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LordVoldemort added a comment to T189520: Server issues.

Sun, Mar 2, 11:15 AM · DayZ PlayStation
LordVoldemort added a comment to T189520: Server issues.

Sun, Mar 2, 11:15 AM · DayZ PlayStation
R34P3R created T189521: Exp. - Engine sound not stop after explode.
Sun, Mar 2, 11:13 AM · Arma Reforger
TRAGER updated the task description for T184578: Environmental sounds configuration issues.
Sun, Mar 2, 11:09 AM · Arma 3
R34P3R added a comment to T187941: GPU hangs / DX12 Error, crash since update to

And another Crash on Exp. from yesterday

Sun, Mar 2, 11:08 AM · Arma Reforger
LordVoldemort added a comment to T189520: Server issues.

here is another issue I keep getting I will try to remember to post error codes.

Sun, Mar 2, 10:58 AM · DayZ PlayStation
LordVoldemort created T189520: Server issues.
Sun, Mar 2, 10:54 AM · DayZ PlayStation
Tha_Scav added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

I can confirm the same for Utopia Airdrop, i disabled all Drops and the server ran without a Single Crash for 4 days now. Yesterday i tried popping an airdropflare and as soon as the Helicopter started flying the server crashed

Sun, Mar 2, 10:34 AM · DayZ
ermancelikk added a comment to T189503: Intel Arc B580 Rendering Issue.

I am sharing a screen recording to show you how significant the problem is. This issue occurs not only at the moment I first spawn but also at various points in the game. For example, when I drive to a combat area and exit the vehicle, the weapon in my hand and its scope fail to render. This makes it impossible to play the game in situations requiring quick reactions. Since the scope does not render, I cannot see elements like the red dot, etc., associated with the scope. As a result, the game essentially comes to a halt for me for 10-20 seconds. Additionally, while driving, the roads sometimes fail to render, giving the impression that I am moving on a flat gray surface. There are many other similar issues that I cannot fully list here.

Sun, Mar 2, 10:12 AM · Arma Reforger
Jay_Yay added a comment to T189477: Experimental Not Achieving Intended Outcome.

I’ve been wondering this too.

Sun, Mar 2, 10:03 AM · DayZ Xbox
Marek2000s added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

I have disable my Expansion Airdrops now and since there, the Server runs normal.

Sun, Mar 2, 9:58 AM · DayZ
hyperunknown created T189518: Attached barbed wire gets stuck underground and can't be attached properly.
Sun, Mar 2, 9:30 AM · DayZ
Kmoyer created T189517: Fence/Gates disappearing.
Sun, Mar 2, 9:20 AM · DayZ
desolator19 created T189516: fences/gates deleting after restart.
Sun, Mar 2, 9:05 AM · DayZ
Jrbon added a comment to T189514: Backpack stuck in wall.

I don’t remember exactly what I had in my backpack, but I know I had a rangefinder and a hatchet, but I’ll take an ak-74 haha just kidding that would be nice though to compensate you know?

Sun, Mar 2, 8:17 AM · DayZ Xbox
csatx created T189515: Despawning fences and watchtowers (build anywhere only?).
Sun, Mar 2, 8:13 AM · DayZ
Jrbon created T189514: Backpack stuck in wall.
Sun, Mar 2, 8:12 AM · DayZ Xbox
Jrbon created T189513: Backpack stuck in wall.
Sun, Mar 2, 8:11 AM · DayZ Xbox
Jrbon created T189512: Backpack stuck in wall.
Sun, Mar 2, 8:08 AM · DayZ Xbox
Jrbon created T189511: Backpack stuck in wall.
Sun, Mar 2, 8:07 AM · DayZ Xbox
SixPacker44 created T189509: Bk 133 shotgun not fully loading .
Sun, Mar 2, 5:40 AM · DayZ PlayStation
Woness created T189508: New footsteps bad and misleading.
Sun, Mar 2, 4:06 AM · DayZ
nPHYN1T3 edited Additional Information on T189392: DLC nags and broken saves.
Sun, Mar 2, 3:57 AM · Arma 3
Metasequoia added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

I encountered a strange crash. For example, my server has been running for a long time without players. When I join the server again, the server will crash. After restart, I join the server. Everything is normal

Sun, Mar 2, 3:57 AM · DayZ
Cotillion added a comment to T189507: Players unable to hear mic.

