We simply deserve better
It is not fair that you have a DEv version or beta of the tools to test dynamic and uuntested version of tools out with before applying tomasses on steam
I will simply say that nobody asked for this new updates at any point in any time and it is beyond any reasonable persons sanity to be the victim of such experimentaion of ill founded design process as we have experience whilst continuing to make content for the betterement of Arma series longevity.
I fear and fail to see how MANW competiion can be seen as an equal platform when those using BIS tools have a negative workflow vs those using Official tools , i for one didnt take part for that reason .
In summary you have deleted many hours of work , you have never IMO updated tool functions based on this feedback trackers data and subsequent requests , you have only ever Fixed what is seen to be fit and then tried to match what the community tool offers and made a complete and utter mess of that.
Please please consult and listen isntead of this dictorial attitude of We will add this and take that and change UI because it makes sense to only those writing the BAD code and nobody else on this the USER end of the tools.
thanks for the opportunity to rant i hope you see it as a valid one as a result of years of frustraion.