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Heli_Light_02_F - broken TextureSources for OPF_F textures
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All Heli_Light_02_F's TextureSources for OPF_F faction have the "factions" array defined as "faction" (missing S at the end), thus resulting in the textures meant to be exclusive to OPF_F being available to ALL factions - OPFOR, BLUFOR, INDFOR, CIV, everything. This is not an issue in the vanilla game, but any mod that adds the Heli_Light_02_F to any other faction will face the issue of these textures showing up when they should not, with no obvious error on the mod's creator's side. In fact, this issue will likely lead to duplicating this error under the assumption that the config is correct, while it's not.
Hopefully this issue can be fixed, so that modders won't have to locally fix it and/or lose their minds over a seemingly correct config.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Setup the Heli_Light_02_F for any other faction, OPFOR or otherwise - notice how the OPF_F textures stay selectable, even when the faction changed.

Event Timeline

TRAGER added a subscriber: TRAGER.Wed, Mar 5, 8:47 AM
TRAGER added a comment.Wed, Mar 5, 8:54 AM

Currently 75 texture classes affects this faction access problem if search for faction[]= in All-in-One configuration file
May be teaching engine to recognise faction[]={}; as well as factions[]={}; will cause less suffering than fixing the configuration data?