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- User Since
- May 11 2014, 2:33 PM (562 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Make sure you have the correct layer selected in the objects tab
If you dont have the right layer selected , it can cause this problem
Good practice to name a layer houses or village A etc so you know what layer the object is on.
It can be also sheer lag caused by map detail or roads script being used
Never had a problem using that Size other than the sheer wait for processing.
Obviously its the cell size that is usually the issue in most cases , whilst the number of Faces never changes with cell size , The amount Viewable on the screen does if the cell size is small . A 1.5 gb Greyscale Heightmap seems very exxcessive so i must assume its either very very detailed or maybe its got something wrong.
If its detailed and your suing a small cell size then you need to be giving things around 5- 12 hours to crunch in my experience , whilst its not acceptable it is possible .
Its best to reduce View distances etc in Bulldozer and Game before loading too .
I'm sampling 20000 files not sure 53 is a good measure for how the programme will use page file , memory , cpu if the process you sample is so small
Maybe try a bigger sample from altis or so
In addition I can't rember if the last iteration was also poor , dos it also have this GUI checklist ?
Thanks for helping
Hi thanks for taking a look its appreciated
The timestamp is from the UI during processing on win 8 64 pro , all on dev branch , cant help more sorry.
Just an additional note that may point to a problem
S_003_034_lco processed in 00:00:02.6875020
Processing S_003_035_lco (627 KB)...
S_003_035_lco processed in -151405.18:45:30.5249952
Processing S_003_036_lco (672 KB)...
S_003_036_lco processed in -151405.18:45:33.5406194
Processing S_003_037_lco (672 KB)...
S_003_037_lco processed in 00:00:03.2187515
Processing S_003_038_lco (769 KB)...
Note that the process time isnt consistant , some are given a time taken and some are displaying the clock time at processing .
Working ok on Win 8 PRO
already reported
see notes in my eport for a temp fix until BIS fix it
Fixed in latest update
Reminder to anyone using the fix to reset your destinatrion folder :)
cheers for the fix BIS
You see insults
I see frustration ,
Is it really too much to test before release even if its DEV version ?, Lets just think for one moment what we are seeing here on many many occasions .
Is the final release full of Major flaw and bugs ? Nope Is the final release full of silly little flaws that would be caught by one simple test ? yes.
Please understand this is not disrepect it is shear disolusion for people who spend many hours to give the Engine more longevity and Shelf life if we didnt do this , the Vanilla games would long be gone.
In summary i only ask for one simple thing : Please test at least once the final update before release , it is beyond all dispute that this error shows , it cannot have been tested because the PBO would bot have been in the folder.
This simple flaw once again cost me 6 hours + of my own precious time , i hope you undertsand.
Temp Fix for anyone not able to await an update / extend the destination by and extra \addons
A3Dir(find your path)\@dbo\addons\addons
Reverted Binarise. exe and all working now
Agreed looks like 1.46 didn't like community ponds and added a new catch for water that isn't sea and made it spit out errors right after the ponds were released
Strange timing really but I'm sure there is a good explanation
Hi thanks I will try it
Although most of p3d are custom so oxygen has saved them with latest iteration and still no icon
However will try suggested thanks
Ps. Given the info in your post is vital can we not see such vital info in tech reps going forward please
Unfortunately The suggestion does not work :
Deleted old A3 folder on P: and Renewed with New UNPBO folders from Dev Arma 3 Root
Tried to repack no Icons
Deleted Temp folder and copied necessary Folder structure to Temp \a3 \required folder structures containing p3ds
No Icons
Thanks for trying , it seems there is some info missing from how local setup must be Vs BIS workflow maybe .
Lots of this
2015-05-20 17:17:17,271 [INFO] 8: AddonBuilder.Tasks.ProcessBuildTask.ProcessOnOutputDataReceived -
Replace 8 with 6-12 no info after - thats full report
Reverted Binarise. exe and all working now
And in addition
Whilst you have fixed james problem , he uses pboproject , this has an intelligent understanding to copy p3d to temp folder that are used on a terrain so when the terrain is binarised it understands class from proprties .
