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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 6:56 PM (629 w, 6 h)
May 11 2016
agreed and voted up, also, allow us to filter out (or build into the browser) to only show servers that match your game version.
Why do I need to see servers that are running the wrong version!?!
May 10 2016
Still happening in Experimental 51.125716
tried multiple servers and logged off multiple times, still getting attacked and chased my invisible zombies
Your connection is meaningless if the route to the servers you play on are poor.
Open a command prompt and type the following command:
pathping <server ip address>
This will test each hop from you to the end server and display ping and packet loss results for each hop. It is much better than tracert or simple ping commands.
DayZ really needs to get fully integrated into the Steam Server browser so that we can filter correctly and accurately. That would be the best solution imho.
From my point of view then, they either need to limit TrackIR/Freelook to the actual limit of movement of the head on the player model, or, the player model head needs to be able to turn more.
The issue for me is, if I can look at something when I turn my head, I expect my headtorch to follow my view, otherwise its just broken. The headtorch is centered above your eyes on your forehead. If I can look at something in game then my head torch should be shining on it.
If the player model head isn't matching the full range of sight allowed my freelook or TrackIR then its fundamentally broken.
As I play in 1st person, I have zero awareness of my 'head'. I only care about the symmetry between what I'm looking at and how the items i'm using match what I'm doing.
If that makes sense (it does to me)
Does the cone of light move further than the 90 degree FOV in my original video?
I still haven't found a head torch or a night time experimental video yet to test myself
You bought an early alpha that's incredibly un-optimized. Do you even read the early access message that you have to click " I UNDERSTAND" when you start the game??
Try searching reddit or the official forums for graphics tweaks that have been around since Arma2.
Down voted for the sheer ignorance of the OP
I like this, have my upvote.
Its just a suggestion. The whole point is to make the player MORE valuable than the gear. If you care more about your character than the gear then you will look after him better, maybe not make rush judgements and apply more thought to how you traverse the environment. There may be no reason then why you could not survive for months etc.
again, its a thought process rather than a finished system.
right click on DayZ in Steam and select Properties.
In command line or startup command line option (sorry cant remember exact name)
type the following:
I have TrackIR5. I will try to confirm this tonight as I've never played the game without out it.
I got this as well on a GeForce GTX 680 on win 8.1 x64.
Bringing up the inventory fixed the issue and I played for about 5 hours with no issues after that.
fixed in later patches
agreed, separate bug report for each bug.
confirmed while proning across the roof, just slid and fell off the side of the building when I was nowhere near the edge
no I'm illiterate, I just have incredible luck that my button mashing with my forehead manages to come out as sentences that happen to be perfect English!!
We replied at almost the same time, I was probably typing and your reply wasn't there yet.
I would have said that you would have to have duct tape to tape two pieces of map together as that would be the logical option on any two pieces of map that match along one edge such as NW and NE
You couldn't for example tape together NE and SW as they only touch at the corner point and not along a full edge
confirmed and already logged here -
I already have this reported here - 0000825
I already logged this here -
Not 'exactly' the same but the same end result, torch points where you're looking not where you're walking.
I'm on the current experimental build 36.xx.
I'll try and find a head torch over the weekend and re-test and post my results.
depends whether I can find a head torch and a night time server!!
I can confirm I've had this as well, twice
Did you disinfect the mask before putting on? Might be infected...
Ideally shouldn't this setting be hidden from the user and hard set to automatic?
I really don't understand why this is a user setting
The Optics button which, by default is bound to Sec Mouse Btn causes you to walk to keep your aim steady when aiming a gun.
Sadly it also does the same even if you don't have a weapon.
Also, try Spacebar which toggles between a raised or lowered weapon (works with flashlight as well)
"There is a reason that there is third person.
A normal angle of view looking forward without moving (angle = how far you can see left or right without moving your head) is wider then you can set it in the game. "
BS false equivalence.
