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- User Since
- Mar 9 2013, 12:25 AM (628 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Oh, hah. Stupid me, thanks for the info though.
I made a mistake. I have to find a clip.
I hate how everything can walk through walls. needs to be fixed soon.
Thats just the good ol arma 2 engine. Just be glad this is being made off of the amazing arma 2 engine instead of the garbage arma 3 10 fps edition engine.
Ive been wondering whats missing from the immersion of walking in a house! voted up
Nice! awsome, its been reviewed. hope to see this in the future
It was very cool in doom 3
I get this alot upvoted and have reported this myself. glad to see this is assigned!!!
YEAH. out a chopper. good i dea, off of roof and stuff is cool too.
I like stealing peoples gear! keep this the way it is!
Alright. it appears it only happens sometimes. i am now playing the game with no problems on very high ultra and high mixed settings. request close post. but please see if you could get rid of the error. i see other people have this problem as well
lol. never noticed that before. that needs to be fixed
yes voted
upvoted, this is extremely stupid looking right now, lol
and they always come up with something like "change your graphics card" or some other stuff like that. this would be better off closed, it seems like other people dont have the issue. ill just try verifying cache files or some stuff like that
Well, looks like this report isnt going to go well. my specs are just fine, can play farcry 3 on ultra without lag. game settings are high standard mix
So... Basically take away all the nice things of arma 3 and get rid of them? nah im good
I have a picture of the trees that cause lag in the above file
EDIT: looking at a tree in general causes lag, even the little tiny trees that are 3 feet tall. if there was a different texture on the trees for the leaves, that would fix the problem.
Edit, im looking at a tree ingame, it looks like there are way too many leaves bunched up together, if the devs can remove alot of those bunched up leaves from the texture of every tree, that would get rid of alot of lag and optimize the game further
Edit, the more trees in a scene, the more it lags. due to the leaves bunching up by the thousands. its unnecessary and very laggy. done Editing this issue. hope it will be seen and fixed
i upvoted, not sure if it would be usefull because of the many tks that happen
How the heck can anyone vote down? i upvoted this issue, i see this too
May 9 2016
Stop making the bug section a forum
I thought i requested to close this? why is it still opened. on the last update a huge performance boost happened. all im waiting on now is dedicated servers and more pistols.
I dont need to give more information about my system, the PIP needs optimization.
the game leaks alot of memory and needs to be optimized, the whole game.
with pip turned off i get very good fps, with it even at very low i get 10 to 20 less fps with it on
Its being optimized already probably, this problem has been spammed here and has been acknowledged by the developers already. they are working on it.
Trust me, the same thing with nvidia graphics cards, the game just needs to be optimized. its not just with wasteland, its with a few normal servers as well
Disagree, i like the way it is now.
exactly, the game just needs to be optimized further. if the game still is this way in full game that would just be sad, but its just an alpha, so lets give them time to work this out
I have noticed this also, fps slowly gets worse and worse until it finally crashes. its not because of the specs of the pc its running on, its the engine
Upvoted, i dont want the motion blur because it lags my game but i want the others, sadly i cant have the other effects without motion blur
ive noticed this too, especially in the wasteland servers
I want a combat would have to equip it like a gun, but in a knife slot. maybe add a variety of knives
upvoted, it needs to be in the game
priority low? for me this is urgent. we need this seperated.. the motion blur remover works good though. aka @ANZINS
upvoted. i want to disable ambiant occlusion and motion blur
Every Vehicle doesnt have a horn sound yet. i dont think they finished the vehicle functions totally yet, like the fullscreen gunner seat instead of pip, which i have turned off because of lag
We need 100% gpu usage and 100% cpu usage on custom missions so we can play the game without lag. fix this Bohemia.
Wasteland mission has 15 to 10 or maybe even 5 fps rendering that gamemode useless.
I have 4 cores and they need to be used. and my graphics card does too, upvoted
Thats what ive been noticing, the longer you stay in a server the worse it gets. custom maps are an issue on this game