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Truck Glitching in tree, Instant death when trying to remove it.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Parked healthy (No damage) truck BETWEEN some trees, When the server re-set the truck was embedded within the tree, The vehicle will not de-spawn as the server still sees it as not damaged. If you get in to the truck as soon as you try to reverse it out of the tree, You instantly die and the truck re-spawns. {F31853}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Park truck between the trees and let server re-set note it does not always re-spawn within the tree and on this occasion the truck was parked on a slight incline but sideways on to the incline (The truck WAS NOT moving when parked i.e., was NOT sliding down the hill).

If you enter the truck while it is glitched within another object and try to drive it you are instantly killed EVERYTIME.

Additional Information

I have added a video of the incident here.

And an image of the location of the incident.

Event Timeline

-1PARA-Gramps edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
-1PARA-Gramps set Category to Other.
-1PARA-Gramps set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
-1PARA-Gramps set Severity to None.
-1PARA-Gramps set Resolution to Duplicate.
-1PARA-Gramps set Legacy ID to 3087026969.May 8 2016, 10:46 PM
-1PARA-Gramps added a subscriber: -1PARA-Gramps.

Just had another look and this has been reported and acknowledged before 0024325 & 0024231 (Missed it the first time :D )

Also note this happened when one truck ran in to another and they both got stuck on each other (One was on its side), It was possible to still drive the truck (But you couldn't go anywhere but when the server re-set and you get back in and try and move it you die.

Geez added a comment.Jun 1 2015, 2:09 PM

Hello -1PARA-Gramps and thank you for the report.
This is an issue we are aware of and it has been scheduled for a fix (#0024071).