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- Jun 1 2014, 5:10 PM (563 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
A good way to fix the issue would be to redesign inventory space, so that e.g. the Olive High Capacity Vest has six 2x1 slots instead of a single 3x4 slot.
And/or to allow garment A to be put inside garment B only if A is empty.
Problem solved. Following some suggestion from the Forum, I had set up DayZ to run with the following options, to try to improve game performance:
-nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty
Removing the options restored the normal behaviour.
Thank you for your support.
Yep, same thing happened to me.
Even an unlit fireplace?
I've seen this happening with lit chemlights, they shine but everything around goes dark.
I agree that you should be able to fold clothes to take less space in the inventory -- only if they're empty of course.
Wool coat, ushanka, autumn hunter pants, all in worn or pristine condition, and still getting hypothermia in a sunny day.
Not only this is unrealistic but more ways to heat up should be added to the game. Perhaps stoves or hot packs. Actually if I'm not mistaken the only way to warm up is to build a fire which requires:
- matches
- paper or rags
- kindling
- wood which requires an axe and the correct tree
My last dozen characters survived less than half an hour. The game is barely playable as it is now.
Same for me. I got the "completely soaked" status just by running a few seconds on the pier in Kamyshovo, in front of the warehouse with two big doors.
Aren't they supposed to be infected? Zombies have a better sense of orientation than special-forces soldiers.
Zombies seem to have a perfect knowledge of all the buildings and surroundings. If you stay in front of a window on the upper floors of the hospital for a few seconds, zombies are able to spot you far away from the street and immediately find their way to the hospital, up the stairs, through the right corridors to you. Experimented today.
Zombies should probably run towards the building when they spot a person inside it, perhaps enter the building, but then wander around for a while and cease "attack mode" unless they can keep line of sight with the person.
I agree with ventrue.
I confirm this (drinking all from a bottle). Character falls down but isn't inconscious.
Happened to me too in 0.46.
Currently, my Steam says "Update queued" for DayZ.
Update: it is downloading now.
I confirm this bug too.
It's not a ping issue -- I play only on servers with a small ping and still have this problem.
Same for me -- perhaps 5% of my blows hit the target.
The 0.49 patch really messed up the melee system. Seriously, this issue must be addressed ASAP. The game is unplayable as it is.
Even a thousand zombies is not infinite. By the way, I think it would be great to have hordes of zombies attacking. But here you have ONE zombie attacking you infinite times.
- kill the zombie;
- zombie respawns;
- the same zombie reattacks you;
- repeat from point 1.
Yeah, a similar thing happened to me yesterday. I was in the top floor of a house, badly hurt and attacked by zombies. I could barely move and attack as I had been pushed through the wall by the zombie's hits (a known glitch). As I killed them, new zombies (always of the same type) were always climbing the stairs to attack me again. There must have been a queue in front of the house! Ridicolous. I was saved by the server's restart.
For info, it's the sound of combining bullets in a larger heap. The same sound is being used to group any other kind of object e.g. rags.
May 10 2016
I've noticed this too while using a fireaxe to hit (or better, try to hit...) zombies. Playing on 0.48. It's a major issue and should be fixed ASAP.
It seems to be worse on 0.48 stable. Zombie instant respawn is a big issue, too.
Title changed, thanks for the info.
No I didn't. But today I had the same issue when in a military barrack and dropped a few items that disappeared. Then I discovered they were in the adjacent room which was identical to the one I was in. The items were in the exact position they were supposed to be when I dropped them, only in the wrong room!
I have seen this happening also in a barn.
Probably this bugreport should be renamed as "A dropped item appears in the correct position but in an identical room nearby" and/or merged.
I don't get it. This map shows all players, but on which server?
By the way, I see a few vehicles and a helicopter on map too. Since when are they implemented in DayZ?
Yeah, same for me. Only solution is to leave the server and join again.
Same for me. I see a huge difference with the new 0.49 patch. Beforehand, I could fight zombies easily. Now perhaps 1 of my blows in 20 strikes the zombie.
With the previous versions of the game I've had the same character for 40 hours of play. Now my last dozen of characters were able to survive perhaps for 15 minutes. A single encounter with a zombie results in death. VERY frustrating.
I will stop playing until this issue is adressed, as the game is unplayable.
Tried today the 0.49 and the zombie invulnerability has worsened up to the point of being ridiculous.
Another player and I kept hitting the same zombie with a pitchfork and bare hands; after 30+ blows he was still up and fighting. Died, respawned, and found a pristine biker jacket. A female zombie hit me a couple of times and she immediately broke my arm. I was able to knock her out, then she insta-respawned. Knocked her again, she insta-respawned again and killed me.
If any single encounter with a zombie results in a death the game is unplayable.
The video by WOBO is great, thanks.
If WOBO is right, the devs should make the game so it saves the position of objects in inventory, hence fixing bug# 8070 and killing two birds with one stone.
I 100% agree with Tahatton for the unrealistic zombie damage.
Just had my wool coat degraded from worn to ruined by a single punch from a male zombie. (And he almost broke my leg too although I was fully energized, hydrated and healthy.)
Clothes should be degraded by one step per hit, maximum. More resistant clothes such as coats or jackets should be able to take two hits before being degraded by one step.
Same for me. Favorites and Recently Visited lists get wiped out each time I start the game. Sometimes a few servers remain there but not for long.
In-game maps could be in English as well as in Cyrillic characters. But having English on the road signs with the names of the cities makes no sense.
This suggestion makes no sense.
Happened to me too today. I was crouched still in a catwalk inside the lumber mill in Berezino, in a covered position so it's highly unlikely a sniper shot me. Suddenly the screen went black without a noise and got the "My leg is broken." and "You are dead." messages.
Very annoying.
Just while we're in alpha, it should be good to have a message informing you how you died. This would help debug a lot.
I logged off today at the top of the scaffolding inside the large hangar at the eastern entrance of Stary Sobor. When I logged back in, I was on the ground floor. I was lucky, no death or damage whatsoever.
Agreed. We need a way to kill our current character and restart. Some glitches make the game unplayable.
Bug confirmed. I was running today in the countryside, then dropped an object and it disappeared.
Perhaps it is related to the quick change in position (so the object is dropped somewhere along my path)? In this case if I backtrack I might be able to find it. I haven't tried it, just my 2 cents.
Agreed, this is a huge problem as at this moment the player often gets crippled and can barely move, rendering the game very frustrating and unplayable.
This happens also with some items spawning on top of the cupboards in houses or military barracks. The items are unreachable.
Night is dark for a reason. Modifying the game to be able to walk around in nighttime just like daytime would make day/night transition useless.
DayZ is a very atmospheric and realistic game. You're supposed to find yourself lost in the night and unable to see 2 meters ahead of your nose -- that's the beauty of it. Keep the DayZ night as it is now.
There's a related bug (quite useful actually!) where you can climb a ladder that's on the outer side of the wall you're facing from inside. This happens in a room on the ground floor of the hospital, and in one of the higher rooms in the fire station.
I confirm. On high-pop servers I keep hearing these a lot. Oddly, I hear only zombie noises and ammo-combining noises.
Same thing happens to me. In some servers I get the fresh spawn character. Then I change server and my old one (with gear and all) is restored.