep up the good work.
Yes the error code is 0x00010001. It says Server is unreachable. Sometimes it gives a "database error". Resetting my PlayStation and internet helps almost every time.
Hold triangle it is quick and more convenient. Whoever told you to quick slot your ammo was poorly informed. Always check controls for games in pause menu if it is an option
Jan 18 2023
The new bunker really is something but yes the game does need to just be bug fixes for the last year of it's development
Why would they spend time and materials on a small island that has nothing to do on? There is so much more at stake especially right now this game is really coming together with the new bunker
Hey boo boo it's me
Nov 13 2022
Oct 24 2022
Oct 23 2022
Oct 6 2022
I think it's a great idea to make certain items only spawn in certain locations but there shouldn't be just one bunker or bunker type there should be three kinds of bunkers that require different ways to get in and out
Oct 5 2022
I hope they do this.. really the entire area around should be building restricted because even if the bunker can't be built in you know people are going to camp and disable anyone from getting close meanwhile protected by their base walls.
Sep 26 2022
Exploiting isn't the way to go. Yeah it's painful to lose a base but that's how the game is and if you can't handle it go find a new game. If you want a good base find a nice hidden place in the woods. I've had a woods base last 3-4 months untouched and at that point I was bored of the base anyway.
Either way with determination it's still raidable even as a solo, I suggest bringing friends though.
He could have under mapped you. They glitch under and log in to get past walls that way. They can't log into two story buildings though so that could be why he didn't get in the top gate. Thankfully this glitch will be patched next update.
Someone raided your base. I logged in yesterday and my base was completely demolished with no traces left except for garden plots and a tripwire. Keep crate stashes for your good loot and bases for clothing/food, aesthetics, pvp and fun.
Sep 22 2022
Log out with the crate or wait for server reset
I second. Navigating through crate stashes used to be easy as pie but I will admit being able to loot a body while moving is a nice touch. I suggest closing the inventory of everything that hinders you at that time. If it's in your inventory then keep your belt, helmet and boots closed for convenience until you need to access them.