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- Mar 6 2013, 12:24 PM (626 w, 4 d)
Aug 23 2016
These repawn tents are still not JIP compatible...
Aug 17 2016
Aug 15 2016
Here's a great example in the game 'Squad'...
May 10 2016
I think that I may have sorted out my problem...
A feature was introduced called 'Stream Friendly UI'
And it was set to 'enabled' as default, disabling this seems to have rectified my problem and the chat is working as it should again.
Just in case anyone else has this problem here's a link to the feature and how to switch it off...
Yes I have noticed this too on many other sounds...
The sound is locked in its initial stereo location until the sample ends.
Aah thanks ceeeb I didn't see that one :-)
Same problem here...
I think it is caused by the fact that 'incapacitated state' seems to count as being dead so the character is reset with default gear.
Incapacitated state should kick in at about 50% health (instead of 0%) to prevent this from happening.
Cheers I'll take a look at that :-)
Probably best to remove them from the game completely until they work though.
As a temporary fix for my mission, is there a way to restrict the access of items from the Virtual Arsenal?
I would like to disable the respawn tents & sleeping bags until they are functioning properly.
OK cheers I'll look forward to the update :-)
I know you guys and girls are very busy (and probably stressed) right now trying to fix the RAM issue.
Really appreciate the hard & excellent work.
Have a HAPPY XMAS :-)
Unfortunately I cannot test this due to the DEV build not allowing me to access the lobby on the server.
It lets me join the server but the lobby doesn't appear like it has frozen.
EDIT: Also recently noticed that when you destroy an enemy respawn tent or sleeping bag (within the same session) the map marker stays on the map and still works as a respawn point.
Not sure if this is related to the global scripting for MP use.
No I'm talking about the built in respawn camps (in virtual arsenal) that you can carry around as a backpack and assemble/disassemble them wherever you like on the map.
They work perfectly fine when used in a single session...
But on a persistent server they malfunction when logging out then in again.
The mission is one that I have made myself, kind of a CTI/Sector Control (with AI resistance) but it runs persistently until all the capture zones are taken by OPFOR or BLUFOR. I originally had a wasteland style save system on it but realised that the 'respawn camp' was perfect for the mission, especially when they allow putting gear inside them :-)
Thanks for testing :-)
That's strange I have them running on two servers at the moment but I have had to disable persistence (yesterday) so that the mission ends when all players disconnect...
Otherwise when you log back in you can dismantle the tent and assemble it in another location creating two respawn points from one backpack.
You can repeat this process and fill the map with respawn points from a single backpack :-s
Thanks again for your help on this, I really want to get them working properly :-)
After some testing it appears that the respawn camps (tent & sleeping bag) are not fully compatible with JIP (join in progress) on persistent servers.
Hope this gets fixed soon as they are a brilliant way to keep a persistent game running without the need for a stat save script.
This has become quite a problem as it allows players to cheat, by spawning as many tents as they like from one backpack.
At the moment I'm using a simple notice board system where players can notify each other when they are away from their PC (see attached picture)
It prevents attempting to talk to players who aren't even there lol
But an official BIS made system would be Much better :-)
Yes exactly that :-)
Explosion 01 will determine the type of explosion depending on what has been blown up and or what type of explosive.
Then 02 & 03 will be closely related, but not the same otherwise we will get phase related problems like now when two or more explosions occur at almost the same time.
I have Been testing DynaSound mod and it is bloody awesome!
The distance effect on the small arms fire sounds spot on too.
the unit with the waypoin order joins the nearest unit within the specified radius...
Or If both have a (join nearest) waypoint it can be highest rank leads.
Thanks for acknowledging this feature.
Hope to see it implemented into the game soon :-)
I am currently using this Wounding System and it is absolutely brilliant.
but the sonic crack is the sound of the projectile in flight, due to the pressure waves being compressed to the point of a really high pitched crack, tick, or snap etc... sound.
The speed, size & mass of the projectile all play a part in the audible frequency produced.
whooshing and whizzing sounds will occure as the projectile slows (eg... after a ricochet) allowing the pressure waves to become less frequent.
if we copy the movies and games ARMA 3 sound would be unrealistic.
From the menu...
