Revision: 151289
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Arma 3 Activity
Jan 18 2024
Why wouldn't you want to see the PP effects in the drone camera view when the pilot that is using the camera is shot?
From my point of view it is best if effects to the pilot also show up if he is currently controlling a drone.
Jan 17 2024
!Workshop folder seemed to be empty, with no shortcuts
In T178412#2555048, @b.mayr.1984 wrote:I even have a lot of vanilla LG shells missing to land on target even if I use the artillery computer.
So I needed to resort to a scripted solution (based on ACE laser designation) for LG shells to work.
I even have a lot of vanilla LG shells missing to land on target even if I use the artillery computer.
So I needed to resort to a scripted solution (based on ACE laser designation) for LG shells to work.
Fix in Beta Profiling works great for me. 2.5hrs of game play. Thanks!
Jan 16 2024
First, please forgive my ignorance about Linux installs - the Steam Deck is my first experience of Linux, so the errors could just be my incompetence, and also they could be specific to Steam OS.
Hi. I delate all pbo files and redownload, game working now. Thanks for answer.
@dedmen internal has LWIN+R ALT+V to end it - maybe its easy enough to expose.
I like that idea. But oof.
The RPT doesn't have enough info. We would need the minidump (.mdmp file), but according to log, none was written.
The crash is in your AMD video drivers, maybe updating them could help
"ErrorMessage: Include file userconfig\DVD\DVD.hpp not found."
Good point that scripted WP removal could also lead to that. Atm its quite hard to debug as mention - WaypointCompleted group eventhandler would make this also easier: #T178427
No, not possible. Engine limitations
Delete the file it mentions, its corrupted.
You will loose your keybinds if you changed them from the defaults
thanks a lot!
The fix is available on Profiling branch. You can switch to it in the Steam game options under the Beta tab.
The fix is available on Profiling branch. You can switch to it in the Steam game options under the Beta tab.
Revision: 151264
Blocking a mod file does not cause the game to crash.
The crashes you are having, were already fixed on Profiling banch. You can switch to it in the steam beta options. The fix will also be in the next game update
You are loading some corrupted mod.
Maybe you recognize what this is:
"Nvme_Game" "fit_on_backpack_nnwinter_v8"
This bug is already fixed on Profiling branch. You can switch to that branch in Steam.
Also ref
Your log files don't contain any crash.
The RPT logs just end, and there are no crash dumps.
Nothing I can do without that crash information
Just use the -mods= parameter.
That doesn't exist, you meant -mod.
Ist bekannt, ist auf Profiling branch schon gefixed.
Soweit ich weiß passiert das nur nach nem server disconnect.
The message already prints the group.
"%s: Cycle as first waypoint has no sense"
is the whole message, and the group gets inserted at the start.
You have multiple files with (1) in the name. None of these should exist.
Delete them all and then verify your game files in Steam.
UI/HUD changes, won't do.
Jan 15 2024
Jan 14 2024
Jan 13 2024
Added the mass to getModelInfo instead.
New alt syntax seems to be working. 👍
Jan 12 2024
Markers do not have an "Owner"
They have a Creator, which is stored ine the Marker name.
Revision: 151278 Added alt syntax to getEntityInfo script command for fast access and isMan property