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The addon Publisher does not display my uploaded items on Steam
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I tried publishing multiple addons and they do not appear on the steam workshop.. I reviewed my other items and below the addon is "Arma 3" but as of today the addons that I publish through the updated Publisher in tools shows the tag "Arma 3 tools"


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Upload addon via Launching Arma 3 Tools, Publisher...

Additional Information

Does not show up on Steam Workshop for Arma 3, also when I click subscribe, it does not stay.. I subscribe and refresh and I have to subscribe again, does not register.

Event Timeline

Drakeziel edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 1 2014, 8:14 PM
Drakeziel edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Drakeziel set Category to Tools.
Drakeziel set Reproducibility to Always.
Drakeziel set Severity to None.
Drakeziel set Resolution to Fixed.
Drakeziel set Legacy ID to 3368426396.May 7 2016, 7:21 PM

Same problem here
shows in my own files on steam but not Publivly despite being checked as Public

as previous poster it states for use in Arma3 tools which seems to be the problem as the ones in public view say arma 3

[Solved] Something was changed with the format recently with the new UI update. To upload addons to Steam, you have to launch Arma 3 tools, then select publisher within the new window. Before, I could just click Arma 3 Tools-Launch Publisher, and it would work, but now you have to Arma3Tools-PlayArma3Tools-Publisher! If you launch Arma3Tools-Publisher, it will recognize a tool being published and the tag "Arma 3 tools will be under the addon in your Workshop items"...

So just to clarify, you need to launch Arma 3 Tools, Play Arma 3 Tools, then select Publisher within the next window.

That fixed it , weird tools how do we ever get anything at all done ?

It doesnt download though yet when i subscribe , is there som config or special folder we should upload from or something ?

Got it : you need Launcher from Bis and Subscribe from there as Admin , it opens web page not steam app and then subscribe and when Dl check the Addon > addon you dl

Basicalyy BIS seem to have no initiative for encompassing Windows 8 - 8.1 and UAC and the problems caused when using Game /Tools /Steam

I wish they would just Hire a proffesional regisrty and Binary coder for a week or so instead of this Guess and chase the error game its not funny any more.


sorry for taking so long but it's fixed. it will be released tomorow with stable version.



Fixed in a previous update.