Sun, Mar 2, 3:08 AM · DayZ
Cotillion created T189507: Players unable to hear mic.
Sun, Mar 2, 3:07 AM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T177003: Feedback/Idea - Allow Us To Set LootSpawnAvoidance To Specific Buildings In MapGroupProto..

Really looking forward to this one the most

Sun, Mar 2, 2:55 AM · DayZ
RacingTes41 added a comment to T189506: My Items disapear or get stuck in walls.

It takes way too long to build up inventory just to watch this game glitch it away from you. I'm a fairly new player and logged 500hrs since August 24, This update wasn't great, has a lot of issues when I walk I hear my footsteps when I stop, my items disappear in walls or etc. just nonsense.

Sun, Mar 2, 2:50 AM · DayZ
RacingTes41 created T189506: My Items disapear or get stuck in walls.
Sun, Mar 2, 2:47 AM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T189339: Footstep audio going through buildings to floor.

Yeah I experience this too, this new footstep audio crap is very annoying.

Sun, Mar 2, 2:39 AM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T189325: not a bug report.

Agree. The new footsteps sounds in general do not sound good and it really throws me off because it sounds like someone is near me but they arent. Really don't understand why they changed something that was fine.

Sun, Mar 2, 2:34 AM · DayZ
WVSKILLS created T189505: Fire Barrel.
Sun, Mar 2, 2:08 AM · DayZ Xbox
Tuupertunut added a comment to T170421: AI-driven Tracked Amphibious Vehicles Get Stuck in Rivers.

^ That's some bot advertisement spam

Sun, Mar 2, 1:13 AM · Arma 3
ermancelikk changed Category from category:general to category:visualstructures on T189503: Intel Arc B580 Rendering Issue.
Sun, Mar 2, 1:00 AM · Arma Reforger
ermancelikk created T189503: Intel Arc B580 Rendering Issue.
Sun, Mar 2, 12:59 AM · Arma Reforger
YouCanCallMeAlex added a comment to T189285: Settings will ask you to confirm unsaved settings upon selecting another settings tab (switchin between tabs), despite not changing any option!.

I sometimes also have this issue, but since 1.26 already!

Sun, Mar 2, 12:47 AM · DayZ
JNS12647 created T189502: Zombie Vaulting Through Building.
Sun, Mar 2, 12:11 AM · DayZ

Sat, Mar 1

Tokenbudz created T189501: Server crash status access violation upon server restart .
Sat, Mar 1, 11:31 PM · DayZ
Dirkalot added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

What does a dayz server try to do roughly hourly? at basically an hour +2-5 minutes my server crashes. If it makes it past the first hour it will probably crash at 2 hrs + 2-5 minutes, if it makes it past that it's a crash at 3 hours etc. It still appears to be related to the server saving or checking save files on people as seems to be mentioned above. What am I missing? I have all events turned off and still crashing, so it's not them

Sat, Mar 1, 11:29 PM · DayZ
filmrolloak created T189500: 5818 Repeated Server Crash.
Sat, Mar 1, 11:19 PM · DayZ
Replica2k created T189499: Sharpening Stone.
Sat, Mar 1, 11:07 PM · DayZ
Daxolion created T189498: Dead Texture inside Player Model.
Sat, Mar 1, 11:03 PM · DayZ
Gabdnoajdn created T189497: Server Joining Issues.
Sat, Mar 1, 10:49 PM · DayZ Xbox
OGBDayz added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

What does a dayz server try to do roughly hourly? at basically an hour +2-5 minutes my server crashes. If it makes it past the first hour it will probably crash at 2 hrs + 2-5 minutes, if it makes it past that it's a crash at 3 hours etc. It still appears to be related to the server saving or checking save files on people as seems to be mentioned above. What am I missing? I have all events turned off and still crashing, so it's not them

Sat, Mar 1, 10:44 PM · DayZ
Deferto added a comment to T189473: Vehicle sinking into the ground.