However whatever fix you did to make pbo project work has now broken your own tools when using bis workflow .
Reverted Binarise. exe and all working now
do you have a link to the old exe , the new one os presenting lots of problems on Terrain binarising whilst handling the p3ds and i would like to cross refference in my build environment to narrow it down to the new Binarise xausing problems
P.S this is not anything to do with PBO project of Mikero only official tools
That is not the case on win 8 pro x64 and never has been
There is a complexity of tools exe's starting viewers and second line exe's that simply allowing p drive to bypass UAC does not fix , pdrive as you know is only a subst , creating it does not then allow uac to be bypassed on the exe's contained within .
For example start steam as user then mount p , then start TB and launch bulldozer annd you will recieve viewer not found .
However if you start steam as admin then do the same all will be ok ,
however as a user you will not physically see the p: drive as a drive label because your a user not admin .therefore you have to go direct to the armawork folder or go via the open file in the tool UI.
I have started p drive via the bat as both user and admin since day 1 and still do if I do it through tools ui it will only show to the authority that started the steam exe .
Solved (ish)
The P:drive is created but only attributed to the User authority that steam was satrted with :
If you start steam as Admin : then P:drive is only visible to the Admin
you must then start as user manually by double click the mapdisk in tools folder to access it via the Windows UI.
Obviously because you have started steam as Admin then you can reach P:drive via the Steam tools UI and tools you start from there.
Disabling UAC on windows 8 so User has admin rights is not possible as Arma 3 is an App that suffers serious stutters if this is done.
Starting steam as user is also not an option because then tools do not work properly becuase the exe`s that are required during there use like only admin authority
Nightmare cant see a way past it other than persevere but thats Windows fault , fingers crosssed for 10 :)
hmm you mean the Veta option that allows the BIG data files ?
i dont see any DEV tools options Just BEtA and i ve been on them all the time ,not sure its any different
anyway cheers for the help , it looks like MCFEE i just decided to leave it be and start it manually from the Tools folder myself , works ok
So strange I dont get that option , only big data files option
No matter I am happy with stable (ish)
Hmm could be mcfee ill try it
All other buttons in the UI work and path to p in the ini is correct and manual operatiin of the mapdisk.bat is working ok on fail of the UI
Incidentally what is Dev tools ? Sounds like a strange thing to allow Stable dev engine and stable dev tool combos thats a possibility of nightmare or maybe I now see why its all fucked up lol
Hi all those files are in the white list i can in the UI and in regedit adress
second i am aware what exclude list does (it was me who point out to copy p3d to get image on terrain of house and trees ) thats my problem Source folder is in exclude yet it still tries to sync that folder , so i have to leave these in the options or then it means take out source folder and put elsewhere and its not good for me or it break the terrain build process.
BTW here is my exact files to copy from UI and Regedit
*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.wss;* .ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.txt;*.wrp;*. bisurf;*.rvmat;*.cfg;*.hpp;*.shp,*.shx,*.prj,*.dbf ; if i leave these out from options then there will be no roads or rvmat or anything in the pbo ;)even if i do copy to the temp\ARMAAddons\nameof pbo folder.
Now i narrow it dow to make it work , Start from Steam > addon builder work first time , try to repack second time no work > open Steam > arma 3 tools addonbuilder > works first time will not repack > vicious circle open with different shortcut for 1 time only work .
Thanks for efforts much apreciated however now its finally time i give up on official tools and succomb to 3rd party package .
Apreciated but im afraid no good for me such problems.
