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- User Since
- Oct 29 2014, 11:36 AM (539 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Still, I would like to be able to load up the Virtual Arsenal once and test things there. Rather having to jump from the Editor to the Virtual Arsenal and vice versa.
Not to mention having to load up a map take longer than just the empty world of Virtual Reality map.
It's understandable of the mistake. I would have done the same, thinking that the reporter got the spelling wrong.
Anyways, thanks for actually fixing the misunderstandings.
Also, the reasons why I added this trivial issue, is because it can help improve performance by a tiny and minor amount. It doesn't really matter if this issue actually gets fixed or not.
Sorry, I wasn't that explicit. I really meant to say 'faces' or in other words, I meant 'Polygons' of a 3D model.
I was trying to say that under the poles, there are unneeded 'polygons' or 'faces'. That is why I took the images from the bottom, trying to point out the bottom of the poles.
So that explain why some modded choppers, that I tried, had that free look co-pilot bug.
Have you tried verifying your Arma 3 files in Steam?
First off, does the game crash or hang without mods? If it doesn't, its something the modders have to fix. BIS isn't resposible for fixing mods. If this kind of problem that modders can't fix and its caused by the base game. They(Edit:Modders) should report them selves.
IF verifying doesn't work. A reinstall might work.
Tried the steps, but didn't get any issue. Try to verify your files.
Arma 3? There are guides on how to verify your Arma 3.
A driver issue doesn't have to have issues on all games. It can be on specific game. Also why not try.
Possibly a driver issue. Try using Display Driver Uninstaller to completely remove your driver. And then reinstall a newer one.
As long you don't have to much programs running at the same time. Might be causing compatibility issues when certain are on.
Have you tried reinstalling BattlEye? Also check your other programs if they have set their hotkeys familiar to your controls in Arma 3.
Btw there is actually an unused CSAT Russian Uniform in the Arma 3 Files. I tested it out and took a screenshot of it and here it is:
Personally, its a better idea of them to be able to focus fixing bugs and performance issues.
We don't really need one from BIS. We have modders who can do so. Better the devs focus on fixing the game than adding thing.
Those animation you are viewing are used on the vehicles. That is why there is the word "passenger" in the name of the animations
Wait... What do you mean? The L key works with the Old Camera and Slendid Camera and removed all UI including the cursor. So what your saying when you remove the UI. It removes the UI, but excluding the cursor? If so, might be your end with the issue.
What situation will this be helpful?
Isn't L key removed all the UI......
Probably something wrong with your drivers. Try uninstalling your GPU driver with Display Driver Uninstaller and install a newer driver. Might help.
You should make sure if its just the mod that has the issue. The devs can't do anything about mods that are broken. Its up to the creator to fix it himself.
I play with my group which use a lot of mods and we never had a single crash. Since Exile, for sure, has a lot of scripts and etc. So when a new update comes out. A certain command that they need might have changed or been removed. Exile's problems probably be fixed when they release a new update or so.
Maybe because your using Windows 10?
The Arma 3 devs are not responsible of fixing those bugs. If its really an issue that the modders can't fix and related to Arma 3. They will inform the devs of Arma 3 of the issue them selves.
I noticed some time ago that this old animation also apply to just moving forward normally while prone and then standing up.
So I did some edits and changes
The animation that you see there is an old animation from ArmA 1. Also present in Arma 2. The devs didn't care or forgot to replace the old animation because of the default key bindings they made to their game. Which the default key bindings can't make you stand immediately while evasive, prone, forward. But instead you can only go to crouch than stand.
Did you make sure they're not in Danger or Stealth mode? Just asking to be sure.
I just use the Splendid Camera to teleport me around. Never new this was possible in the Editor.
I wonder how many objects in Altis or Stratis have this issue. Who knows, it might be everywhere and its the cause of the performance issues.
I hope BIS consider this. If not, maybe the modders can. Because I heard them said that the Eden Editor is fully moddable. So if they don't do it. Hopefully modders will.
Or in other words Synced Eden Editor?
Ah I see.
I think you are suppose to manually say that you took a guy down, but I see what you mean.
Sad that Arma 2 had a similar system. While Arma 3 didn't bring with it. There are still left over animations for carrying injured, dragging injured, unconscious state, carried animation, and etc. unused.
