When a units health drops below 50% they should ragdoll to the floor and become incapacitated (bleeding out) with the option to respawn or wait for a medic to revive you before you bleed out and die.
only medics can revive from this level of damage and the victim can still be shot and killed to 0% damage while in this state.
So what I'm basically asking for is the revive function to kick in at 50% health (instead of 100% as it is now causing death and gear reset)
also any player can carry or drag the victim to safety (like AIS INJURY script)
Is it possible to add an extra value to the script called 'reviveActivate = 50%' (or whatever percentage the mission creator decides)
respawn = 3;
respawnDelay = 15;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive","MenuPosition"};
respawnOnStart = 1;
reviveDelay = 15;
reviveForceRespawnDelay = 3;
reviveBleedOutDelay = 450;
reviveActivate = 50%; <<<NEW PARAMETER<<<
class Header
This would apply to AI units too so they will drop to the floor more often instead of absorbing bullets like they do now.
This method would mean that a 100% lethal kill shot (dead) would take the enemy down and bypass the revive system adding more random variation to battle situations.
This will create much more realistic battles trying to identify between incapacitated and dead players & AI units laying on the battlefield.