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I was very excited for Sakhal when I first heard about it, it was a new map that we’ve been waiting for, for years. When it was released it was underwhelming. The bunker had only a couple of rooms and the containers were the only other place containing enticing loot. The map itself is cool but it lost its luster very early on.

Then we got the inventory “nerf” and the Christmas event pretty close together, making me not want to play the game until they were both removed. Now I see a 1.27 video where we are getting a couple of inventory slots on our backpacks and a new key system for the Dynamic containers. It is alarming and I don’t want the game to keep going in this direction. A direction in which we spend more time doing the same thing we have already been doing.

I don't see the current state of the new key system as any good. It seems like the wrong way to draw players together for more player interactions and pvp. The new backpack tool slots seem more like damage control rather than fixing the problem of not having enough inventory space. We need the inventory to be re-adjusted or returned to its former glory.

The key system would have been WAY better if implemented for the bunker. I’m worried that the Sakhal bunker isn’t going to see any major changes when it needs them. The Livonia bunker could use a bit more itself, yet it is still the best addition to the game since Livonia. The Livonia bunker was more exciting I think than the Sakhal map was, because it held its excitement far after the time it was added.

We needed the dynamic events on Sakhal sooner rather than later and not just the ones from Chernarus and Livonia. We need an actual airdrop, that I think is the best way to bring players together for pvp, but having new items drop from the airdrop like new guns or even new base building or military survival supplies would make people storm to them.

In many ways I think DayZ updates have been miss after miss since the release of Sakhal. I know that is my opinion but adding exciting things rather than constantly changing things that weren’t a problem for the players in the first place is better. Also if the team is going to change something especially if it’s something as big as the inventory, please.. PLEASE make sure it’s well received first.


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Windows 7

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I would agree with the Christmas event ruining the economy of the game, but I would disagree with you sentiment about the containers. It was highly unlikely you'd see people on these other islands because you could easily stop and loot the crate, and that was that but now it will draw people together. Allowing for closer PVP and not making it so easy to find high tier items like M4's, DMR's, etc... I'm not sure it's "the wrong way" to draw people together. In-fact its what helicrashes and convoys do already. Just bringing people closer for high tier loot is nothing new.

The inventory space changes was difficult to get used too, it was clear the intentions of the developers. And infact better for the player. Imagine having your whole kit on you while playing and you get absolutely brutualised by some guy. You just lost everything. With these new inventory changes its hard to possible carry everything you need, making the feel of the death less impactful on your loot. Although one thing I will bring up is the fact that base building still stucks. Smaller inventory means people might build more bases or stashes but its absolutely horrible on official.

I have faith that the map even though these things seem like its afterthoughts, I don't believe they are. Maps evolve its just the nature of the industry. You said something about airdrops, but I don't agree. Helicrashes are practially airdrops. They should broadcast the "may-day" signal and the coordinates of the crash through the handheld radio.

Thanks for listening to my Ted-Talk!

Junglecat That's just the thing. Helicrashes hardly ever draw people to them, I have 11k hours on the game and I could count on my hand how many gunfights I've been in at a helicrash despite it having a crash sound and a plume of smoke. I've only seen one group of players because of a convoy.. and that was on the way to the Livonia bunker. If it's nothing new, then why are they so bad at doing what is intended?

The problem with the key finding is that people will now camp the ship and you have to drive and walk over open waters to get multiple keys that also decay very quickly.. That sounds good to you? The reason an airdrop is good is because it is a new way of adding loot to the map while also having the possible cover of trees and other foliage.

As to your thoughts on inventory I can see why people would stash more loot because of it. However, this is more walking back and fourth to a stash or base rather then time spent out in the world, exploring, fighting and looting. Also if you die with a ton of loot on you isn't that a good thing? More of a reason to go find more. More trips back and fourth to a stash sounds good to you? You can't carry much more because of having a better bag. 64 slots in the Alice bag is simply a joke. Visually the bags can't carry as much as they appear they should. When I realize that as a fresh spawn I can barely carry out of a village/town/city what I've found I want to log out and play something else.

I'm sorry that you can't carry 3 radiators in your bag my friend. Your second point just sounds like you aren't wanting to play the game lol. Yes people will camp it and its your job to kill them. Does that sound good to you? Airdrops literally seems pointless unless you can say a way they can implement them without just saying "add airdrops please!!!" And if they do add it, it'll just be a reskin of a heli crash. Does that sound good to you? This game will never be how you and I want it to be. It is up to us to be willing to play the game. And I'm saying we can't be critical, we surely can but resilience is necessary in order to live a happy life in and out of DayZ.

The inventory change causes too much downtime, sitting and organizing loot in my actual inventory and making constant trips to my stashes and bases like this takes away from the time I could be experiencing the game like I once did.

doochefreezone added a comment.EditedJan 17 2025, 4:38 AM

Listen, you should think more clearly about what you are writing and why you are writing it. I thought it was common sense on how an airdrop should be implemented. Plane flies over, drops a package, package is visible from far away as it slowly drops, players fight for said package. Does that make enough sense to you? Yes, it's also common sense for a bag to carry three radiators.. like it did for so many years.

Enjoy fighting players camping a ship with tons of different places to hide and use for cover while you drive a boat that took you three or more hours to get driving. That sounds like a lot of fun haha.

I want you to clarify what you mean.. "it is up to us to be willing to play it". I'm not being paid to play this game. It is not my responsibility to be willing to play. It is their responsibility to make this game appealing enough for me to spend my time here. It used to be the game for me but after not adding anything of value and actually making the game more of a downtime rather than exploring and fighting for loot, I'm here. Asking them to change the game for the better.

I think maybe the keys could be a good thing considering that the boats will be so common now. I find it problematic that we'll keep having to go back to the same ship that's out in the open water. We should have dynamic ship crashes, oil rigs or maybe submarines and the keys should be found on those dynamic wrecks.

the map of chernarus is very large and if i go on a long journey, then, having found valuable loot, i want to be able to take the valuable loot to my base in one, albeit long, journey, and not run back and forth 6 times, because the inventory only holds a bandage and a few cans of food. it is necessary to return the size of the inventory.

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 20 2025, 4:19 PM