Thanks for the update
Muc appreciated
Happy new year
Any update please this is causing big holdup now
Im sure you know Addon builder makes 2 logs now , one in the tool folder as a User.rot and a Log in the Generic tool folder , i uploaded both .
of course still exists this problem of Addon builder looking through non consequential files for whatever reason it was decided to do it , however it doesnt error on these any more thankfully ( well as far as i am aware but i dont have config errors there so cant say too accurately ).
these are the required addons in the config that is Binarised from a fresh start and New logs from scatch
requiredAddons[] = {"dbo_weapons"};
Dbo_weapons has a required addons of
requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_f","A3_Characters_F"};
i dont know whay it even look dbo_trex base but thats another problem for you :)
i also attach my exclude.lst (N>B I renamed to .log to breach void filetype as .lst not allowed here)
I notice also the list is mentioned in two locations (I have tired also put list in BOth addon folder and filebank) but same results LONG SYCH
- [Arguments]=-targetBonesInterval=56 -addon="P:" -exclude="P:\dbo\dbo_prehistoric\exclude.lst"
[Arguments]=-texheaders -silent -exclude="G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\FileBank\exclude.lst"
Cheers for Input
Please close
i mistook this for Feedback tracker seems i was in the forum of Fanboys who post without knowledge of the subject
Problem fixed by myself again
P.S you might want to
(A) stop TOM from messing with files and send back to take on mars Localisation strings
(B) look into Clear temp folder on Larger PBOS specificcally terrains , seems there is a dirty loop on the larger files for binarising and packing
Looks like the game is using single precision found the problem on a duplicate 0018538
Ah right , i think only Publisher is working through : Right click Steam in tool Bar > arma 3 tools > UI > Publisher
all others i think are:
Right click Steam in tool Bar > Name of tool
Hopefully they will leave it so , because last time everything else broke with a Fix lol
Cant reproduce on windows 8.1 64 pro
Maybe a local steam or admin authority problem ?
you must start the publisher with
Arma3 tools GUI
select Publisher
Publish addon
It wont work from direct folder publisher.exe or short cut or steam > publisher
That fixed it , weird tools how do we ever get anything at all done ?
It doesnt download though yet when i subscribe , is there som config or special folder we should upload from or something ?
Got it : you need Launcher from Bis and Subscribe from there as Admin , it opens web page not steam app and then subscribe and when Dl check the Addon > addon you dl
Basicalyy BIS seem to have no initiative for encompassing Windows 8 - 8.1 and UAC and the problems caused when using Game /Tools /Steam
I wish they would just Hire a proffesional regisrty and Binary coder for a week or so instead of this Guess and chase the error game its not funny any more.
Same problem here
shows in my own files on steam but not Publivly despite being checked as Public
as previous poster it states for use in Arma3 tools which seems to be the problem as the ones in public view say arma 3
Confirmed Fixed on Windows 8.1 64bit using
Namespace dbo
Addon source Directory
Path to project folder
N.B Not P:\dbo\ as per arma 2
could you update here once we know its safe please
this is todays changelog with no apparent fix
Addon Builder
Fixed: Crash on first start, default EXE path was not set Fixed: On hover issues with buttons (they tried to run away) Fixed: Paths to EXEs were not properly initialized after fresh installation, which caused a crash
make your own batfile for pdrive
subst p: "path to your armawork folder"
Download Mikeros tools and install
Download Bis tools and install via steam
Run once Via steam
setttings.ini write your own paths and untick default in the options (this is linked to a majorly flawed operation that is present in every bat file and registry process in the arma3 tools installaion process (basically its Borked beyond belief))
Never ever use armatools.exe directly again use the individual exe as admin
Never ever click ok if you ever get a pop saying Buldozer maynot perform , always click cancel
Never ever Mount P: drive using Devp or Mapdisk in any form via A3tool UI or direct from Bat.
In Summary avoid Arma3tools Ui and Bat files like the Plague they are fundamentally flawed in every concievalble manner
it would Binarise as normal ,
it seemed in early itterations the need for a model.cfg in the anim folder (or where the .rtm file was) was negated by a diff inhertiance by the AB .exe and config.bin so no errors were produced .
