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Christmas event
Feedback, NormalPublic


Playing official and finding Santa's slay crashes and especially presents and candy canes break the immersion and sully the official challenge. I think the Christmas trees without the presents and the clothing items are good and aren't alarmingly presented like the Santa's slay crashes. I like having to spend time gathering explosives for raiding. I have all of these, what I consider legit plastic explosives. Now that there are present boxes, the value of them and time spent gathering those explosives means little. Personally, I think all holiday events should stay on community servers but I understand why they aren't exclusive to them. The listed items should be treated like the special crossbow bolts or special Easter eggs next year.


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

The same could be said about the pumpkin helmets for the Halloween event. I'm not sure if they were in the last event.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Dec 18 2024, 11:08 AM
doochefreezone renamed this task from DayZ official Grinch to Christmas event .Dec 18 2024, 11:10 AM

You should have left the task name as "DayZ official Grinch", why are you tryna steal Christmas xD