Same here, happened when there was a desynch once, the other time was no desynch

Sat, Mar 1, 10:40 PM · DayZ
DiscoTurtle added a comment to T189282: DayZ 1.27 BK-43 Doesn't Make A Sound When Equipped in hand But Makes Sound When UnEquipped.

I have this too, but it's with any weapon.

Sat, Mar 1, 9:35 PM · DayZ
Limonade added a comment to T189496: Unable to connect to DayZ server.
Sat, Mar 1, 9:31 PM · DayZ
Limonade created T189496: Unable to connect to DayZ server.
Sat, Mar 1, 9:31 PM · DayZ
Faultier1987 added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Ok doing some troubleshooting on my servers I have been able to replicate the weird behavior.

Currently, I have only a few mods (expansion ai, expansion, expansion core, expansion quests, vppadmin).

I fresh wiped everything. Players.db included. Started up deer isle. Ran around for 30 minutes, no issues. Restarted the server, no issues.
Ran around for another 10 minutes or so, restarted the server, came back in, immediately got the access error.

Before I did this, I backed up the playerdb in a known current working state. I stopped my server, moved the backed up players.db into players.db (renaming the now non-working one to broken.db).
I restarted the server doing absolutely nothing else, and was able to join immediately, obviously with everything where it had been backed up. I took note of what i've been trying to do to recreate this when it happens, the only difference is, just before a server restart, I have been looting just prior. In this case, I had just grabbed a bag, an ak101 and a mag and forced the server to restart as I wanted to make sure it was saving stuff correctly. Upon coming back in, access error, freeze, and on and off server crash.

To test and see if it was players.db, I moved the newly not-working players.db to "broken.db" and copied the original working one back to players.db, restarted the server, and got back in yet again. I made no other changes to anything other than players.db.

In my logs, there are no clear errors I can see in error logs or rpt, it just shows "no packets received from player."
Feb 28 20:30:03 localhost[12764]: 20:30:03 [Disconnect]: Client (Myid) early disconnect
Feb 28 20:30:03 localhost[12764]: 20:30:03 [Disconnect]: Start script disconnect (Myid)(dbCharacterId 1 dbPlayerId 1) logoutTime 15
Feb 28 20:30:04 localhost[12764]: 20:30:04 [Disconnect]: No packets from (Myid)
Feb 28 20:30:04 localhost[12764]: 20:30:04 Player CaptainFlatulence ((Myid)) kicked from server: 4 (Connection with host has been lost.)

To manage to recreate the behavior I just need to have recently had the server normally save, be looting something and force a restart and it seems those players suddenly have the issue.

Sometimes, this results in the server crashing. Other times, the client side just gets kicked with an access violation after freezing. Verified this behavior can be reproduced on linux and windows servers.

Sat, Mar 1, 9:31 PM · DayZ
HAKIM updated the task description for T189466: Magic bullet cheater in Vigor by the name of Denis with 2400+ Kills on PC.
Sat, Mar 1, 9:31 PM · Vigor PC
Deferto created T189495: Unplayable game - desynch all the time.
Sat, Mar 1, 9:24 PM · DayZ
Deferto added a comment to T189487: Unplayable, Crashing/Kicking, Server name: 5821 | NORTH AMERICA - LA | 1st Person Only Address: Server version: 1.27.159420 Required game version: 1.27.0 .

10 years later, the game is still unplayable lmao

Sat, Mar 1, 9:07 PM · DayZ
Deferto added a comment to T189376: 1.27 server desync lag.

Me and my friend decided to go "out" with a car and we were saying "we'll be back on the coast in 2 minutes with this lag, guess what ! I was driving the car when I got kicked out (because it seems, a lot of players get kicked when it's too laggy), the car went into a tree because I got kicked, got to respawn and my friend was badly injured. I can't believe it, 10 years of development, I can't believe those "devs" can't make a stable fucking game in 10 years and are still adding shit update after update when we're asking for good stuff like diverse weapons, base building equipement, new vehicules but no, there are cheaters, desynch with the server and they are adding new "sounds" to weapons. Amazing.

