Just been to check on this tree and unfortunately it is still airborne.
It just needs dropping down about 1.5 meters.
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May 10 2016
Thanks for the heads up :-)
I've added a link to the pic showing the exact location
This sounds like it has been fixed :-)
ALSO: 1st person view while descending on a parachute sounds like you're inside a vehicle with dampened & muffled sound.
test this by switching between 1st & 3rd person view while listening.
Hey don't worry fella It's all in a joking, tongue in cheek manner :-)
Let's just have a digital pint and shake hands lol
The terrain is simply a 3D model (nothing more) and the objects are extra (separate) 3D models placed onto the terrain, they are all easily editable and removable :-) Nothing is permanently glued into place.
We could do it ourselves but I'm simply requesting for it to be an official feature built into the game editor as I'm sure BIS wouldn't appreciate us tampering with their maps.
@Dr Death...
The model would be unnecessarily complex doing it that way.
It's easier on the hardware and quicker (design wise) to use separate objects and duplicate them across the terrain.
See this issue...
lol what an odd reply
I am not trolling (can't even stand the new crappy internet slang)
I am not 'untaught' after a 15 year career in 3D graphic design and structural engineering.
You are rude and I have noticed that you have a very disturbing hobby of trying to provoke arguments with random strangers on the internet.
But I still respect your view of not wanting such a simple task adding to the game that wouldn't make any difference to anyone other than mission editors and the people who would appreciate this adding to the game.
Each to their own
Goodbye :-)
A simple option in game would make the process instantaneous.
Rather that using separate software and asking BIS permissions etc...
I understand more than anyone what I'm asking for here because the idea came directly from my mind :-)
All of the objects on the map have been placed there manually, it has all been designed by someone.
In the early stages of development (alpha / beta) many of the objects on the map were wrongly placed (floating in the air, clashing with other objects etc...) and have since been amended. They are all simply 3d models (with categorised class names) that can be manipulated at any time.
A few tabs in the editor that link to these objects (delete / activate) wouldn't be much of a task at all and would make mission editing 1000x better being able to add the available objects manually.
Being able to delete all environmental objects that are outside of the mission area (via a trigger radius) would seriously increase gameplay performance.
could one of the down voters please explain why this is such a bad idea?...
It won't even effect the people who don't want it. :-)
Should be quite a simple task for the devs...
Each and every element that is separate to the terrain model has a class name.
So the option to simply delete everything from the map would be easy to do.
The option to do this wouldn't hurt anyone, but mission makers would benefit from it greatly :-)
Acknowledged!!! CHEERS BIS :-)
Here's some inspiration...
I prefer to make my missions with stock objects so anyone can play them without using mods :-)
I just thought that if they're going to add the journalist character into the game he should at least have the basic equipment that a journalist uses, otherwise it's just a pointless man in a PRESS vest.
Each to their own I guess :-)
I've also noticed the tall radio towers glowing brightly too
Yeah I love the new fatigue system but the slow run animation does look a bit floaty (if that is even a real word)
A person would use shorter steps the more fatigued he/she becomes.
Here are a few tips to help manage fatigue / stamina... :-)
You can run indefinitely when you're using the right stance :-)
Here are some tips...
Aaah I'll change it to a different key and have a test cheers :-)
Yep you're right...
I looked in the config and 'T' is lock not right mouse lol
Thanks folks and sorry for the pointless ticket :-s
On the previous version it locked on fine...
On the current version I can't get it to lock on at all, and this has happened before in past versions.
I liked it because it more closely represented the inability to keep the weapon steady while taking footsteps which jolted the weapon as the characters feet impacted on the ground :-)
I must be the only person who actually likes this feature lol...
It really makes me control my fatigue and think before making a move.
I only use the 'sprint' speed when fired upon and need to get to cover quickly and that is when this shaking effect occurs.
If you rest it goes away.
Shame they're removing it :-(
Aah thanks AD2001 Yes I was using CBA...
Tested without and they didn't explode :-)
BUT some AI still hit the ground too hard and die on impact. even with the wind set to zero :-s
I have re-worded the issue removing the explosion part (caused by @CBA mod)
They are simply dying on impact.
Thanks to AD2001 for the info :-)
Hi Iceman...
There are screenshots of this problem attached to this issue.
Another bug that has snook its way back into the game...
Perfect example...
Look at the attached pictures and see what the latest update did to the compass.
It used to be perfectly fine but now it is totally unreadable.
Please reopen this ticket as it is not resolved...
@ L3TUC3...
This is specifically about previously fixed issues becoming broken again with updates.
And it is specifically about finding one solution to remedy this problem.
