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Optics M40 (3-9)x not centered in vertically
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First of all, thank you for your amazing work on CDLC!

In the previous build 1.30 M40's scope was not centered in the horizontal axis (bullet goes to the right or to the left of the crosshair).
After the latest update 1.31 M40's scope is centered horizontaly (BIG thank you!), but now it is not centered vertically (right now bullet impact is below crosshair center).

All other scopes from DLC has crosshair center identical to the center of the subordinate menu (see attachment F4692105)

(16:9, 1440p screen)


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Go to eden editor and place sniper with M40 (player) and one arbitrary subordinate
  2. Play as sniper.
  3. Look through scope and aim on some horizontal edge
  4. Try changing zoom, during which horizontal line of the crosshair moves UP and DOWN depending on the level of zoom.
  1. Press the "tilde" key to open subordinate menu.
  2. You can see that the shevron of subordinate menu (and probably center of the screen) is below the actual crosshair (see attachment F4692078).
Additional Information

Event Timeline

Hans_z created this task.Dec 12 2024, 2:16 AM