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- User Since
- Feb 8 2015, 7:01 PM (526 w, 3 d)
Aug 21 2023
My servers are showing up in my favourites (As these were pre saved from a while back, I can also connect to them via this link) But no mater how much I try I cannot get my server to show up in the community server list.
Jul 24 2023
Jan 10 2023
I'm no expert but according to your error message above the mod
@RedFalcon Flight System Heliz Needs updating on the SERVER
Dec 3 2022
Got to agree, this happens with the trucks as well they are extremely underpowered, they almost come to a complete stop even when trying to get up the slightest incline.
May 24 2022
Feb 5 2022
Jan 16 2022
This has been an issue for a few years now, I think I submitted a ticket about it some time back but have lost track of it. I use multiple monitors ( 5760 x 1080)
Dec 14 2020
This ticket could now be closed as the problem has been solved (A few patches back)
Dec 1 2020
You need to update your game to current version.
Oct 23 2020
Can also confirm this happens on multi monitor setups ( 3 x 24 inch) 5760 x 1080).
Seems to work ok if item is held in your hands or on the ground.
Jul 28 2020
It's the timeout at line 3 that doesn't look good as this "appears" to be from your router to your ISP (Assuming line 2 is your router IP address.)
I would do a tracert for both servers and do a comparison, Its strange that official are ok and community are not, It may be that its not network related and there is some other fault but a lot of timeouts and or high latency would tend to point to a network issue. I'm by no means an expert on network connectivity so someone with a bit more experience may be able to give you better guidance.
Jul 27 2020
Not sure why but so many timeouts and a latency as high as 1170 ms doesn't look good, especially the timeout early on at line 3 this could indicate a problem at your ISP. Not sure what you can do to resolve this other than trying a router re-boot. If that doesn't work I would contact your ISP again and submit the above tracert image and see if they can suggest a solution.
Jul 23 2020
If you get time outs AFTER it has reached the server (Line 7 in my example, note the IP address is the same as the server) then you can ignore these.
Jul 22 2020
You could try a tracert command to see if there are any network problems.
Feb 21 2019
Since 1.01 the inventory system now appears fixed, although some items are still invisible (Just greyed out with quantity number showing). I will submit more information (And screenshot) at a later date when I get time.
Jan 21 2019
Is there any way to drop the game resolution in Config. files etc. (That work) as a temporary fix as the inventory in its current state on high res. monitors is a game breaker.
Jan 4 2019
Tried both windowed and full screen mode, There is no option in settings for anything other than native mode, and changing it in the config. file doesn't work
Jan 3 2019
Vitdom, You used to be able to do this but not any more, the game forces "Native resolution" I've even tried changing it in the config. file but it automatically changes back. I have no idea why they forced the native resolution as this breaks the game for anyone with multi-monitor or extra wide monitor set up. I have absolutely no problems in any other games that I play.
Dec 23 2018
Dec 22 2018
This happens to me when using a High resolution (I use 3 x 24" monitors) and they have removed the option to reduce the resolution size. (See T134709 )
Dec 10 2018
I have the same problem (So have others) I have a resolution of (5760 x 1080), I submitted a bug report also T134709
Dec 5 2018
Aug 27 2018
Please note this happened on Stress test 0.63.148365, but has happened on recent previous versions.
Jun 8 2016
Jun 7 2016
May 11 2016
Think this is probably related to the DDOS attack on the central hive.
Have found gloves and sewing kit
But not found any batteries or boxes of .45 rounds (Only mag's.)
Had this same bug but not sure that it is just related to the V3S, It has happened without getting in or out of the V3S.
Just found Duplicate thread (25547), Devs. are aware of fault and it is Scheduled for a fix.
May just be bad luck for me but it has happened on every server that I have been on. I must say though I do like the new Zombie model where there are only a few Zombies until you make a loud noise (I.e. fire a shot) then a hoard of Zombies attack you.
In reality putting a lot of small items in to one case could take up less room as you would remove all packaging product documentation etc. also you could probably pack them more densely than on their own.
Therefore a six slot case that only takes up four slots does make more sense.
I agree, but this is a game and there has to be an advantage in using an item otherwise there is no point in having that item. How the yellow cases, Med. bags & ammo boxes were before 0.57 just worked and I think they had the correct balance between been useful items to acquire and not holding ridicules amounts of loot.
Ammo box is the same its been reduced from 8 slots to 4 and takes up 4 slots, there should be some "advantage" to using these items otherwise they are just obsolete. Agree that how they worked BEFORE this patch was how they should work now.
@zaqmaster as it stands there is no advantage at all in using the above items therefore your idea becomes obsolete for these items in their current state.
Agreed cannot see any reason to use these items anymore, may as well just put the individual items straight in to your inventory as it is easier to access the items without having to open the case/first aid kit first.
Try going in to a built up area and firing a shot, You will soon see a few Zombies (I and others do like this new zombie model) But don't rely on going in to a building and shutting the door as the Z's are back to just walking straight through them like they don't exist.