I could write a hundred separate issues for every single bug related to this one issue, but the reason for this happening would be exactly the same for them all.
This is one big issue and I believe it is Workflow related.
lol yeah maybe I was just wishful thinking :-)
This is still a big problem with the RAM just rising with no dump at all.
I have designed my missions so that they never exceed 1.5GB of RAM and normally run persistently as long as the server is up (sometimes weeks)
But at the moment they just eat RAM until they burst within a couple of hours.
There have been many changes since the opening of this bug as the ticket is one and a half years old.
The problem got fixed in January but returned with the 1.54 update.
My servers started dumping RAM normally again last night and appeared to be working fine.
But unfortunately I woke this morning to find it had crashed lol :-s
Seems to be working again...
My persistent servers have been running over 5 hours and they are managing the RAM nicely.
As the mission cleanup script deletes unwanted things from the map the RAM responds by dropping in value.
All nice and stable again :-)
Unfortunately this problem has returned with update 1.54
Yeah it's like ARMA 3 is constipated and can't release it's waste.
My dedicated servers have become useless due to this bug (again)
My servers seem to be running nice and stable now...
Missions restart and the RAM manages itself nicely without having to restart servers.
I'll keep monitoring just in case but everything seems good for now :-)
Still doing the same even with the performance binary...
Imagine the server RAM has risen to 1,234,567 KB (example) and the mission ENDS back to the lobby to choose your slot for the next game.
The next mission will start @1,234,567 KB and start rising again.
Sorry I get the feeling I'm repeating myself here :-s
Hope I'm making sense, I just can't explain it any other way :-)
Recently noticed exactly the same problem going in and out of the mission editor...
Preview a mission in the editor, then go back to main menu and observe the RAM sticks at the highest point that it reached in the editor preview.
Go back into the editor and it starts to rise again, repeat until crash.
It seems ANYTHING that you do in ARMA 3 (SP/MP/editor) accumulates the RAM until it either crashes or you shut the game down.
This is a VERY BIG problem.
I will do a few mission restarts and force the server to crash then try and get the crash dump files as soon as I can, although my knowledge on this sort of stuff is limited :-s
Basically what is happening when the mission ends the RAM stays the same (as if still playing) then the next session loads adding more RAM on top of the already built up RAM from the last session, instead of starting a fresh in the lobby.
The only way to clear the RAM and start a fresh mission is to restart the server which defeats the object of a persistent server.
You can test this process by repeatedly using the server command #restart
WOW this looks interesting I'll check it out CHEERS :-)
No crash dump files needed for this as it is so blatant, you can test it yourself and see the problem by monitoring the RAM...
It even occurs on non persistent servers where the mission resets to the lobby when the last player disconnects. The new mission holds the RAM from the previous instead of dumping it.
So whether the server is persistent or not it will still run out of RAM in the end.
Only subsonic rounds should make a 'ZzzIP' sound, e.g. after a ricochet or if the round has travelled far enough for it to slow down to make a lower pitched noise.
It is normal to hear a high pitched 'TIK' 'CRACK' or 'SNAP' sound for the passing supersonic rounds due to the compressed pressure waves producing a higher frequency.
The gun shot is also the exact same repetitive sample every time no matter where you are on the map (indoor, outdoor, forest, hill, valley, close, far etc...)
Many of the sounds in ARMA 3 are locked inside the players head including the environmental effects like the wind & insects.
when walking towards the sea the sound fades in from all directions instead of the location of the sound source.
The sound is just bad in general.
thanks killzone_kid
that works perfect :-)
I agree the AI just act like you're throwing Maltesers at them :-s
BIS have tried to simulate body armour, but failed to simulate the natural human will to survive so they just stand there taking round after round after round...
You can actually count how many shots will take the enemy down depending where you hit them, It's just boring and unrealistic.
Before the update everything worked perfectly fine with ports 2302:2303 open.
Since the update my server won't show up in the list (or anywhere else on the internet) and I haven't changed any settings.
Same problem here...
Even though both of my dedicated servers have a decent ping they haven't been showing up in the server list since the last couple of updates.
They used to be near the top and had regular visitors, but now I have to search to make them show up.
lol not going too well this idea is it? :-z
Would any of the down voters care to explain why they are against such a realistic and functional feature?
The reason that off road vehicles have an attitude meter is so you can tell when you are taking the vehicle to the limits so you don't end up on your roof :-)
Really important for military vehicles exploring an unknown route with extreme terrain.
Here's one in its simplest form...
My servers have also started crashing on a regular basis since a recent update.
Yes I've noticed the distant moaning sounds...
