The Tool-tips of items goes out of bounds to the right when you mouse over them when inside your inventory, but the tool-tip stays in bounds when the item is in your characters hands.
1 - With the pear in hand
2 - With the Pear in the inventory
The Tool-tips of items goes out of bounds to the right when you mouse over them when inside your inventory, but the tool-tip stays in bounds when the item is in your characters hands.
1 - With the pear in hand
2 - With the Pear in the inventory
1 - Have a Ultrawide Screen (3440x1440) for example.
2 - Mouse over any item inside your inventory.
This has been an issue for a few years now, I think I submitted a ticket about it some time back but have lost track of it. I use multiple monitors ( 5760 x 1080)
Just looked back, There are several tickets on this but they all replicate ticket T155551
From the looks of it there will not be a fix any time soon, If ever.