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StabilizedInAxes turret config entry doesn't work on ships
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The Speedboat and SDV should have fully stabilized turrets (stabilizedInAxes = 4 in config, see however ingame they dont display any kind of stabilization whatsoever.

Whenever the boat/sdv turns or banks over the waves the turret will turn and bank along with the vehicle, if you compare it to an armored vehicle like the marshall for example the turret will remain pointed to the same traverse and elevation regardless of where the vehicle is turning or banking.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Place down speedboat minigun as commander
Enter camera view (RMB)
Look at spot on the map
Try ordering the AI to drive somewhere using W A S D, turning and steering on waves
Observe how the camera will lack any type of stabilization but will instead follow whatever the rest of the hull is doing

Compare to a Marshall IFV
Get into the gunner seat with an AI driver
Look at any point on the map and order the AI to drive
Observe how the turret will remain pointed at the same direction regardless of where the rest of the vehicle is going

Additional Information

Tested with Combat Boat from Expeditionary Forces DLC as well, tried changing the stabilizedInAxes entry to 3 and it also didn't work, neither did stabilizedInAxes=4

Event Timeline

dedmen set Ref Ticket to AIII-56784.Feb 17 2025, 3:58 PM