It would be a great option to be able to turn off all the repetitive coughing and choking sounds, and leave only the breathing sounds.
Yes my character permanently sounds like an angry porn star (especially when injured)
There's absolutely no need for all the persistent grunts and groans.
Aaah excellent that's exactly what I'm wanting cheers :-)
It wasn't a one off, It's just how they look all the time through night vision.
The beams of light look like they're made from cardboard.
They looked good before but but they have gone back to looking bad with the update.
There seems to be a recurring thing happening with every update.
When a problem is fixed, it reverts back to broken with the update afterwards.
Like someone is sneaking behind you pressing undo on everything that you fix lol
I will be using this script in my mission until BIS make it a standard feature :-)
Check it out folks...
@ Grumpy old man...
Perfect comment.
exactly my friend the crates have handles :-)
It would be much easier to simply make the crates movable with everything inside.
ie... dragging with one hand, carry with two hands etc...
And the smaller grenade type cases with one handle on the top the ability to carry two (one in each hand)
if the vehicle is within a certain radius from the crate an option to place crate into vehicle. or something simple like that maybe?
Could the person who downvoted (I have a good idea who it is :-) please explain why you are against being able to pick something up and place it into a vehicle?
Ha haa AD2001 just as I suspected :-)
You seem to downvote everything accompanied with a comment getting it all wrong lol
I didn't say anything about a backpack :-s
I'm getting the same thing.
Create multiplayer game from my PC and ARMA 3 crashes.
Same problem here on the so called stable build...
I thought there was something wrong with my mission files so I re-saved but still end up with a crash.
I've noticed it for a while now but never mentioned it due to more important issues...
I've been using that particular helicopter more often recently in my new mission and it's quite confusing so I thought I'd mention it :-)
It does the same with TrackIr.
Added an extra note to the description about parachutes having built in GPS
Yeah just tested and I see what you mean, thanks I'll add that to the description :-)
This needs fixing.
So judging by your comment and the down vote, I presume that you're happy with the sound? :-z
Exactly :-)
I'd just like to see some older style vehicles to match the state of the buildings.
The houses look generally dirty and not lived in for many years.
Most wood on he houses looks rotted, windows are cracked or broken, doors are rotten broken or non existent, tiles are cracked.
Yet somewhere there's a factory churning out state of the art vehicles and all the civilians are faced with the dilemma...
"Fix my windows or buy a 50,000 pound family saloon?"
I'd just like to see some older vehicles in the game that's all :-)
Fair enough matey :-)
Well at least on ARMA 3's Altis they might not care about the upkeep of their houses but have nice warm modern cars to live in :-)
You're probably better off searching for pictures of 'modern Greek homes'
Ones with toilets :-)
@Grumpy Old Man...
I was using slight exaggerations from one extreme to the other to show the unrealistic financial imbalance that is portrays in the game.
Although I still wouldn't live in one of those houses if you paid me a thousand pounds per week...
Due to missing roof tiles, missing or broken doors, windows, tiles, holes in walls. etc... etc... etc... ∞∞∞∞∞∞
If you can find me ONE house that is habitable on any of the two islands I'll happily sh@t in its toilet.
NO! Don't revert back!
Just make it like this...
They could at least lock the view as a short term fix like sniper scopes so you can't look away.
Being able to look away from magnified scopes with TrackIR is more annoying than an advantage in my opinion because the movement is amplified and over sensitive due to the zoom.
But it's brilliant with iron sights & the ACOG scopes, I can't play ARMA or any other simulation without TrackIR :-)
Could use Inverse kinematics from the door handle connected to the characters hand?
No pre-defined animations needed then :-)
Only if you are wearing a divers mask or glasses, and then it should be blurred due to it being in close proximity to the players eyes which would be focusing through the water into the distance.
Human eyes do not get water droplets on them.
Nearly ALL of the ambient sounds are non positional and locked inside the players head.
When you rotate the whole world rotates with you :-z
good luck finding your keyboard, or your drink oh and don't mix the two together :-s
good luck finding long range targets due to the minecraft quality image.
only joking around :-)
didn't vote... Each to their own.
I'm not missing the point and I do understand what you're saying and I've also read the wiki :-)
I'm not to good with scripting so it's not easy or simple to me.
What I'm saying is that the random waypoints cycled randomly to infinity and now they don't any more because the cycle is breaking the cycle :-z, so to change it back how it was before would fix everyones missions that use this function including mine :-)
The cycle seemed to reinitialise the process making the waypoints random every time
Surely cycle should repeat the process, thus cycling through waypoints that have random placement radii.
Otherwise it is not a cycle and it has just created it's own fixed waypoints, defeating the object of the placement radius.