Click on 'CONFIGURE'
Then click on 'GAME'
Click on the 'DIFFICULTY' tab
Then disable 'HUD show group'
This method seems to work perfectly for me, even when I'm comanding a group from a vehicle.
Ambient environmental sounds like insects, wind etc...
All these sounds are connected to the visible ambient wildlife.
So disabling the visible wildlife also disables the audible environment making the world silent.
I opened a request a while back on this...
Confirmed, they're absolutely everywhere!
They're also totally fearless and don't move when you approach them.
It used to be like this when the alpha was released and they reduced the amount of wildlife. But it looks like they have all snook back in again.
I wish we could just switch it all off in the settings.
The problem with that script is that it also disables the ambient sounds in ARMA 3
Unless they've recently fixed it so you can separate them?
I agree, here's another example
Many people think that the force of the bullet knocks them down when usually it is the sudden shock that makes your legs give way and fold up underneath you.
Bullets are normally very small and light objects engineered to penetrate rather than bludgeon.
Just because they're travelling fast doesn't mean that they'll knock you over.
That's why people tend to drop straight down when shot unlike in the movies where they seem to be pulled backwards by a rope as if they have been kicked in the chest by Godzilla lol
Upvoted :-)
This is intentional and a very good feature...
Along with the new bipods they have also introduced weapon resting.
You can now rest your weapon on any surface just like you would in real life :-)
It has took them a while but they are making an effort lately...
They're working on attenuation, occlusion and many other aspects of sound, making sure that things sound correct at the relevant distance from the listener.
So fingers crossed :-)
The samples in game are very crudely recorded and produced.
I was going to open an issue on this but you've saved me the job :-)
I too have noticed how the gun shot samples cut off abruptly.
There are also many other samples in game with ambient background noise due to incorrect gain structure.
Too much input gain resulting in the presence of other unwanted sounds like microphone stands resonating and other things moving around the recording area.
I will double check the DEV build because I'm sure I've heard the faint sound of traffic in one of the environment samples.
You have to be really precise when using quality condenser microphones due to the highly sensitive diaphragm that is only microns thick and pick up pressure waves that we can't even hear.
Luckily BIS's knowledge of sound is slowly improving due to the input from the public on the feedback tracker.
I just hope that they can get it somewhere near realistic in the next update.
In the real world certain frequencies made by gunfire and explosions can be detected several kilometres away by the human ear depending on terrain, air pressure, wind etc...
The in game sound in ARMA 3 is far too quiet and should be much louder over distance.
lol thanks for that valuable piece of input :-s
Thanks for acknowledging this request, it will make editing persistent AI patrols much easier in the future with a few clicks of the mouse :-)
I have recreated the diagram in the attached picture using scripts, triggers and markers, but it is so long winded and overly complex that as soon as this module becomes available I will replace the scripts safe in the knowledge that no future updates will break my missions.
Any idea how quickly this module can be implemented into the game, next update maybe?
Thanks again.
There should also be the option to turn the map markers off completely.
The respawn camps are an awesome feature but unfortunately they're a bit buggy at the moment.
Sometimes they don't delete from the map when you disassemble or destroy them.
Hope they fix them soon.
Just when I was losing hope...
Tested the DEV build today and noticed a MASSIVE improvement to the distance sounds on weapons.
Here's an example...
How long until the next update so we can have this in the stable build?
Take a look at the game called 'Squad'
The sound in Squad is incredibly clear and punchy and the distant battles sound very realistic.
I was testing LAxemann's 'DynaSound' mod earlier today with my patio doors wide open.
And in the distance I could hear real gun shots as I live in a rural part of the UK
They both sounded the same :-)
Looks like I'm back to using mods until BIS can achieve this.
Are you able to give any info on the techniques being used?
For example: As well as the atmosphere, will the landscape and other obstacles (like buildings) occlude sound frequencies like in ARMA 2 using 'lineIntersectsWith'?
Also does the new sound overhaul include a realistic radio effect (high & low pass filter leaving harsh mid frequencies) so that our voices will cut through the sound of vehicle engines nice and clearly?
Sorry for the questions but sound is very important to me, more so than visuals :-)
OK cheers Adam...