In addition i also in my namespace root i always put the model.cfg , as you see on a P :drve root ther is a model.cfg with only default skeleton and model , maybe because in my root i put the full model.cfg this allowed for the binarisation.
like i say its not a fix but there have been 4 or 5 occasions from A2 to A3 where the placing of the model.cfg in the anim folder broke the anim due to changes in the binarise.exe , the temp fix for me during these periods was to remove the model.cfg from the anim folder.
it may ork again , however given the complexity of the new development team and A3 , iwould assume this break is different , however still worth a try if the hotfix takes time.
unfortunately i no longer mess with it so cant test , i will say that permissions were 80% of the troubles with A3 development for me and especially on windows 8.1 , the rewards no longer became > than the outcome.
I would also check the roots of the tolls and see if Bis have now placed a Model.cfg as well as the config.bin /.cpp maybe they Borked this as it wont be the first time .
It is evident from the tracker alone that the guy writing the .xml and registry files is not talking to or understanding what the guy who edits the binaries is doing , the whole tools package has been running on a Silo system of development since day 1 , nobody needs to look further than the tracker to see this.
I had this in early itterations
I removed the model.cfg from the anim folder where the rtm was and it worked
Not a fix obviously but might show root of problem , possibly a new bone structure or the pivot model used for bulldozer could now be diff / defunct who knows only BIS as always :)
Had same problem it was a UAC prob on windows 8.1
I had to start Launcher as Admin and re subscribe to the addons and now they show .
TB is a rudementary version ofa vbs product and has legacy
The zone for a3 is totally irelevant because all your weather sky etc is done via config.cpp
Whats important is 0, 0 is bottom left and the game can handle floatpoint from it and to achieve this in TB you need 200000 , 0 for every layer or be prepared for any wiki or tutorial to be of no use to any troubleshooting
Now back toy your problem , if you had this problem on a map inTB with recommended properties then my advice is no longer valid to that but is apropiate for successful in game map
I no longer develop but after 14 years I still like to pass info .
You cant use a diff zone
The game uses left bottom for 0, 0 and this ties to development 0, 0 which is stated in the wiki /tutes as 200000 , 0 for the area of development .
Using diff zone means your objects will be borked floatpoint
Best to delete any co ord info from your source file and use the default co ords in TB when defining the layer .
Your map properties are completely wrong and so are your easting northing for the layerr
Your floatpoints for the objects will be messed thus you get errors
Try on a tute sample map like jakerods or similar
Sorry I cant type correct properties im on tablet
But the layer is normally 4* the cell so 20 not 40
Pixel of 2.5 is also bad its preferably 1.0
Easting and northing are to be 200000 and 0
Ammo already has several Handlers take your pick and simply use like any eventhandler
effectsSmoke = "SmokeShellWhite";
effectsFire = "CannonFire";
effectFlare = "FlareShell";
effectFly = "";
particle effects have probably the fastest Loop i know when using there send to script line , simply abuse that i have always done it and found it more reliable than any Fired ,changeanim, hit etc tyoe eventhandler
Apologies i read the OP wrong thought it was for sounds not messing with the projectile
Not always if you use a community bat file but u checked so not that of course
Only other thing is maybe you put temp folder is p:\ yourmodirectory and click clear temp files
P is only a psuedo of mydocs /armawork folded ,, all your work should still be there unless you set up armawork on a diff drive
Do a search for armawork on ya pc
Namespace pack should be For P:\DBO\DBO_island
For direct no namespace packed foded or p: \DBO_island
Leave the path blank
This works for me
If the prefix isnt changing then you may need to delete your addonbuilder.log or restart the addonbuilder session
What does your logger.xml look like in root, I had same probems and bis_cooper provided better xml in a ticket mirror of this one
Also check exclude.lst in filebank as that was knackered before and they may have tried tio "fix"it
Can confirm this is now an issue with TB in the latest iterations along with very slow loading of Objects , this has only happened since the last 2 updates ( that was when i last used TB)
as per the video there is a freeze when selecting the viewport 2D area for anything between 10 and 60 seconds , the amount of data on the map or size of the map does not seem to reflect any linear reason
you havent Disabled UAC on windows 8 have ya ?