I think those are trolls. I think what they're trying to say is that "Your in a car. And sounds outside don't simply go through just like in real life."
I remember trying to throw a grenade through a window before but it didn't go through and died. I think I was playing the campaign when that happened.
I noticed this and its not realistic. I've seen a show in some channels like Discovery Channel where soldiers were to carry a very heavy bag and carry it all the way in a long journey.
Still present in 1.52.
Added video on the issue in action through video.
Sure will add.
I know what you mean. Especially for games that use the Source Engine. Tabbing back into the game takes forever.
For me personally, I prefer it like that.
Its your preference. Maybe they should have an option to have it disable or enabled. Also my brother use to have some media keys. He always tend to press the sleep button during some tense moments when trying to press the keys he wanted. He actually remove the keys of it to avoid pressing it again.
Try deleting or move out the "Arma 3" or "Arma 3 - Other Profiles" folder located at your Documents. Then try running the game again.
I think this was as intended on the release of the Heli DLC. In most of the choppers, ejecting from the pilot or copilot seat would be hard. Due to doors being small or the entire wind shield is the door that would need to be open before getting out, the Blackfoot for an example. But the for the hummingbird you can. They should instead and an exception to the hummingbirds.
Fixed in 1.52.
Just recently went into modding and I now understand this issues won't be easy to fix and not possible to be fixed.
They can't do anything about this. Since its an unsupported port.
I think its intended since they CSAT units don't use vests. They use Harnesses most of the units. So they had to balance them by making their Uniforms higher armor. Probably the same with the Ghillie.
I actually tried testing this animation. And it seems to be broken. It doesn't play the animation that was shown in the Animation viewer
Sad that ArmA 2 had this feature while ArmA 3 doesn't.
Is it? I should try using the Aim Deadzone again.
I noticed this and stopped using it after noticing this annoying bug.
Yup, still the same in 1.54 stable.
Getting the same crash every time I am in a server. I never gotten this issue before.
Unusual process exit
Arma 3 has quit in unusual manner. Info:
Exit code: 0x000000FF / 255
Reason: unknown
Time running: ~ 00:03:01.3 seconds
The game was started with following parameters:
Can't you code it into the engine?
Oh I see.
Btw at the second video? Does the body normally fly into the air?
I hope BIS will fix those issue. I like the idea of End Game, but it, personally, needs to be more improved to get people and me to play it.
Still present in 1.48
Yea. I noticed.
resolved? Does this mean its gonna happen?
Wait.... Nvm
I hope this gets fix. Its look really funny when it happens and a lot of people will notice it.
Still not fixed in 1.48
Arma 3 doesn't use more then 4 cores properly. That were DX12 come in. It will help with core utilization. From 2 to 6 cores.
:D Please yes! Let it happen!
I can see so much potential ArmA 3 will have if it supports DX12. It can finally add more features and implement CPU heavy task. Maybe fix the issue of the game holding the GPU and CPU usage back than fully using their potential because of some issue. I hope this gets implemented.
Going to miss this bug. T_T
This can be abuse real bad. Do as said in the video but looking up the elevation and mount and Vault. Then go to a flat surface and place rest the gun on the ground. Your entire body is hidden except for the head and gun. So you can shoot out while your body is protected.
Still present in 1.50.
I also sort of kinda don't want this bug fixed. Me and my friends do it when we are messing around for fun.
Still present in the 1.48
I sort of want it not fixed. Its just looks funny. XD
I tried ways to destroy the chopper, but it can't happen anymore in the VR map. It use to explode when you flip it up side down.
I just tried doing it again to see if it was fixed. And the issue has been fixed by making the chopper fully indestructible.
I just tried play Arma Armed Assault and found out, that back then, shadows actually cast on smoke...... Why was this not in carried on to Arma 2 and 3? If it was about optimizing performance. At least give us the option to enable it or not.
Must have!
Someone assigned as fixed.
Tried it again in the 1.48 patch. It seems fixed.
I noticed this since ArmA 2. Its probably done for performance reasons, but it looks really annoying. They can at least give us an option to enable it.
You can actually see this animation on their old Arma 3 Alpha Showcase Videos