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[ Experimental] Unable to start dedicated server with mods
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number:
Modded?: Yes
If modded, please list the mods:

  • Skip Nighttime (5D1362468BB7BAB6)

Issue Description:
When trying to start a server with any mod, the server shuts down with the following error message:

23:26:26.340 NETWORK      : Starting dedicated server using command line args.
23:26:27.332 BACKEND      : Addon Download started 5D1362468BB7BAB6 - Skip Nighttime
23:26:27.332 DEFAULT   (E): WorkshopApi: Could not create directory /tmp/addons/
23:26:27.332 BACKEND   (E): Failed to fetch addon details from workshop API! Repeat later or try different mods.
23:26:27.530 ENGINE    (E): Unable to initialize the game
23:26:27.551 ENGINE       : Game destroyed.
23:26:27.565 RPL          : Pip::Destroy


Operating System
Linux x64
Steps To Reproduce

Host Linux server with the following server config:

    "bindPort": 2100,
    "publicPort": 2100,
    "game": {
        "name": "Test Server",
        "scenarioId": "{2BBBE828037C6F4B}Missions/22_GM_Arland.conf",
        "mods": [
                "modId": "5D1362468BB7BAB6",
                "name": "Skip Nighttime"

Full log:

Event Timeline

ookexoo created this task.Dec 14 2024, 12:29 AM
ookexoo edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 14 2024, 12:31 AM
ookexoo updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 14 2024, 12:45 AM
Markoo added a subscriber: Markoo.Dec 18 2024, 5:16 PM

Fails to "create" existing, custom directory too

17:13:18.722 NETWORK      : Starting dedicated server using command line args.
17:13:20.111 BACKEND      : Addon Download started 5D1362468BB7BAB6 - Skip Nighttime
17:13:20.112 DEFAULT   (E): WorkshopApi: Could not create directory /home/server/armaRef/mods/addons/
17:13:20.112 BACKEND   (E): Failed to fetch addon details from workshop API! Repeat later or try different mods.
17:13:20.310 ENGINE    (E): Unable to initialize the game
17:13:20.327 ENGINE       : Game destroyed.
17:13:20.339 RPL          : Pip::Destroy
17:13:20.341 RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ====
17:13:20.341 RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds   1
mkdir("/tmp/addons/", 040755)           = -1 EEXIST (File exists)
write(2, "DEFAULT   (E): WorkshopApi: Could not create directory /tmp/addons/\n", 68DEFAULT   (E): WorkshopApi: Could not create directory /tmp/addons/
write(9, "12:27:27.572 DEFAULT   (E): WorkshopApi: Could not create directory /tmp/addons/\n", 81) = 81
write(3, "12:27:27.572 DEFAULT   (E): WorkshopApi: Could not create directory /tmp/addons/\n", 81) = 81

Note: This works correctly if the mods are already there and do not need to be downloaded/updated

DarkWolf claimed this task.Fri, Jan 10, 6:11 PM
DarkWolf changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
DarkWolf added a comment.EditedMon, Jan 13, 11:27 AM

Fails to "create" existing, custom directory too

17:13:20.112 DEFAULT (E): WorkshopApi: Could not create directory /home/server/armaRef/mods/addons/

@Markoo was this also temp directory but changed with -addonTempDir CLI param?
Or is it location where downloaded addons are stored?

DarkWolf changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Tue, Jan 14, 10:21 AM
DarkWolf closed this task as Resolved.Thu, Jan 30, 1:06 PM

Issue was fixed in version