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Unplayable, Crashing/Kicking, Server name: 5821 | NORTH AMERICA - LA | 1st Person Only Address: Server version: 1.27.159420 Required game version: 1.27.0
New, NormalPublic


Really Bad Server Connection and Lag ect, Constant Crashing/Kicking off the server, unplayable for a few days now with no update on if its being fixed or not.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11 x64
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Just after logging onto the server you will be running around for a couple minutes then a Red server symbol will pop up on the Far left middle of the screen, then it will be Super Laggy and unplayable, eventually it will just kick you out entirely usually after a few minutes or 2.

Additional Information

Seems like other Servers might be working but this one definitely is not and its my main server I play on with friends, so please Fix, from the troubleshooting Ive done it is not a issue on my side but on the Dayz Server side, something is wrong and needs to be fixed, Dayz Status site shows that over 90 percent of peoples issues rn are Server Connection related and there has been countless reports on there over the past few days, this all started right after 1.27 release recently, so please check this out, Thanks!

Event Timeline

This comment was removed by LarryTheExplorer.
Deferto added a subscriber: Deferto.Sat, Mar 1, 9:06 PM

10 years later, the game is still unplayable lmao