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Unable to see shapefile roads in buldozer
Assigned, WishlistPublic


There seems to be no way of showing roads created from shapefiles in buldozer. We were told that the internal build has this option but ours either does not work or no one has told us how it works.

The roads used on Stratis and Altis are based on Shapefiles that become roads ingame. However, we are seemingly unable to view them in buldozer making it difficult to tell where objects should be relative to them. For example, it is difficult to line a bridge up with a road you can't see.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

I honestly don't know what to write here. I'm not sure how it is supposed to work since none of us have ever had the feature working and thus don't know the correct procedure to get it to work. Very sorry I can't be more descriptive here.

Event Timeline

Jakerod edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 25 2014, 6:17 PM
Jakerod edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Jakerod set Category to Tools.
Jakerod set Reproducibility to Always.
Jakerod set Severity to None.
Jakerod set Resolution to Open.
Jakerod set Legacy ID to 1048026376.May 7 2016, 6:16 PM

Well what I can say, TB really know a way how to create roads from shapefile,however this feature is based on the proprietary module from VBS and unfortunately we cannot distribute it within main TB distribution. All this licence stuff is a longtime process, so be patience. I hope that we will be able to release that module too, but cannot promise it at the moment.

We've actually figured out how to get roads working, and are doing it by putting this script into "p:\scripts\editor.sqs":

diag_log "Before Loading Roads";
result = buldozer_LoadNewRoads "P:/path/to/road/shapefile/";
diag_log "After Loading Roads";

The roads then display in Buldozer.

Perhaps a more elegant way to run the command would help? The Buldozer log files imply that the p:\scripts\editor.sqs mechanism has been removed and that the script is ignored, even though it still works.

Root "scripts" folder no longer supported, 'scripts\editor.sqs' ignored

Since this was disabled without changelog notification , any chance of putting s nonpropriety channel in there ?

Seems it does work despite the error but very very slow to create the networks, seems good practice to export a single road that you need to work on to allow faster road creation HOWEVER the roads in bulldozer wont change instantly and you will have to re export then shut down and reopen bulldozer :(
and then export all the road shapes before finalising for completion.