I had that , All BIS applications will freeze if UAC is dsiabled on WIn 8
just incase .
It Seems the Models are fighting to remain at Yaw 0.00
can be repoduced Awlays with Land_i_garaage_V1
However if you Hold Down LFTCTRL whilst rotating Jittering is not there and if in small increments it is stable , still Broke but may give a clue to solution
Lets see when 1.99 for addons :)
I dont like this FUll Screen Splash its not nice i think for such a cheap addon that a lot of people cannot add money to steam to purchase its not so good idea , hopefully BIS will Make a paperCar "lite" and "roflcopter" lite for future DLC and those who cannot put money to steam and now Join there friends who have it because of Full Screen splash and other such annoyance comes when you dont have it :(.
It is in relation to packing through AddonBuilder GUI
Fix doesnt work , itt still takes the folder and any Copy-Direct type file contained within I.E Layers.cfg
hmm sorry you lose me now.
"It is in relation to packing through AddonBuilder GUI"
If you saying the exclude.lst is not activated Via AddonBuilder then i uNderstand but im not sure what FileBank GUI is sorry i have never used filebank direct or command line its only access through AddonBuilder for me.
please try as described and Source Folder is in PBO , it shouldnt be nor Files inside it as its designated for Ignore in the exclude.lst and thats how it always worked.
just as a note :wasnt an issue with Windows 8.1 so please be aware incase any updates/hotfix cause a break on Win8 64 bit systems.
Much apreciated
Hi Cooper
This is an old rant and no longer applicable in its entirety
The only outstanding issue is the p3d files are no longer copied to temp for ID of class in the geometry Losds and. so icons not are applied to terrains for trees Et al and oxygen no longer has the FBX import via arma 3 tools gui route
I would love too but logs are nolonger created past the start up and if you try to use namespace on win 8.1 it will delete the sourcefiles of the p drive
The bat files are written by a hobbyist
The log.xml was goodbut now broke
The buldozer nolonger goes to the pdrive
Dev p should be banned and the code writer sent to IT school or satelite painting duties.
Mapdisk is patheticly overwritten and pedantic
Setting.ini is not authorised to access paths and its irrelevant because the Default setting is Default and by Default there is no paths because devp and map disk are pathetic.
its only funny because the guy messing up the code every update and causing so many problems is now making even more .exe`s to verify registry and paths and those exe are even less use than the registry and batfiles that they are designed to check (apart from image.paa gui which was already done by another ).
Is it true all this incredulous keystone copesque breaking of oyr workflow is an actual known procedure ?
If the crit seems harsh , I believe after spending 2 evenings of spare time trying to fix the tools and P:drive after every update and the changelog representative of no actual justification for the break to my workflow and not withstanding the guy whos writing the code thats breaking the pipeline spending his time on tools for updating community tools rather than replying here on feedback , I earned the right to be slightly peed off.
After changing the Logger.xml errors of L:\ to P:\ i now get a log and found the error as reported above
Error in config p:\Binarize\bin\config.cpp
p:\Binarize\bin\config.cpp/CfgLights/ObjectDestructionLight.brightness: Cannot update non array from array
Works Thanks for the Help :)
Only problem iss the Addon mkaer allways stays with "ready" and no longer displays Binarizing : copying : packing anymore , i think this is after yesterdays update not beause of the logger fix , shall i make new ticket or ?
Thanks for the code , however the Point is the last syntax before update was only wrong by L:\ != P:\
that small change made USer and addonbuilder Log to tools \LOGS\AddonBuilder
could you paste the code to achieve this again rather than tools\addonbuilder.log that the code above achieves (yes it does work though but messy location)
Much appreciated
No problem glad it works for you also
Only wish i knew how we download those attached Files so i can see if Bis_Cooper has even better way to do it ;).
I saw the fix was made but err , i looked and now there is no loner a Log in the tools folder LOG folder , could you please state where "the correct folder" that the fix eludes to is please so i can find and check it works
Change logger.xml inside tools root folder where it says L:\ inside to P:\ and you will get logs in P:\ logs folder , youcan change to where you wnat it.
