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Loading supplies to truck by dragging from supplies to truck fails on first atttempt
Reviewed, NormalPublic


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Game Version number:
Modded? Yes
Gramps303 ConfictPVE

Pull vehicle up to supplies. Approach supply sign and drag supplies over to vehicle. Supply sound is heard, but supplies do not actually transfer. Second attempt is successful.
This happens every game but cannot recall if it is the first time loading to a new vehicle and then it stops doing it or if it just happens randomly. Seems to be the first time loading to a new vehicle or loading from a new location.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Pull truck to supplies.
  2. Go to sign
  3. Drag supplies to truck.

Sound of supplies being transferred but no supplies are being transferred.
Repeat 3 and supplies transfer.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 13 2025, 1:06 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Tue, Jan 14, 10:23 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello RickJamesBitch.
We have tested this on our end with the same mods but we were unable to reproduce the issue.

This comment was removed by RickJamesBitch.
This comment was removed by RickJamesBitch.
This comment was removed by RickJamesBitch.
Krozj added a subscriber: Krozj.Sat, Feb 8, 1:34 PM

I've experienced similar issues. When I try to move the supplies it usually happens on like 3-5th attempt. I think it depends on the ping. Similarly, sometimes I need to press the respawn button up to 5 times to actually respawn. I usually have around 80 ping on official servers in Europe and 150 for American servers. Maybe the devs could try it with fake ping or actual ping on American servers

Hello RickJamesBitch.
We have tested this on our end with the same mods but we were unable to reproduce the issue.

Here is it in stable. Also happens in EXP. This a very low populated server, usually 2 to 6 of us but just one in the video. Ping to server is 43. Server is physically local.