Sat, Mar 1, 8:52 PM · DayZ Xbox
Slawek_1981 updated the task description for T189493: Too bright nights....
Sat, Mar 1, 8:31 PM · DayZ
Nexen added a comment to T189252: TrackIR blocked by BattlEye launcher.

Still getting this error.

Sat, Mar 1, 8:28 PM · Arma Reforger
Slawek_1981 created T189493: Too bright nights....
Sat, Mar 1, 8:09 PM · DayZ
TheBonBon created T189492: Adding custom character mesh to identity crashes WB.
Sat, Mar 1, 7:24 PM · Arma Reforger Modding
Kitler updated the task description for T189491: P1 sound glitch - magazine loading sound.
Sat, Mar 1, 7:24 PM · DayZ
Kitler created T189491: P1 sound glitch - magazine loading sound.
Sat, Mar 1, 6:59 PM · DayZ
OGBDayz updated the task description for T189490: (SERVER CRASH) Illegal read by 0x7ff63837e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff .
Sat, Mar 1, 6:41 PM · DayZ
OGBDayz created T189490: (SERVER CRASH) Illegal read by 0x7ff63837e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff .
Sat, Mar 1, 6:40 PM · DayZ
bzed added a comment to T175939: DayZ Experimental Linux Server 1.23 - Error decrypting message: error:04099079:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1:oaep decoding error.

@Geez @dedmen it might make sense to merge and into this bug, or at least link them - they are definitely related.

Sat, Mar 1, 6:24 PM · DayZ
7ookeCz added a comment to T189434: Horticulture State lock..

I can also confirm the error. I only have CF and COT and if I plant anything and the server restarts during growth, the growth status does not change and the plant never matures. 😣

Sat, Mar 1, 6:19 PM · DayZ Xbox
KuchiKopi1986 created T189489: Hatchet Visual Issue.
Sat, Mar 1, 6:16 PM · DayZ Xbox
bzed added a comment to T175939: DayZ Experimental Linux Server 1.23 - Error decrypting message: error:04099079:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1:oaep decoding error.

I've also tried OPENSSL_ia32cap=~0x200000200000000 to really make sure its not a mix of hardware / too old openssl - but the issue stays the same.

Mar 01 17:30:59 game002 hashima-server[1326254]: Error decrypting message: error:0406506C:rsa routines:rsa_ossl_private_decrypt:data greater than mod len
Mar 01 17:30:59 game002 hashima-server[1326254]: Error decrypting message: error:04099079:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1:oaep decoding error
Sat, Mar 1, 6:12 PM · DayZ
OGBDayz added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Sat, Mar 1, 5:42 PM · DayZ
eLoneX added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Could this be tied to the number of SpawnObject we can spawn in game? I'm experiencing the same crashes when I try to load stuff with SpawnObject in init.c (separate .c file but in init.c), after a certain number of lines loaded it just crashes with same Access Violation ... but when I reduce the number of SpawnObject lines loaded, it works just fine.

Sat, Mar 1, 5:36 PM · DayZ
k4m1k4z36969 renamed T189486: 0xCFFFFFFF - STATUS_APPLICATION_HANG from meu dayz nao funciona mais to 0xCFFFFFFF - STATUS_APPLICATION_HANG.
Sat, Mar 1, 5:30 PM · DayZ
LarryTheExplorer added a comment to T189487: Unplayable, Crashing/Kicking, Server name: 5821 | NORTH AMERICA - LA | 1st Person Only Address: Server version: 1.27.159420 Required game version: 1.27.0 .
Sat, Mar 1, 5:29 PM · DayZ
LarryTheExplorer created T189487: Unplayable, Crashing/Kicking, Server name: 5821 | NORTH AMERICA - LA | 1st Person Only Address: Server version: 1.27.159420 Required game version: 1.27.0 .
Sat, Mar 1, 5:28 PM · DayZ
k4m1k4z36969 created T189486: 0xCFFFFFFF - STATUS_APPLICATION_HANG.
Sat, Mar 1, 5:23 PM · DayZ
SINJIN added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

On Sakhal test, one of two airdrops completed successfully. I think this is why its hard to nail the problem down. Some airdrops are "randomly" working. But overall, if you disable them, your server should run.

