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Arma 3 Activity
Dec 12 2024
And why is this a problem or a bug?
Illegal instruction. Your CPU seems to be quite old.
The bug has been fixed on the performance profiling branch https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Steam_Branches, it will be quite a while until the fix makes it to the main branch.
Scaling is not supported. Bugs like this will not be fixed.
I can see you were pirating our DLCs. If you want support with the game, you better not pirate it.
The game now uses Visual c++ redistributable 2022, not 2013 anymore.
You have 2022 installed, but only the x86 version, the game by default uses the x64 version, which seems like you have not installed.
What is a jamming tower?
What is a "MED pod"?
What are naval scooters?
Which base?
What tank are you talking about? What active protection? This sounds like some mod, which is not anything we would deal with.
What sectors?
What mission are you talking about?
What mission?
Are you talking about some server?
If it doesn't seem like a bug, why are you reporting it in a bug ticket then?
If your PC crashes in other games too, why do you report it here? It means it has nothing to do with this game.
no joy. crash. Also in other games, BF4, FS2020.
Dec 11 2024
One potential workaround is to render everything required on a single texture, and then adjust UVs to show specific areas of it as done in this PR
Latest actions taken, thinking about anything that might trigger memory or access issues -
IDK. Just wait for Dedmen to analyze your crash file.
Dec 10 2024
Nothing else I can do. Now stuffed with £1500 piece of metal. I hate Windows sometimes.
some suggested running in NVIDIA debug mode. It crashed again - :(
Damn, final steps no joy. Did DDU in safe mode. no joy. As with other GPU reinstalls, the first time I play, Arma 3 does not appear to crash for abit longer, maybe 30+ mins.
Dec 9 2024
In T186575#2715490, @Leopard20 wrote:By the way, have you verified your game files yet? Here's how to do that:
- Right click on Arma 3 in Steam
- Select Properties
- Go to Installed Files
- Select Verify integrity
By the way, have you verified your game files yet? Here's how to do that:
No problem. If you have something to post, post it here.
ok, thanks for trying. do i leave the thread here or post somewhere else?
I guess you'll have to wait for Dedmen to analyze your crash files then.
Can you also try the performance branch? Maybe the issue is already fixed there.
In case you don't know how to use it:
- Right click on Arma 3 in Steam
- Select Properties
- Go to Betas
- If you don't see the performance branch in the drop down, use the code CautionSpecialProfilingAndTestingBranchArma3 to get access.
- Select the performance/profiling branch in the drop down and wait for Steam to download the exe (it's less than 100 MB).
Dec 8 2024
OK Thanks for the update. I tried what you suggested but it just crashed again after about 20mins play.
Instead of trying those things, remove these parameters and try again:
-cpuCount=12 -exThreads=7 -malloc=system
the cpuCount and exThreads are especially bad.
We intend on putting this in the Hatchet 60 at some point as well.
For context, we are aiming to use the UI to texture feature for the displays in the Apache mod, but this is causing issues with it due to it having 2 MPDs.
Dec 7 2024
last few things I did yesterday included :-
running dxwebsetup and directx_Jun2010_redist to try to 're-install' DX11/12.
installed latest nvideo 566.63.
i saw a site that suggested going to registry - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers and change TdrDelay to 0. [Just read a site now saying TdrDelay should be 10 ????]
Dec 6 2024
Your file.io files were deleted.
Can you upload the rpt here? Not on another site?
Dec 5 2024
saw this error at bottom of latest RPT error log -
installed graphics drivers without debloating = still crash
reinstalled Visual C++ redistribution 2013 x64 = still crash
Dec 4 2024
Dec 3 2024
downloaded MemTest86 and ran from USB Boot. 4 passes with default settings = no errors
happening again regularly. i reinstalled GPU drivers (does continuing to debloating with NVCleaninstall and/or clean remove with DDU cause issues?). OC is off.
Dec 2 2024
Happened again just now, after about 15mins of play.
was deemed not feasible sadly
still true :/
works now. HC has cLoop as sub of total (vs sLoop for DS and neither for client)
Nov 30 2024
Revision: 152458
It's a OneDrive error. It says Cloud File Provider is not running. You must sign in to your OneDrive account and sync your files.
Google "OneDrive Cloud File Provider is not running" for more info.
Nov 29 2024
Yep, ditto for the woodland/sage/black combat fatigues and the various guerilla garments. But again, don't wanna push my luck lol. At least those are accessible via setobjecttexture.
@reyhard ? :3
This is fixed. But it would still be broken if a player joins your server using the old Arma version who has disabled automatic updates.
So to fully protect against this, you need to set minBuild in your server.cfg to 152405
There's plenty of content not in game that could be added pretty easily. Hopefully more items will get the same treatment as the Black Carryall. Especially since new vests and headgear would be far more useful than a black backpack.
I don't think this is ever gunna get fixed, ngl
Have this issue too.
Nov 28 2024
Yes but how to pass the paa to setparticleparams:
particleSource setParticleParams
particleShape, /* String */ particleFSNtieth, /* Number */ particleFSIndex, /* Number */ particleFSFrameCount, /* Number */ particleFSLoop /* Optional - Number. Default: 1 */
animationName, /* String */
particleType, /* String - Enum: Billboard, SpaceObject */
No it is billbord type, a flat texture that oriented to face you at all time