- CfgWeapons >> weapon >> magazineReloadTime
- CfgWeapons >> weapon >> reloadTime
Please implement new script commands to overwrite this config values
- object setMagazineReloadTime [gunner, muzzleName, magazineReloadTime]
- object setWeaponReloadTime [gunner, muzzleName, reloadTime]
do not confuse with the setWeaponReloadingTime command which sets the reloading phase, this is a request to change the reload time value of the weapon config
- player setMagazineReloadTime [player, "GL_3GL_F", 11]; //→11 sec to reload a rifle's grenade laucher magazine
- _vehicle setWeaponReloadTime [gunner vehicle player, currentMuzzle gunner vehicle player, 1]; //→ 1 sec between each shot
And commands to return reload time
- player magazineReloadTime [player, "GL_3GL_F"];
- _vehicle weaponReloadTime [gunner _vehicle, currentMuzzle gunner _vehicle];
- player magazineReloadTime [player, "GL_3GL_F"]; //→11 sec to reload a rifle's grenade laucher magazine
- _vehicle weaponReloadTime [gunner _vehicle, currentMuzzle gunner _vehicle]; //→ 1 sec between each shot