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Game cannot find file despite many different attempts.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello! ive been trying to add an image to the "Whiteboard (Empty, Wall)" object (Classname: Land_MapBoard_01_Wall_F). But for whatever reason, no matter what i put in the "Texture #0" field, i keep getting the error it cannot find the file at that location, despite me trying tons of different varations, different files, vanilla image files, different file extentions besides paa, different resolutions, saving the paa to a different directory. nothing seems to work, people in the discord have tried the Exact same things i have tried and are not getting this bug. unsure what to do about it anymore.

if you want to see everything that has been tried, here is a link to the discussion on discord:
read down from that message.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
22H2 Build: 19045.5131
Eden Editor
Steps To Reproduce
  1. create the directory in the mission root directory: "assets\textures\whiteboards"
  2. add a .paa file into that directory.
  3. in the editor, place a "Whiteboard (Empty, Wall)"
  4. in the "Texture #0" field of the object, put "assets\textures\whiteboards\file.paa"
  5. start mission
  6. game gives back the error it cannot find the file

Event Timeline

This comment was removed by LouMontana.
dedmen closed this task as Resolved.Jan 6 2025, 6:21 PM
dedmen claimed this task.