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- Mar 9 2013, 3:09 PM (625 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
Private server? I know a lot of private servers I go on I see an unnatural amount of floating clothing (meaning, clothing that has been dropped) that simply does not get cleaned up.
Something is still up with cleanup/respawn on some servers, but I've no idea what's triggering it.
Submitted this bug back in June. Never acknowledged. Also has a video for proof:
*Jedi hand wave* M4's and AK101's are spawning. /smirk
It's tough to tell because desync is definitely an issue, especially in close quarters combat. If you trade kills with someone but on your screen you never see them raise their gun and fire, then that's clearly desync, IMO.
However, if everything seems smooth except for the fact that the player doesn't immediately drop, then maybe they are trying to simulate adrenaline keeping a critically-wounded individual on their feet a few extra seconds? That would be kind of cool, but I don't know if that mechanic is actually in the game.
I too experienced this issue. When the duplicates start showing up in the holster, it becomes impossible to equip the gun unless you drag it to another container (backpack, pants, etc) and drag to your hands from there. Even after placing the gun in my backpack, the 2-3 copies of the gun are still showing in my holster.
Can confirm. Was always getting results of 1m or 6m. *scratches head*
Yup it seems all holsters are bugged in this way, at the moment.
I've noticed this as well, but I think something is just happening to the color of the font. If you angle your aim up to the sky or some other background, you can kind of see the outline of the zeroing number.
Private server? I know a lot of private servers I go on I see an unnatural amount of floating clothing (meaning, clothing that has been dropped) that simply does not get cleaned up.
Something is still up with cleanup/respawn on some servers, but I've no idea what's triggering it.
I know heli crashes bounce around about every 4 hours, but I've suspected that there's only 1 per server right now, as well, based on the frequency of seeing them.
Do you play on private hives? There's a known issue right now where civilian guns don't appear to be repspawning:
The only way around this right now is for server admins to reset persistence which resets the loot, and many admins are strictly against that.
Yeah, server owners have caught on to the issue and are resetting persistence to get the loot back to "cold start" status.
Good for them but it may create some confusion when reporting the issue. You're going to get lots of people saying "I played on a private server last night and loot was everywhere!".
This has been my experience on private hives as well. Plenty of food and clothing, especially in the Northern towns, but civilian weapons are dwindling.
Assuming the Experience on the final Experimental build and the Stable public servers is also what they intended for Stable private servers, it seems like this could be classified as a bug or glitch with the CLE on private hives.
I witnessed this on a Twitch stream a couple weeks ago. The scenario:
-Guy's buddy gets shot up, but is still conscious and able to bandage.
-Very shortly after the server went down
-Upon rejoining, buddy is unconscious
-After a period of time, buddy's character stands up and he can blindly control the character, but the "You are unconscious" screen is still up.
Cannot attach the weapon flashlight, either. Definitely a bug as there's no point to the rail hand guard right now. could be intentional in preparation for the crafting table.
You may have run into this bug. It's an old one that seems to have increased in frequency as of late:
Confirmed. Friend running with rifle out, me running with pistol, friend runs considerably faster. If I switch to my rifle or run open-handed, I can keep up.
Can confirm. Had this happen to me with a blaze. When I logged back in, the blaze was in my hands (unpainted).
Shortly after, I swapped the blaze with the Mosin on my back, and the Blaze got eaten (may be related to the state the gun was in when I crashed, or it may be a completely separate bug - hard to say).
I thought it was just me. Have an upvote.
That's assuming loot respawns at choppers. I'm not sure that's the case?
@Beav if the behavior is intended then this might tie into a feature request to have the choppers only despawn if players aren't within xxx meters of the crash site. It's pretty immersion-breaking, otherwise.
To add to this, you cannot remove the plastic hand guard at all.
The tents not spawning loot at various stages of the development is a DayZ tradition.
@borsuk3344, the more I play, the more I doubt it's intentional. Last night I played for 2 hours+ (had a great time, too), but noticed that I never had to drink or eat. Towards the end, I got opened up on at close range with an AK74. My screen flashed gray a few times, so I know I was hit.
My vest went from Damaged-->Ruined and that was it. Everything inside was fine. I didn't bleed, and lost no health. I had full color.
@warcryr, yeah, it's possible that they're trying to simulate the adrenaline rush that keeps people going even though they've been mortally wounded. It's a very interesting topic because depending on how you look at it, it could be considered either more realistic (simulating adrenaline) or more "gamey" (tank mode activate!).
Yup, something is definitely amiss in this patch. I've seen a guy get shot in the head from 5 feet away with an AK74, and just fall unconscious. Not sure if it's intentional, or not. I'd be surprised if it's intentional as it's definitely immersion-breaking.
I've been finding gloves in these sheds:
I'm pretty sure you're right about batteries and .45 ACP boxes.
Hicks said last week that the UMP 45, VSS, and Red9 are not in Stable, yet.
I noticed a similar issue firing a Winchester Model 70 a couple nights ago. Not even a 100m shot with a Hunter Scope aimed center mass, and the bullet landed at the guy's feet and to the left a bit. Didn't have much time to dwell on it but it was definitely odd.
Reporting an issue like this is really dicey because it's easy to dismiss it as people who just can't believe they missed a shot looking for an excuse. But I'm pretty sure something is amiss other than our aim.
