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Camo netting variants/rework
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Camo netting in certain situations can be very useful, emphasis on "certain situations". Most of the time camo netting doesn't do its job. Take a car tent for example, the netting can cover it almost entirely but it does not cover a wall they way it needs to. If it could hang over an entire wall including the inside, it would make it harder to spot a base in a valley. Also in most situations it is pointless to have sheet metal walls in the woods because the netting doesn't hide it as it should, not covering the entirety of the bright sheet metal. We also need variants of camo netting. A darker green and a brown/autumn net would work better in most cases and the current netting should be replaced or on the medium tent it should be retextured because the brighter spots of the camo are easy to spot. Lastly and most importantly when the sun hits the camo netting, even through a wall it lights it up like a christmas tree making it stand out worse than a non-covered wooden wall. It truly does need to be reworked because its barely usefull and in some cases makes your bases/stashes stand out.


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

It could be used to cover or replace a cargo truck's white covering, making the green cargo truck extremely valuable.

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doochefreezone changed Category from Visual-Structures to General.