I shall eagerly await the new sound overhaul :-)
Yes it is surprisingly simple with some very basic EQ techniques :-)
Remember we're simulating 'distance' from the sound source not the 'volume' of it.
There is a concise explanation about 10 comments up from this one.
You're on the right track with this, Loving the indoor effects by the way :-)
The audible distance of the sounds (gun shots & explosions) are still a bit short.
The problem you have at the moment with gunfire is that you're hearing the mechanics of the weapon over the explosion of the shot at too longer range making it sound weak and flimsy and lacking PUNCH.
You should only hear the explosion of the cartridge detonating at long range (no mechanics sound) resulting in the distinct and clear sound of distant gunfire.
To fix this we could make the mechanics of the gun, and the explosion of the round two separate audio samples emitted simultaneously.
Then the mechanics sample would be set at a lower SPL making them fade out much earlier leaving just the shot sample at long range.
No problem happy to help :-)
That's great news, any idea how soon?
Here's a visual example that I made a while back on this subject...
@enex that's where the low pass filter comes in to simulate occlusion because lowering the volume of a sound source doesn't give the same effect as moving away from it due to varying frequencies having different wavelengths :-)
It would work if we split the effect into separate EQ bands simulating occlusion as we hear it naturally.
So instead of simply lowering the volume of the entire sample with range (like turning your stereo down) we would be reducing the high frequencies simulating how our ears perceive certain pitches at different ranges, due to high frequencies being occluded by the atmosphere and other obstructions.
So as the distance between the rifle and the listener increases, more high frequencies are reduced leaving the mid (500-1000Hz) resulting in the nice clear transient (POP) of distant gunfire.
And the deep rumble of distant large explosions, or aircraft engines etc...
three separate audio signals all at the same volume, same distance, just different frequencies.
Sound pressure level 100 dB
Distance 1000m
30 Hz would probably be inaudible to our ears (but we may feel it in certain pats of our body)
1000 Hz would be clearly audible over 1000m due to it being in the centre of our audible spectrum.
10,000 Hz would probably be totally inaudible to us (-: but painful to mice :-)
Any pressure waves (vibrations) lower than 20 Hz or higher than 20,000 Hz are not classed as sound to humans simply because our ear drums cannot detect these resonant frequencies.
And the closer you get to the middle of that range the clearer our ears can detect.
Sound advice :-)
Both 'attenuation' & 'occlusion' need to be based on real world calculations of pressure waves through air over distance.
No more guessing, simply follow the rules and it will sound perfect :-)
BIS are heading in the right direction with this :-)
In real life weapons do sound crude and nothing like what you hear in the films.
The weapons in ARMA 3 are starting to sound more realistic like actual hand held mechanical devices with moving parts.
Also need to add distance attenuation and occlusion from terrain and other structures.
This should apply to ALL emitted sounds, e.g. gun shots, explosions, vehicle engines, footsteps, voices, also environment sounds (wind & wildlife) deadened/dampened when inside buildings etc...)
This 'low pass filter' effect is actually already in the game! When you transition back and forth from shallow to deep while under the water, the principle is the same except water is more dense than air so the effect of blocking the higher frequencies occurs over a much longer range.
Maybe soon I'll be able to play without using a sound mod after all!
Keep up the good work :-)
Here's a time laps showing terrain self shadowing...
Observe at 1:00 the shadows on the terrain in the distance being cast by the terrain in the foreground...
This bug is directly related to the 'CAMERA SHAKE' effect when heavy vehicles pass by at close range.
Disabling the 'camera shake' in the options (server side) resolves this as a temporary fix :-)
Sorry yes you're right :-s
This issue is only occurring with JSRS activated now so it isn't BIS's problem any more :-)
This problem has returned with the last update.
Good work guys...
We only complain because we care :-)
I have a friend who was in the army and has experienced the 'TICK' 'POP' 'CRACK' sound of supersonic rounds.
Also my granddad was a Royal Marine sniper in the Malayan emergency and he described the disturbing sound in detail.
I have also experienced the sound myself from high powered air rifles.
You can hear the sound of the rounds cracking over head in this video...