@mist3r, thank you for adding your experience, and not to insult your friend but I think at this point I'd need to see proof that a battery was found in 0.57. And even if he did find one, I'd agree that the spawn rate is obscenely low and will hopefully be reevaluated.
I thought maybe they purposefully nerfed the leather sewing kit until it failed to repair a gun holster, which is made of leather.
The first aid kit is also now only 4 slots (instead of six), and a guy I play with said he picked up a protector case which had 6 slots, but also took 6 slots in inventory (instead of 4).
It's possible this was done on purpose for testing, but either way hopefully these containers will soon compress items again, as it gives them value worthy of their rarity.
You're right that the dynamic events skip around a bit on server restarts, but I've not seen any evidence that loot does. In fact, the loot that spawns at dynamic events actually spawns where the chopper or police car is supposed to, even if the chopper/car is several meters away.
If your theory was correct, we would see at least some loot spawning outside of buildings, on the roads, in back yards, etc.
I think any loot you see in the floor or in walls is just a buggy loot spawn point that needs adjusting.
I had a similar issue a while back. If you have any startup parameters set for DayZ in Steam, try removing them.
I had this same issue. Deleting Battleye and verifying game cache did not correct the issue, either. The only way I've fixed it is to switch to whatever branch I'm not on at the time (Stable or Experimental) and then switch back.
I have also seen the first three items on your list. I think you're probably correct on the last two. I think the hunting scope not being in-game may be intentional for the time being. Hicks commented on a streamer's TS last night that if their opponent had a Model 70, he must be using iron sights.
Sometimes it's fun and interesting to discuss the fight (or circumstances of your or their death) with the other player(s), but usually people are just salty and use it for crap-talking.
It's probably better that it be disabled. It's certainly more realistic. It would be cool if there were some in-game but non-immersion-breaking way to reconnect with a player you had an encounter with, but didn't get their Steam or TS info.
If this worked you could get cute and wire up a Staples Easy Button that calls a command to basically toggle the default route on your PC on and off. Quicker than unplugging the cable or disabling the card, and requires no alt-tabbing.
Hopefully it doesn't actually work like you say, though.
Man I've run into that thing so many times, lol. Thanks for reporting it.
I also get this issue, and have no startup parameters. I've noticed that it happens both when I'm moving, or standing still (not even looking around). I wonder if players entering your network bubble can cause it?
Andro comparing it to a memory crash is very observant. Before when the client was crashing frequently, it would freeze in a very similar manner before crashing to the desktop. Now it will freeze, and then recover.
If you're being nitpicky then yes it would be better to have an animation, but I don't think not having an animation should be classified as a glitch. I mean, you can swap shoes while walking. Is that a glitch? :D
I believe they've already confirmed that server admins (maybe private shards only?) will be able to implement a cool-down timer in the future.
Until they fix the issue, you can craft splints in .54 by spamming (not holding) 'z' (prone) while the animation is playing.
It looks like raincoats are spawning where I would usually find eyewear. Probably just a goof in the toot labels.
Feature suggestion: place an unbreakable glass box on the table, with a holstered banana inside.
At least Balota would be remotely interesting, again!
This was an issue for me when I switched back to stable .52 from experimental .53. To get around:
-Exit Steam
-Delete the "Battleye" directory in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
-Restart Steam
-Go to Properties of DayZ and Verify Game Files
Should be good to go after that.
I used to get this all the time when running from Veresnik to Green Mountain. I'd start running faster than my pals and never lose my breath. Usually got it to happen when running with my gun out.
Lately it seems to happen a lot less, if at all. In Experimental .53 I can't hear my breathing, but I still get the weapon sway.
@jonasr666, you are correct in that something like this should be relatively easy to fix. However, the developers may currently be working on core aspects of the game which could potentially "re-break" the minor things, which would make fixing them now a waste of time.
I know it's frustrating and I'm sure they know it's frustrating. But this isn't a game-breaking bug so I doubt it makes sense for them to fix it until the larger systems in the game are complete.
Musicman, that's the easiest workaround I've seen so far. If it is indeed a positioning issue, something about the dragging and dropping must force the server to recalculate the item's position relative to your character's position in the client.
Could this be a similar issue to the old "rubber banding" geometry issue caused by the server and client thinking the player are in different places?
In other words, your client shows you hovering over the item you want to pick up, but the server doesn't think you're there, so it doesn't let you take it. Run out of the building and vault or something to get the server to rediscover where you are, go back in and voila you can pick it up.
Just a theory.
May 10 2016
Until a fix is in place, I've been using DisplayFusion to "Lock cursor to current monitor". So just assign a key combo for that setting, click in your primary monitor and use the combo before launching our beloved DayZ.
There may be other utilities out there for this, but I already owned DF.
Seems to happen with any 2x2 item. I've had it happen with protector cases and ammo boxes, as well.
Not sure how to reproduce, though I'm assuming it's something to do with the way your items get rearranged every time you re-log. Perhaps loosely related to the bug where people are losing mags during a reload?
May 9 2016
There's also the problem that Helicopters do not appear to lose any of their momentum when turning rapidly; their current behaviour is more akin to Jets than to actual Helicopters.
More detailed description: In Arma 2, when you made a harsh 180 degree turn in a Helicopter while going rather fast you typically came to a full stop.