I get same , on restart of PC always , game and addon builder for me can run at same time but if i close addon builder and re open it will reset whitelist
it seems if you start addon builder through steam it copies 4 new files every time, not sure which files but this seems to reset the whitelist and paths to last addon built.
"Anyways, it might help to lower or temporarily disable UAC permissions or take ownership of your involved folders."
That wouldnt help anybody at all with windows 8.1 im afraid as it will cause 3 FPS in Bulldozer and game , as stated at MS "some Apps may freeze by disabling UAC" , Arma3 is one of those apps.
Anyway for the record its fixed now for me now i got a rollback thanks to BIS , for anyone else who wants a dirty fix : Always run all tools via steam , its a pain in the ass and your whitelist will be reset if you start any tool before P: . and always steam as Admin.
As for RTMS , sorry but if a prefix of o: is there and not in config or Binary p3d it is the same cause as i stated in 18842
My terrain Config was formulated on from Dev in tools v0:58 and the core config didnt spit any errors ;
however after update of tools Version 0.62
Problem was due to :
Version 0.62
Updated: New versions of core config files
Call stack:
Stack 0030D098 0034D098
mapfile: .map (empty 1)
SO my congif was now spitting too many errors and so wrp just not binned but copy direct unbinned
Updated My terrain config to be compatible based on errors in Bin log and all id ok now WRP Binarises
It does read the Model ok the problem is because of two reaons :
A: you havent binarised the Mlod house etc first ( addon builder will move this to the temp folder)
B: Addon Builder will not move a binarised P3d to the temp folder becuase its on a map , you have to do it manually before Binarisng the map.
Log report Using Unbinned A3 Sample Houseexample and Binarised Gate reports as follows without moving the Binned p3ds and not Binarising the Mlod sample house before Binarising the map :
A3 Binarised P3d
using non-binarized object a3\structures_f\walls\city_gate_f.p3d
Cannot open object a3\structures_f\walls\city_gate_f.p3d
A3 Samples Unbinarised P3d
using non-binarized object samples_f\Test_House_01\Test_House_01_F.p3d
Cannot open object samples_f\test_house_01\test_house_01_f.p3d
It seems the FIX is to manually copy the Folders of the Binarised objects your map uses and configs to Local\temp\ or whatever the TEMP folder is defined as in your addon builder GUI.
The Models that are used and unbinarised must be Binarised Before the map is Binarised.
this will then fix it , you will still get the unrelatedd error of the Walls not having a Class in the Geo LOD but it will now work and show in the m,ap :)
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city2_4m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city2_4m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_pillar_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_pillar_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city2_4m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city2_4m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_pillar_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_pillar_f.p3d
Class Land_city2_4m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city2_4m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_pillar_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_pillar_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Class Land_city_8m_f exists, but there is no property class in a3\structures_f\walls\city_8m_f.p3d
Im not sure this is related possibly because there are two instances of the wall in the same place or its simply registering the presence of the object , i will check that :)
Info: Persistence detected on [139,177]:
"a3\structures_f\walls\city_gate_f.p3d": "house": 16 "samples_f\test_house_01\test_house_01_f.p3d": "house": 16
Info: Persistence detected on [140,177]:
"a3\structures_f\households\house_big01\i_house_big_01_v1_f.p3d": "house": 16
Info: Persistence detected on [139,177]:
"a3\structures_f\walls\city_gate_f.p3d": "house": 16 "samples_f\test_house_01\test_house_01_f.p3d": "house": 16
Info: Persistence detected on [140,177]:
"a3\structures_f\households\house_big01\i_house_big_01_v1_f.p3d": "house": 16
Well its obviously a mixture of incoherent rant and Facts
The strange thing is Binpbo used to copy every Texture p3d and config that was related in the Reqired addons in cfgpatches / and cfgvehicle dependancy over to the Temp file during binarising , The CLEAR TEMP was never what it depicted itself to be because it has nor never should clear the Temp files unless the current file or part there of has changed , or it would recopy every file to TEMP every Binarise session and that would be rificulous.
