Hi again. There is a game problem with fast transfer in MED pod in any point of the map (freely) and not only that... So players invented a tactic that brakes game mechanic. They drop Med Pod (spawn) near airfield, spawns there, then deploy naval scooters (thats is not realistic having vehicle far away from thier base) they shoot down Planes Helics with AT launchers. even you can drop Med Pod in the sea (underwater) near beach so you coudln't see it (not with IR not by any view except direct human vis) and you cannot destroy it either. Make pls that for travel in med POd a delay for 6 min (so players couldn't resupply with rockets) or make it use only one travel per 10-15 min . Restrict spawn naval vehicle in any point of the map far from base (its not realistic and not interesting)
Redux server