Pretty sure this is up to the Expansion team to resolve, not BI

SCRIPT : 08:50:12.648 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionMissionEventAirdrop] Adjusted container weights:
SCRIPT : 08:50:12.648 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionAirdropContainer_Basebuilding 374
SCRIPT : 08:50:12.648 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionAirdropPlane::GetSpawnPoint - drop position <6390.000000, 0.000000, 8535.000000> - map is sakhal - size 15360 - center <7680.000000, 300.000000, 7680.000000>
SCRIPT : 08:50:12.648 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionAirdropPlane::GetSpawnPoint - selected spawn point <15360.000000, 450.729736, 3352.719482>
SCRIPT : 08:50:22.666 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionMissionEventAirdrop] Adjusted container weights:
SCRIPT : 08:50:22.666 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionAirdropContainer_Basebuilding 454
SCRIPT : 08:50:22.666 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionAirdropPlane::GetSpawnPoint - drop position <845.000000, 0.000000, 11331.000000> - map is sakhal - size 15360 - center <7680.000000, 300.000000, 7680.000000>
SCRIPT : 08:50:22.666 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionAirdropPlane::GetSpawnPoint - selected spawn point <15360.000000, 450.506683, 1024.718750>
SCRIPT : 08:57:06.771 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionLootSpawner::Spawn - WARNING: Couldn't spawn ExpansionCamoBoxKit on ExpansionAirdropContainerBase<f2c07960>
SCRIPT : 08:57:06.771 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionLootSpawner::Spawn - WARNING: Couldn't spawn ExpansionGunrack on ExpansionAirdropContainerBase<f2c07960>
SCRIPT : 08:57:06.771 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionLootSpawner::Spawn - WARNING: Couldn't spawn CamoNet on ExpansionAirdropContainerBase<f2c07960>
SCRIPT : 08:57:06.771 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionLootSpawner::Spawn - WARNING: Couldn't spawn LargeGasCanister on ExpansionAirdropContainerBase<f2c07960>
SCRIPT : 08:57:06.771 [EXPANSION LOG]: ExpansionAirdropContainerBase<f2c07960> InitAirdrop - total weight (kg) 337.746 - nominal fall speed 4.59436 m/s, wind impact strength 0.0734273
SCRIPT : [Permissions Manager] Admin (chicken) (76561197974270314) Successfully Logged in!
SCRIPT : 09:02:13.839 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ExpansionLootSpawner::Spawn - WARNING: Couldn't spawn ExpansionGunrack on ExpansionAirdropContainerBase<34da10e0>
SCRIPT : 09:02:13.839 [EXPANSION LOG]: ExpansionAirdropContainerBase<34da10e0> InitAirdrop - total weight (kg) 375.568 - nominal fall speed 4.68892 m/s, wind impact strength 0.0718513

Sat, Mar 1, 4:29 PM · DayZ
Korbi_FPV added a comment to T189483: Fault address: 833EE1B4 00:833EE1B4 Unknown module.

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 833EE1B4
Allocator: system
graphics: No
resolution: 160x120x32

Sat, Mar 1, 4:05 PM · DayZ
Korbi_FPV created T189483: Fault address: 833EE1B4 00:833EE1B4 Unknown module.
Sat, Mar 1, 4:04 PM · DayZ
hacost1809 added a comment to T188524: Inconsistent replication of deleted static markers .

From testing, it looks like moving the marker makes this reproduce faster

Sat, Mar 1, 3:46 PM · Arma Reforger Modding
Pink_Foam added a comment to T189482: Ошибка при запуске.

Игра вылетает на этапе входа в неё. Возникает ошибка (прилагаю отчёт и название). Так произошло после обновления.

Sat, Mar 1, 3:35 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
Pink_Foam created T189482: Ошибка при запуске.
Sat, Mar 1, 3:32 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
Hunterz added a comment to T187780: Allow modding HumanCommandVehicle.