I have wondered if the Bin config in the Binarizefolder was kep uptodate it would also help as its simply a very low version of the heirarchy and is never updated , never actually knew what the exe pulls from the Addon to be binarised and pits against the Binarize version but there is always clashes and arguments with the two .
Anway hope the TEMP fix helps some
Depends if you trust Bis to automate the process and completely ruin the whole shebang or worse trust them to read from your actual pdrive and files and completely misubdrstand UAC registries ,xml , Et Al and ruin everything again and delete your sources :)
For me its a Fix because it works it involves Ctrl C and Ctrl V and thats it just once .
For others as always its a world of choice , wait for bis and cross fingers or take matters into your own hands
Personally I dont think your arma3p is a fix but a work around because I have pbos full of binned models and configs in the game folder but now I have 3 , but I welcome yoyr Fix with open arms and woukdnt trust bis to alliw buldozer and tb to read straight from the pbo :) like the game already does and use psuedo p3d for binarising made up of geo lod for class properties
To put into perspective, ive lost over 200 hours of valuable spare time and what I find incredulous is im forced to use your environment to be able to use BIS tools and BIS refuse to accept there Instalation is flawed beyond contempt .
Take this guy for instance , I dont know whos telling him that using the launcher will give you a pdruve with physx and a buldozer exe , but ill tell him to his face im in windows 8.1 and hes talkung shite and to me that's been the problem , they simply have a monoculture of it works on the devs pc so it works .
Full respect to yourself and iceman without whom we woukd stilk be on all new models or empty terrain , but I wonder with 2 branches of dev approach is it never tge twain shall meet ?
@ Fireball
APologies i read wrong , however for the record the FPS drops when shooting 200M Plus at ground with aforementioned turret .
I have same problem
Repro with enter empty ZSU-39 Tigris on Stratis airport and shoot autocannon_35mm
75% drop in fps after 20 shots
No mods on Vanilla stable version
Root "scripts" folder no longer supported, 'scripts\editor.sqs' ignored
Since this was disabled without changelog notification , any chance of putting s nonpropriety channel in there ?
Seems it does work despite the error but very very slow to create the networks, seems good practice to export a single road that you need to work on to allow faster road creation HOWEVER the roads in bulldozer wont change instantly and you will have to re export then shut down and reopen bulldozer :(
and then export all the road shapes before finalising for completion.
I think we both know you will change that ;)
Should I mention before I came here I was 13 years more helping your customers.
You know the best , I never made or asked for 1 pence and probably paid more than £10, 000 in computers , internet fees and electricity in them 13 years just helping and enjoying ofp series ..
The email was sent and the help and the tools revert is very much appreciated ;)
Hi ,
I dont know for what i require to e-mail.
My other point was described here apart from version 0:58 ;)
Cheers , yes i need all tools because ObjectBuilder and Binarize is also broken not just TB
I think that V0.58 of A3 tools is only available steam exclusive so not avaialable on web
I will e-mail about WRP but first i will check its not my config calling a Call Stack, because i am now on Stable due to trying to get tools to work an my config was wrote for Dev branch. Edit it is my fault the WRP , i will ammend the Bug i put for it ( half my fault lol as i will explain in apropiate Bug issue 0018805 )
tools stopped working for me here for UAC and bulldozer and Arma 2 P3ds all not working . :
Tech rep #0006 so
CIRCUMSTANCES: Version 0.60 (Terrain Builder fixes, P-Drive update)
Will i e-mail for A3 V0.58 tools or you will make a link ?
