I've been fighting a lot in this patch and what I found out is that it takes a lot more shots to kill a player. Situations:
- 4 sks shots into a chest of a truck driver, distance 30m, first 3 shots only damaged his gear, fourth shot created a blood splash indicating runied gear and blood and health damage, this man survived, 100% sure all shots hit(truck was not moving, short range, clear shot, no sway).
- 6 ak74 hits into the back of a player standing still, he survived that, took at least 3 more ak74 shots to die. Range of those 5 shots around 6m.
I concluded that problems with killing players reliably in this patch are caused by statuses not updating. Those players will usually take damage upon relog.
- I took 3 headshots from a distance of 650m (seen the man shooting, all of those shots hit me, all of them messed up my aim. I survived without a blood or health loss, my motorbike helmet was damaged. I was also using a gas mask (due to a bug it can be worn with motorbike helemt) I didnt check condition of that item.
- 2 point blank winchester hits, both chest (no arm or leg hits), enemy survived, didn't go unconcious
- Asside from those situations I've seen videos of a player surviving 200m wichester headshot by using a gorka helmet. That player didn't go unconcious. In every fight since the patch I and my fellowe tester friends have noticed increased amount of shots required to kill a player. We fought more than 80 players since the patch.
6.Forgot about last one. Shot 6 ak74 bullets into the but (maybe butt counts as legs) and back of laying player. He proceeded to crouch, turn around and start spraying me too. Sprayed him with 12 more bullets before going unconcious. He died, I survived, he shot 14 at me, he might have missed around 20% of those sh0ts.