Why is it this poor argument only ever exists in games with both 1st/3rd yet you NEVER hear about it in games that are only 1st, CS, UT, Quake, TF2 etc etc etc etc from the past 15 years!!
Freelook is in this game for a reason! There is NO excuse for not using freelook to actually 'look around' and see your entire surroundings.
I've also been frustrated by not being able to run and found it was the Optics key binding to short press Sec Mouse button being accidentally pressed.
As stated this slows you to keep aim steady when you have a weapon, but does it regardless of whether you have a weapon.
This is NOT the same as the long press (hold) Sec Mouse button to zoom.
If you spawn on the beach already very hungry and thirsty then a VERY simple fix for this 'issue' (which doesn't appear to be a bug) would be to inform the player via the text or whatever system is to be implemented, AS SOON AS YOU SPAWN!:
My thoughts:
If the server is to have a real 24 hour day/night cycle, then everything else has to follow the same realistic cycle, including food, drink, hunger, thirst, tiredness, sleep (sleep could be accounted for during the time you are logged off and not playing the game)
If the devs do not want these systems to follow real life, then the day/night cycle needs to change to follow suit and be MUCH shorter (this would give the benefit or giving players multiple day/night cycles on one play session)
Me personally, because I work full time and can only play at the same time every evening, I'd like to see a much short day/night cycle.
But from a realism point of view I would LOVE to see normal 24 hour day/night cycle but with all the other health systems reflecting real life in terms of how long you can survive without food/drink etc.
Press spacebar to raise the flashlight and spacebar again to lower it
confirmed multiple times, especially with torch
confirmed. heard players talking when no-one was within range of direct comms
What if you find the correct setting, then after an update, all your settings get reset because of menu changes.
How do you quickly, and without messing around again find that perfect setting? With a numeric figure....
see edited post above
Finally got it working \o/
My apologies for misunderstanding what you were trying to say.
I have created a new profile in TrackIR software, disabled TrueView and it does appear that when in a head turn I now zoom correctly.
TrackIR does have 'zooming' both positive and negative. That's exaxtly what the Z axis is.
Arma2 (and I'm guessing Arma3) supports:
Yaw, Pitch, X, Z
Watch my original video in the link I provided, Arma should do exactly the same as what appears in the Natural Point TrackIR configuration software, but it doesn't.
Turn head 170 degrees, move head toward screen = zoom in at 170 degrees.
Dont forget Arma is using the TrackIR SDK, not the other way around. If I can turn 170 and zoom in correctly in the Natural Point software, why can I not get the same results in Arma? Why cant Arma translate the head movements exactly the same way as the native software?
Is that REALLY too much to ask?
It is definitely possible.
No, its not TrueView OFF.
I've already tested that.
Arma supports X and Z axis
My reply in the Natural Point forums:
Sorry but that's false and my video proves it.
Arma should be doing exactly what the TrackIR software is doing (exactly as demonstrated in my video)
Also, In Arma, if you press your look button (left alt) and then use your mouse to perform the same 170 degree head turn to look behind you and then press 'Zoom In' to zoom in, you zoom in, you do not zoom out.
Your statements are flawed in both respects.
I WANT to zoom in and out with my head so why on earth would i DISABLE Trueview?!?!
Heres the Natural Point bug report I submitted:
I'm using the default Profile with a 10% deadzone with the smooth Template.
I configured Zoom In and Zoom Out correctly in the in-game controls.
The positioning of my Camera and Clip are both 100%. I have checked the camera tracking in the TrackIR software using the Camera View. Also the video I posted as evidence quite clearly shows the correct movement in the Natural Point software before I switch over to Arma3.
I am currently using the TrackClip as the TrackClipPro is on back order due to shortages and has not been delivered yet.
TrueView is ON
There is no Zoom In/Out (Continuous) In Arma 3 (you get the (continuous) notation in the corresponding TrackIR movement assigned to that binding)
May 9 2016
I can confirm this also on TrackIR 5