Duplicate of #0003909. Please search before posting. I recommend Google.
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May 10 2016
Oh, I see it now.
I'm sorry, what's the issue?
I believe hand signals are already confirmed.
What exactly are those grainy areas? I never saw something like that IRL.
Don't some Russian helicopters have ejection seats?
Upvoted, but the uniforms have to be empty.
Well, that's an issue for itself and you should make another ticket for it. I believe this one can be closed.
So, is this a no-bug?
Asymmetrical warfare, anyone?
Isn't guerrilla warfare some kind of tactic used by militias and insurgents?
It could be spammed. A LOT.
I like spamming.
Agreed, I really don't see the point in IFVs having radars (except the AA versions, as you mentioned).
Excuse me, but why did you write
at the end of your ticket?
Also, I think chemlights should last max 1 hour because I don't see the point in them lasting more. Most missions only last 30 mins-1 hour.
Well, maybe for certain angles (e.g. the Marshall's frontal armour), but it would be retarded if it was applied to all parts of the vehicle.
5.56 DP? As in dual purpose? Since when do the TAR and Mk20 use dual purpose ammo?
Okay, let me start over. The rifle was like this in the alpha. It was like this in the beta for about a month. And now you come here and you want them to change the caliber. I'm sorry, but I think it's a bit too late and it was a design choice to make it 5.56.
I don't care. They made it use a different caliber and renamed it. End of story.
It's a fictional rifle that looks like the RFB.
The game has issues with surround sound. That's probably the problem.
Are you using a surround sound headset? If so, try to play the game with the speakers and tell me if you still have the issue.
Duplicate of #0009890
Duplicate of #0003909. Until this is added have a look at this script by Zooloo75/Stealthstick https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1au3w7eq6cax60r/mwlO5Z6h1i
Adding foliage to suits is already covered by #0004078.
Well, the helicopter should notice you if it's flying at a low enough angle, at low enough speed and looking at you.
Or simply make it not detect you because this ↑ would be difficult to make.
Plane or helicopter?
Agreed, but it should only affect vehicles where you can't see the driver, so the Hunter, Ifrit, Quadbike etc. are fine.
Yes, and it would also depend on range, but that's probably already in the game.
Also, when the commander turns out in the Marshall, everyone turns out.
And what about the early gameplay which showed putting on enemy uniforms and infiltrating an enemy camp? Was it improvised? Will the feature be added again?
Oh...I didn't even know you could put on enemy uniforms.
And how exactly does it work now?
Well, if you're the only one you'll have to deal with it.
It'll probably be possible with the XM25.
I wonder who will use the XM25...
Firing when turned out is probably hard to implement.
I don't think it's really worth spending time on saluting, but using binoculars is a whole different story.
I don't know about you, but there's a "close" option in every ticket I reported.
Can you just close the duplicate ticket?
Duplicate of #0011454. It's probably resolved in the Dev build.
What exactly was the mistake?
Duplicate of #0010212.
The SDAR is pretty much the same as the other rifles, it just uses super cavitating ammunition. By your logic, none of the rifles should work.
It works, but you can't fire?
I said, if the mission maker wants the player to pick his weapon, he'll use VAS or something like that. If he doesn't, he won't.
That's why the VAS script is there. If mission makers want you to have a custom loadout, they'll use it. If the don't, they won't. You can't just make a hostage rescue mission or something where you only have a pistol or something and then the player chooses to take a Titan, and LMG and 15 grenades.
You said "yet". That means there will be one. ;)
Great idea, but first they have to implement passing out. Upvote #0008338 , please.
"insult a loyal customer"
Lol wut? I'm not a dev, nor a moderator.
Also, just use Google, type the keywords and type "arma 3 feedback tracker" in the end.
Duplicate of #0010006. Please search before posting.
They don't work only when you're in the water. The same thing happens with the ladders at Agia Marina.
But where's the secret cave?
No seriously, dude. WHERE. IS. IT?
Grid number?
The game has no bullet in chamber accounting.