Hi ,
I dont think my explanation is clear but i try last time
Tools ver.58 work fine for you(techrep 0000005) but ver.60(0000006) don't? I agree that I have changed many things in TerrainBuilder P3D logic(both
They work perfect and then subsequent changes :" I have changed many things in TerrainBuilder P3D logic" and specifically in combination with P-Drive update
The above has broken my Pipeline in windows 8.1 , what i say to you is i have and shown video that in ver 0.58 100+ hours on DBo Afghanistan v4 using Binarised P3d from Arma 3 PBO and in addition used arma2 sample data Mlod and when in game using Arm3MP a working pipeline .
Whatever you did i dont know , whatever this guy did to Bat files in ver.60 i dont know , however i can tell you without shadow of a doubt my terrain that i worked on is not only unable to load the p3d in TB i cannot view the Mlods with Bulldozer of sample data due to crashes.
I think now we spend enough time and i appreciate your time here, however if there is as you say no link to version0.58 , i will succombe to use Community tools such as Mikero and create a working pipleline as this works for others and is well documented.
I am totally dissapointed to do this because all susequent fixes you make are based on BIS pipeline un assumption DEV:P is used or BIS mapdisk.
Thanks for your assitance.
I suppose your Files are different , usually WRP only ever fails when the Configs in Binpbo (addonbuilder) have too much outdated Heirarchy and Binarize.exw simply gives up in my experience before A3 , however this time although yes The tool set was out dated ( and some changes made around or just after April 10th in itteration 3 , this made worse .
Howver i would be danicng amongst the strs if you can let me have v 1.0 tool set :) , whether its my own fault for setting a working pipeline and doing 100+ hours with V1.0 is debatable but right now my 100 hors work is unusable with current tool set :).
so yes Tool set likage ( steam accepted or if i need workaround ok) for before April is my Desire
Much apreciated.
Hi Japapa
First , no arma2 binned or unbinned work at all in current version since April 10th for me on my system., i started new map in interim with only A3 but wish to return to my one map i have so many hours invested.
The programme no longer Binarises WRP
UAC is now completely messed up with Dev:P
Simple fix , please give rollback link so i may continue with previous terrain
If its not a possibility then ok
The guy i refer too is the guy who changed the Bat files for MapDisk, there is now no corellations with UAC between Hkey registraions / P:drive /Executable of tools / Bulldozer , i cannot tell why because i simply have headache with testing Start Staem Admin , Start addon/terrain builder as Admin / no Bulldozer
Start as user as above cant see P:drive but can use bulldozer new file so must have P: as user and Admin
Disable UAC on windows 8.1 Arma3 is now one of the APPS affected and so FPS is now 5FPS in game and Bulldozer .
In essence , i personally had no problems and many i know ,which i should get to register but hey, its a hobby and do they care as a I ?.
Given the problems i respect your DEV team is samll and as such its too much to satisfy many differing PC owners with varying specs.
I ask for one easy ( unless there is a problem with your end) please give link to first itteration of tools .
I respect others may have differing views as this is PC not console world.
Hi I saw your rhetorical question .
The tools in V0.58 are never broken , the fixes and feedback here are based on 3rd party tools used to set up working pipeline .
As you see here on 31 /3/14 i was making map with A2 sample Data and A3 Binarised in Terrain builder set 1.0
since the date 10/4/14 i have no longer able to work on it. I think there are two sets of people here both trying to create a working set of tools and pipeline.
I use BIS pipeline and now because of fix to tools to accomodate previosuly mentione , all work on that is stopped. Please can we have LInk to v1.0 tool set so we can continue. If there was changes for Legal reasons due to VBS or so then i understand but i wait in hope. P.S for the love of god keep that guy away from the original Bat files too please if you do create a link to v1.0
many thanks
3:52 A2 sample data and 6:58 A3 binarised models
Infact type58`s were visible and Boundingboxes worked , in latest itteration since April 10th A2 sample data objects nolonger work or align correctly to terrain.
Please roll back to V1.0 itteration
this Map with 100+ hours can no longer be worked on with current itteration.
There is a difference between View Scene Objects and View Textured Objects , in V1.0 itteration the View Scen and View texrured worked but now only View Scene gives refference and view textured is broken with both Mlod and Odol p3ds.