I think the persistence on the Trucks is also disabled at the moment.
I added this request (along with some others) back in 0.53, The request was passed over to the Devs. to see if it is possible.
The ticket is now closed but you can read it here 0021550
This was the same or similar bug that we had in an earlier version but it was patched (So I do not understand the vote down). Also if you have a weapon in your hand then climb in to the truck the weapon is dropped to the floor instead of been put back into your inventory.
As it stands now it is easy to drop the weapon (Or any other object) That is in your hands to the ground without realising and end up loosing it. This is not realistic in real life you would not "accidentally" throw your weapon away and not know about it.
This has also happened with my main weapon (IE AK, mosin etc), It SHOULD return back on your shoulder but occasionally it is dropped to the floor.
Can confirm spawned in on a night time server under the house (See screen shot) Did finally manage to get out. This was the same type building the OP reported. Location: Left hand side of the road going from ryrnobo to Novy Sobor.
Thanks :D
The whole idea behind DayZ is the game supply's a world with loot and Zombies etc.
And then it is entirely up to the players how they play it, There is only one Goal and that is to "SURVIVE" by any means you see fit. Therefore a notoriety system goes against this principle. Who is to say one game style is any better than any other, It goes against the principle of the game.
The answer to this is for you and some friends to make a group and set up a "Police Force" (The uniforms etc. are already in the game) where players on a server can report "Crimes" to your police force and you go out, hunt them down and put them in one of the Jails or some other similar punishment, Its all part of the game, not some artificial tagging system.
Also note this happened when one truck ran in to another and they both got stuck on each other (One was on its side), It was possible to still drive the truck (But you couldn't go anywhere but when the server re-set and you get back in and try and move it you die.
Just had another look and this has been reported and acknowledged before 0024325 & 0024231 (Missed it the first time :D )
They will be changing the loot spawning system in 0.56 anyway so not a major problem.
If you fill one canteen then de-select it by clicking the cross in your inventory (Item held in hand) so that your hand are now empty then select the canteen that is empty and re-fill that one, You should find it works ok.
This happened to me as well at Gvozdno, I went cross country, Hit a SMALL wire fence, The truck just dived in to the ground and vanished leaving my dead body on the surface. Attached a picture showing details (Truck_Crash.jpg)
This happened a couple of weeks back on 0.55.
Yep same here just about finished setting up a plot, added fertiliser, added plant and just as we was watering it the server re-set and the lot disappeared.
Yep I like the change in 0.57 to the initial start kit. These items are more appropriate, nice work
The stone knife is fine but when you spawn further inland and there are no stones to make the knife then a limited use small pocket knife would be of more use than a torch that no one uses.
I just thought something better than the torch as just about everyone ditches this as soon as they spawn to make room for other items, It is also very hard now as a fresh spawn to survive (Not impossible though), If they added a pen knife you could at least open a few cans without having to improvise a knife first, They could make it so the knife has a very limited life span, Just something to get a fresh spawn going after the first few minutes of joining ok people that have played the game for a while can usually survive, But new players to the game are going to struggle big time.
I do like the direction that the new zombie AI is going but I do think it needs tweaking "Slightly". As it is now, if you do get in a fight with a Zombie it is IMPOSSIBLE to escape without taking any damage unless you shoot them at distance. I do feel that the melee weapons have been nerfed too much, The fact that you can no longer just jump to one side to avoid the zombie attack and walk away unhurt is more than enough to make the zombies a viable threat now.
Any weapon made from lead would most likely explode when fired, lead is also a very soft metal which melts at a low temperature.
Nice idea but in reality it would have to be a steel pipe. You could also add improvised pipe bombs made from steel pipe and shot gun cartages.
They have already said they will be lowering the sprint speed, It was initially raised as there was no other form of getting round the map (ie. no vehicles) and was intended only as a temporary measure.
I personally don't see this as a problem, Someone committing suicide to gain a better spawn point (For them) does not "disadvantage" other players in any way, It is just a personal game choice. If you don't personally like it then don't do it, That is your choice.
Also I think it would be impossible to prevent without punishing unlucky players that spawn in and immediately get attacked by several zombies before they even get a chance to get a weapon to adequately defend themselves.
And just for reference I have only ever killed myself once in over 600hrs game time.
Also why put a suicide option in the game and then try to prevent people from using it, It doesn't make sense.
Can confirm, had the same problem (Random)
Had the same problem but this tends to be random, Not sure if it was just due to server lag or not. Cancelling the operation and re-trying USUALY fixes it.
You have a weapon (Or some other object other than a water container) in your hand and you USE the water pump (It does not say drink). Therefore you have tried to fill that item with water, thus the animation but You obviously cannot fill a rifle with water therefore you get the error message "cannot fill rifle with water" which you cannot do in real life anyway.
You also need your hands empty so as to drink from the water pump If they are not then how can you hold the water in your hands.
