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[Respawn Camp] JIP problem with respawn tent & sleeping bag (ability to cheat)
Assigned, WishlistPublic


When you disassemble a tent or sleeping bag sometimes the marker stays on the map and still functions as a respawn position, even though there is nothing there any more.
The marker should be deleted from the map along with the tent or sleeping bag & respawn location.
Due to this bug the map becomes cluttered with lots of available respawn positions when you die.

(This bug was discovered on a persistent server and was noticed by players when when logging off and on)


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Assemble sleeping bag (or any respawn camp)
  2. Log out of server
  3. Log back into server
  4. Respawn on sleeping bag
  5. Dismantle sleeping bag

Notice that the marker is still on the map and you can still use it as a respawn point, even though there is no sleeping bag or tent there any more.

Event Timeline

FeralCircus set Category to General.
FeralCircus set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
FeralCircus set Severity to None.
FeralCircus set Resolution to Open.
FeralCircus set Legacy ID to 3249782599.May 8 2016, 12:44 PM
FeralCircus added a subscriber: FeralCircus.

After some testing it appears that the respawn camps (tent & sleeping bag) are not fully compatible with JIP (join in progress) on persistent servers.

Hope this gets fixed soon as they are a brilliant way to keep a persistent game running without the need for a stat save script.

This has become quite a problem as it allows players to cheat, by spawning as many tents as they like from one backpack.

Respawn on tent or sleeping bag isn't one of the engine supplied respawn options available: See for available options.

I'd assume that the respawn you are refering to is a scripted solution within the mission / game mode you are using, therefore any solution will be beyond BI to enact. What mission game mode does this apply to?

No I'm talking about the built in respawn camps (in virtual arsenal) that you can carry around as a backpack and assemble/disassemble them wherever you like on the map.

They work perfectly fine when used in a single session...
But on a persistent server they malfunction when logging out then in again.

The mission is one that I have made myself, kind of a CTI/Sector Control (with AI resistance) but it runs persistently until all the capture zones are taken by OPFOR or BLUFOR. I originally had a wasteland style save system on it but realised that the 'respawn camp' was perfect for the mission, especially when they allow putting gear inside them :-)

Okay, my bad. In my defence I didn't know that this was a thing ;-)

Tested with simple respawn mission on current 1.53 Dev build and wasn't able to replicate. Following your steps above had the marker and respawn point removed on the dismantle operation for both the Tents and Sleeping Bags. Will retry on 1.52 client/server when I get home from work, but this may already have been fixed.

Thanks for testing :-)

That's strange I have them running on two servers at the moment but I have had to disable persistence (yesterday) so that the mission ends when all players disconnect...
Otherwise when you log back in you can dismantle the tent and assemble it in another location creating two respawn points from one backpack.
You can repeat this process and fill the map with respawn points from a single backpack :-s

Thanks again for your help on this, I really want to get them working properly :-)

The fix should have beed added to dev branch awhile ago, could you confirm it solved the problem?

Unfortunately I cannot test this due to the DEV build not allowing me to access the lobby on the server.
It lets me join the server but the lobby doesn't appear like it has frozen.

EDIT: Also recently noticed that when you destroy an enemy respawn tent or sleeping bag (within the same session) the map marker stays on the map and still works as a respawn point.
Not sure if this is related to the global scripting for MP use.

Just checked, unfortunately the fix for some reason didn't make it to DEV. Probably after Christmas.

OK cheers I'll look forward to the update :-)

I know you guys and girls are very busy (and probably stressed) right now trying to fix the RAM issue.

Really appreciate the hard & excellent work.
Have a HAPPY XMAS :-)

As a temporary fix for my mission, is there a way to restrict the access of items from the Virtual Arsenal?

I would like to disable the respawn tents & sleeping bags until they are functioning properly.

I suppose you can override tent/sleeping bag assembly with

Cheers I'll take a look at that :-)
Probably best to remove them from the game completely until they work though.

These repawn tents are still not JIP compatible...

BIS_fnc_KK removed BIS_fnc_KK as the assignee of this task.Jul 9 2020, 1:46 PM
BIS_fnc_KK updated the task description. (Show Details)
BIS_fnc_KK edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
BIS_fnc_KK set Operating System to Windows 7.
BIS_fnc_KK added a subscriber: BIS_fnc_KK.