Wasn't that an ACE feature?
Duplicate of #0000369. Please search before posting.
Just tested it, tripwire mines are NOT lethal.
Try the tripwire mines.
I think it's kinda sorta too late to ask for that now.
Duplicate of #0002638. Please search before posting.
Here's a list of the anims that are already requested:
Switching on NVG/placing on face
Dropping weapon to switch weapons
Watch on hand instead of magic screen watch
Compass in hand
Looking down at weapon when reloading (not always but sometimes)
Look down at grenade when pulling pin
Animation for packing magazines, tap in palm, an helmet, on ground
Placing explosives
Breaching, placing charges on doors(WE WANT BREACHING CHARGES BTW!!)
Getting in vehicles is not "shite". It's okay and it's too late for new anims. The devs worked hard to make those anims.
How is the swithching weapons animation missing?
Downvoted for now.
Duplicate of #0000369. Please search before posting. I recommend Google.
A moderator has to close.
Please don't write any more notes here.
Duplicate of #0002496.
Moderator, please close this issue.
A new destruction model? Nope, not until Arma 4.
How can a feature request be "fixed"?
First of all, *crickets
You can place animal modules, but I don't want them pre-placed.
Not sure about herds as animals are spawned locally.
I'm not sure if dogs can be made to attack.
We do need more birds.
Furniture inside buildings has been requested and there are already some sunshades, beach chairs and garbage.
Waves on shorelines=requested
Player-water interactions=requested
Drowning on the surface is an issue by itself.
More civilian vehicles=requested and closed
You can place civilian modules.
There are enough ambient sounds, although, as you mentioned, we need more bird sounds.
We definitely need better sounds in vehicles.
I'll upvote when/if the ticket is edited.
Suggestion: Change the category to "Feature request".
I think there was an X-35B (or a similar plane) shown on the early screenshots.
2nd EDIT:https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/241044_196648663715205_699927_o.jpg
How do you know there's no flight model?
I don't think you understood what Dr_Death said. We just want to test the flightmodel, not the weapons.
Agreed with Dr_Death.
Agreed with exxDUDExx.
What things?
What do I do test the flight model if I don't have Arma 2?
Lay off? As in let go of it? No way, BIS would never do that to us. NEVER!!!!!
During the alpha, I agreed with you on every discussion. When the beta came, I started to have somewhat different opinions than you. Now I want to kill you.
They should give us at least one plane. Come on BI, pwease.
I said summary. When I saw the ticket I thought it's requesting that the chopper instantly explodes. Don't confuse people.
One rocket should not explode it (unless it hits a certain spot, e.g. the fuel tank), but two definitely should.
And you should change the summary to include the heli being hit with several missiles.
(back to topic)
Well, I can't say you're wrong. Although OPFOR has the armed Orca.
*cough, cough* 8 passenger seats *cough, cough*
But I still upvoted.
Have a look at this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159437-SCRIPT-Explosive-To-Vehicle
Uh...yeah...it would be better for independents. But (for an odd reason) indies aren't insurgents in A3. So, nope, no car bomb for any faction.
I really, really, REALLY hope you're joking.
It IS a good idea, but the current engine doesn't support it and they'd have to severely modify the engine or make a new one.
Oh, so you want terrain deformation, right?
Well, it ain't gonna happen, at least not until Arma 4.
Is this a feature request?
Does anyone understand that this is a duplicate of #0008886 ?
Moderator, please close this ticket as a duplicate of #0008886.
I think it has actually been suggested in the Alpha.
Yeah...it's a bit too late for that now.
Yeah, they changed some of the weapons' names, so the weapons are totally made up.
"females can handle guns well except for firearms"
I'm sorry, what? What were you trying to say? Is there a missing comma or a missing "not"?
Why wouldn't they be able to operate vehicles and weapons?
That's why there are different roles/classes. You can't have a heli pilot with a carryall backpack, a Titan and an EBR.
How can't you see what stance you're in? Is it so hard to see the difference between standing and crouching?