The microphone on the soldiers camera is really muffled so doesn't pick up the high frequencies being produced by the rounds, but in real life they would be ear shatteringly loud and harsh at close range...
The same basic acoustic physics apply to the sonic crack of a bullwhip...
The moving object/projectile is simply compressing the pressure waves closer together creating a higher frequency.
It all depends on the size, speed and direction of the projectile...
A super sonic round travelling past you will make harsh high pitched cracking or ticking sound (like in game)
Rounds will only make a buzzing or whooshing (like your example links) when they slow down allowing the pressure waves to become longer thus generating lower frequencies, for example after a ricochet.
Thanks for the tip!...
Been playing years and never knew that.
The amount of times I've fired up TeamViewer just to see what someone said earlier in the server window :-s
excellent idea :-)
also an option to view the chat history.
Yes I totally agree...
These ambient animations will interfere with any form of head tracking and should be disabled for players.
I've got so used to head tracking now that the game feels broken without it.
The link that you posted is to an issue that I raised.
Great minds think alike :-)
Upvoted :-)
Idle animations should be totally disabled for player controlled characters.
Pain in the ass for TrackIR users.
@Koala yeah slightly related as all vehicles can be clumsy on bridges but the quadbikes literally can't cross them at all.
Thanks for pointing the other links out to me, it make me pleased to see that the pathfinding is being worked on :-)
This is still a big problem...
All the other AI controlled vehicles seem to cross bridges with no problems.
Only the quad bikes get stuck 100% of the time.
This means that you can't have free roaming AI quad bikes in missions on Altis because they immediately get stuck as soon as they reach a bridge.
And there are many, many bridges on Altis.
There must be something slightly different or missing in the code on quad bikes compared to every other vehicle in the 'CAR' category for this to be happening.
This problem seems to occur due to ARMA 3 not dumping obsolete RAM from previous sessions.
I have been looking into this issue and found a few things out...
Just watched and listened to the video...
this is due to each helicopter emitting its own rain impact sound (which is good while stood still)
But ARMA 3's exaggerated 'doppler effect' as you're approaching one sample becomes higher in pitch (compressing the wavelength) than the sample that you're walking away from (stretching the wavelength) causing the two (or multiple in this case) wavelengths to go slightly out of phase.
resulting in the strange whooshing sound that you're hearing...
Maybe to fix this they could disable the Doppler effect for walking and running speeds as it isn't really noticeable in real life.
Just tested the DEV branch and I'm loving the new stamina bar!
Very nice and subtle, just what it needed thank you :-)
lol yes I played Call Of Duty when it first came out and immediately reverted back to Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six. But then when Operation Flashpoint came out I was hooked to this day :-)
At the moment I'm using a mod called 'ShackTac Stamina Bar' and it gives a more realistic sense of how fatigued you are in game rather than having to guess based on random grunts, groans and heavy breathing which is extremely unrealistic for a 'simulator' :-s
I would recommend it to anyone who would like a more realistically simulated sense of your own fatigue level, just as you would naturally feel this in real life.
Just out of curiosity, could whoever down voted please give a reason :-)
I use TrackIR 5 and it works great in ARMA 3 BUT...
Every once in a while it randomly stops working.
I have figured out that if I simply go into the control settings then exit back to game it works again :-s
A really unpredictable and strange bug.
Any news on the ability to separate ambient sound from the visible wildlife just like Virtual Battlespace using enableEnvironment false?
It's all or nothing at the moment with ARMA 3
Please make it like this...
Instead of fixing the 'run' animation for the rabbits, it has been completely removed...
The 'run' animation for the rabbits used to look really bad.
So recently the run animation was completely removed.
Since the run animation was removed from the rabbits, they are now fearless to humans (see attached picture)
just happened to me too, it made me go really quiet and paranoid lol
Cheers PiepMGI...
The good thing is that the doors open so quickly in ARMA 3 that you would hardly notice this event occurring :-)
It would result in much more fluent gameplay while performing building clearances.
You don't have to stand to one side and prepare to open a door for yourself in real life, that's like being chivalrous to yourself lol :-s
You just do it without thinking due to your own spatial awareness :-)
And that's how the game should be.
Ha haaa!!! nice one CHEERS :-)