I did this using scripted commands, but please consider modding of HumanCommandVehicle, especially allowing raise weapon (animgraph Raise). It can allow those feature implement even easier and for driver too.

Sat, Mar 1, 3:29 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
Firewalker added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

And here you go. Only using Expansion Base Building Airdrops. Crashed on the third one.

Sat, Mar 1, 3:26 PM · DayZ
Firewalker added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

On Sakhal test, one of two airdrops completed successfully. I think this is why its hard to nail the problem down. Some airdrops are "randomly" working. But overall, if you disable them, your server should run.

Sat, Mar 1, 3:14 PM · DayZ
Firewalker added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

So far, my Chernarus and Sakhal servers crash the same, if Expansion Airdrops are running. Someone above said that Expansion team is discussing it on their Discord.

Sat, Mar 1, 2:40 PM · DayZ
oldmann1991 added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Same issues for us. Before this senseless update we didnt have crashes or crab like that. Update 1.27 happend, almost crashes on a hourly bases.
WIN-DC5QK4GAL09, 01.03 2025 10:56:06
Unhandled exception

Sat, Mar 1, 2:28 PM · DayZ
Eleven101 changed Severity from severity:minor to severity:major on T189474: Textures loading in slowly or not at all.
Sat, Mar 1, 2:00 PM · Arma Reforger
kingfisher556 added a comment to T189481: losing items AGAIN.

I want my stuff back.

Sat, Mar 1, 1:50 PM · DayZ Xbox
kingfisher556 created T189481: losing items AGAIN.
Sat, Mar 1, 1:49 PM · DayZ Xbox
django_on_pc created T189480: crash.
Sat, Mar 1, 1:40 PM · DayZ
ModDanz created T189479: Crash client 1.27 using a mod RPG-7 from the workshop.
Sat, Mar 1, 1:29 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
kuzyn added a comment to T189207: Experimental 1.27 - Equipment bar no longer support extra player equipment bar slots correctly..

Update is out, slots are still broken.

You need to use the hotfix mentioned above.

Sat, Mar 1, 1:03 PM · DayZ
Master75654 added a comment to T189478: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCES_VIOLATION.

Sat, Mar 1, 12:58 PM · DayZ
Master75654 created T189478: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCES_VIOLATION.
Sat, Mar 1, 12:58 PM · DayZ
RSWhitehorn created T189477: Experimental Not Achieving Intended Outcome.
Sat, Mar 1, 12:46 PM · DayZ Xbox
Dinnngz added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Disabled Airdrop in Expansion, server no longer crashes...nor player drops.

Sat, Mar 1, 12:38 PM · DayZ
brewnut added a comment to T170421: AI-driven Tracked Amphibious Vehicles Get Stuck in Rivers.
Sat, Mar 1, 12:20 PM · Arma 3
fenris0997 added a comment to T189347: Custom Building- baked on the Map\Geometry is not existing.

@Geez all back to normal now. Building works like before Update. Thx for the Support

Sat, Mar 1, 12:14 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
the_ryan_fella2 added a comment to T189458: Server 4268.

you wont get your gear back, just re-loot, and that was your internet lagging thats what the problem was. next time you freeze like that log out

Sat, Mar 1, 11:55 AM · DayZ Xbox
CosmoDayZ added a comment to T189285: Settings will ask you to confirm unsaved settings upon selecting another settings tab (switchin between tabs), despite not changing any option!.

Please fix this issue, it's annoying

Sat, Mar 1, 11:37 AM · DayZ
CosmoDayZ added a comment to T189473: Vehicle sinking into the ground.

This also happened to me

Sat, Mar 1, 11:32 AM · DayZ
Metasequoia added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Sat, Mar 1, 11:13 AM · DayZ
Metasequoia added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Sat, Mar 1, 11:12 AM · DayZ
Metasequoia added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Before, the server crash would display the relevant mod, but now it's not at all. I just experienced a server crash, which occurred when I joined the server. Before, the server had been running well and there were no players in it. I left for a while and then joined the server, resulting in a crash

Sat, Mar 1, 11:08 AM · DayZ