As I said it is a game feature not a bug and the simple remedy is to have your hands empty when using the pump or use some type of water container.
I do not believe this is a bug as you need your hands empty to drink or have a container in your hands that can be filled with water.
Dropping the item from your hands and attempt to drink again and it will work.
Its part of the game (Mimics real life), So not a bug.
I was trying to be helpful, a lot of people (Not just you) do not protect their system properly from viruses and malware, Even the ones that do can still get them but some basic precautions can reduce the risk, It MAY even have been this malware that has resulted in your ban in which case I believe that there will not be a lot that you can do as you are responsible for your system whether it was your fault or not.
As for the e-mail you received, It sounds very Generic, It does not contain any information as to WHY you was banned other than an ERROR, This could mean that their system made an error but could quite as easily mean their system actually detected banned files on your system. I am not making any accusations one way or another as there is not enough information available to make this decision.
Therefore there is one of two options.
- IF (And I am saying IF) you are a hacker then deal with the punishment and learn a valuable lesson.
2). If this is a genuine error, Then you need to find out more information to why it happened and steps to prevent it in the future. An ERROR could be anything you may have had malware that has stolen your CD Key and has been used by someone else, It may have changed your game files in some way resulting in a ban for modified files the simple answer is we don't know and you need to get mor information from Battle Eye to find out.
If this has happened twice then I suspect that there is something on your system that is causing a ban (Whether you put it there or not) rather than a problem at Battle Eyes end (But like I said not enough information). If it was me I would back up all the files that I want (Which I do anyway), Do a full system format and re-install windows etc. I know this is drastic but it is the only TRUE way to make sure your system is free from problems.
Read this link for some of the things that Malware can do Read the section "WARNING: Massive cd-key theft going on" and the part after it (Not the same ban code as yours though and I do not believe DayZ uses CD keys)
I have tried to find out what Global Ban #85f76a refers to but have been unable to find anything, This is what you need to ask Battle Eye as it is the reason for your ban.
I would also contact Battle Eye and ask for a DETAILED reason for the ban, not just it was an error. If it is an error on their side and they cannot repair it I would say they are liable for the cost of a replacement game. If its an error on your side or someone else's then you need more information to correct it.
"IF" its because you was cheating (And I am not saying you were or you weren't) Then let this be a lesson to you.
May I suggest using a GOOD anti-virus program (I use ESET NOD32) and regular scans for malware (I use malwarebytes, It won't help with the ban but will save you $130 getting rid of the malware that you had on your system in the first place.
Just got the same memory error crash, Friends have said they get the error when driving the trucks but this results in their death.
I also reported this earlier 00121549. I also think it is not just rifles, but any item that does not have room in your inventory when dropped.
I like that idea, The ability to sort in date/time order.
May I suggest adding the server name to the in game player list screen.
I think this problem is also made worse by the rarity of ammo boxes to keep such rounds in, In reality they would be plentiful especially in military areas.
Note this happens even when the compass is pristine
Top speed is fine it just slows down too much on small inclines.
I never said it had to be Military gear, (Although this is the obvious choice), My point was that just like real life getting the best gear would usually involve a high risk, This is what makes the game challenging and involves "Risk assessment". As for "military gear", It doesn't need to be military, You could always include local civilian gun shops, Hunting/Camping shops that have similar gear but they would also need to involve some risk as these are the places that most people would head for (More people more zombies etc.).
If its possible for all the best gear that you require to spawn just about anywhere then there is no need to move about the map, just stop in one spot and wait for it to spawn, this does not make the game challenging.
People are going to look for some form of weatherproof, Camo.,High capacity gear whether this be Military or civilian so will inevitably end up looking the same anyway.
You also have to bear in mind civilian equipment is not designed to give the same protection that military equipment is, When you go out hunting it is not often that your pray will return fire with an AK unless you are hunting your fellow man.
In theory your idea sounds good (I do agree there should be better civilian gear available) But ultimately the best gear needs to be from specific HIGH RISK HIGH gain areas this then introduces the RISK to GAIN element, Do you risk your life to get better equipment or do you play it safe?
May 10 2016
REALISM?? How can you run back to your own dead body? YOUR DEAD!
Persistent bodies is a bad idea, You will end up with servers cluttered with dead bodies.
And what is the point of the game if every time you die all you have to do is run back to your dead body and gear up to the point you was before you died.
It works well as it is at the moment, the body stays persistent long enough for your body to be looted by other players (In your close vicinity). Or stays persistent all the time someone is next to your body.
The new renderer is targeted for mid May 2015 according to reports, From what I have heard it is expected that this will solve the low FPS, Here's hoping :D
Edit. " I guess the reports were wrong :D "
For the vast majority of people their monitor refresh rate is no more than 60hz, therefore the monitor CANNOT display more than 60fps, So unless you have a 120hz or higher monitor aiming to get more than 60fps is a waste of time.
As of update 0.57 Zombies are back to walking straight through doors as though they are not there. This is not just on the odd occasion but EVERY time now.