Please fix asap !
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Sat, Mar 1
Can confirm. I just tested with only CF and VPPadmintools and plants get stuck in whatever growth stage they were in prior to the restart.
Ok doing some troubleshooting on my servers I have been able to replicate the weird behavior.
The issue seems related to my script-spawned vehicles being added as a child node of the spawner entity (so CE can track removal and enable spawning at that point again).
I started having issues as well after the 1.27 update. My symptoms are the access violation. As well, when this happens, players report no longer being able to join without crashing to the access violation error. What is interesting is I removed all mods from my server one by one to see if any one specific mod caused the issue, down to the point that it was just the Deer Isle map. It did not restore my ability to log back in. However, if I wipe the playerdb file and let players rejoin, it seems to behave fine for a short period of time. Upon slowly reintroducing mods, it seems to inevitably happen again. I would have anticipated the playerdb file updating as mods are removed and items are no longer in inventory but it's almost acting as if the playerdb is becoming corrupt. Most players state it works for a while and inevitably freezes and happens again. This happens to me on linux or on windows servers, as I am able to take the known broken playerdb, move it to my other server, and reproduce the issue, even with different mods.
Disabled Airdrop in Expansion, server no longer crashes...nor player drops.
I was having very consistent crashes with an air drop mod. After removing that mod, the crashes now seem to be random. However, I'm starting to notice player connect/disconnect activity at the end of the all my script logs on crashes. I've seen a similar issue with a vehicle mod roughly a year and half ago. When a player joined or died and respawned as a certain character type it would crash the server. Were any changes made to characters players can play as?
Easiest way to fix it would be to add some dummy-void sound in played audio files, to mimic silence while the sound would still play.
It would be good if the sound was 3times less frequent.
The surfacemaks responsible for this noise is not so common, sound is nice and it would be good if it wasn't so frequent.
I cant log in. I dropped a pair of boots to another player and cant log that player in to pick them up.
I was playing on server 4268, it glitched when I was killing zombies.
I was on top of a sand bag attacking downwards. The zombies couldn't hit me, then the glitch started. I no longer could hit the zombies. The axe just went through them without connecting.
A few minutes later, my player started receiving hits from the zombies, however, I was still on top of the sandbags and no zombies were near me
I was playing on server 4268, it glitched when I was killing zombies.
I was on top of a sand bag attacking downwards. The zombies couldn't hit me, then the glitch started. I no longer could hit the zombies. The axe just went through them without connecting.
A few minutes later, my player started receiving hits from the zombies, however, I was still on top of the sandbags and no zombies were near me
Yes. your logs basically look like mine. Must be the same issue. For me it crashes very quick. Can’t really play multiplayer. I get kitted and dropped at the front line. Then it freezes for a second or 2 and the windows pops up. I struggle with it since weeks and I tried every experimental version since then. Only thing that worked was deleting the ReforgerEngineSettings or how it was called. It didn’t crash for an hour after that but when it crashed it got more regular again.
Fri, Feb 28
I have the same problem, but my Server is now restarting all 15 Minutes.
Same challenge here. Thx for the hint. Will check next time and keep you posted. Any plans or timeline when you will fix this?
Hello, the same problem
Same here... can be combined with:
In T187294#2725187, @kawalec wrote:@Technicolourmatador
Even now, when defending base is so easy, very few people spawn on attacked bases.
90% of players don't like driving, don't care about driving, don't know how to do it. So they don't drive to attacked bases.
99,99% of players love flying and can't do it.
So if you sum this up, for most player it will change the game into 30-minute long fight with AI and then loosing/wining without even experiencing any highlight of Conflict.
Why? Because a team of 2-4 people with Willys can drive around every enemy base and capture one by one. Not to mention heli.
In the first week over 50000 copies of PS version were sold. It marks a huge change for Reforger and Arma franchise. We're just stepping out of dark burrow of very niche game into the wast world of casual players.
Such mechanics as this new one may be too hardcore for them. They will still be playing the game, but they will be purposefully omitting it's core features. Exactly as it happens now with supplies, spawning AIs, making self-defensive layouts of bases, using radio spawns, proper communication etc. I'm not even mentioning teamwork, because at the moment it's nearly non-existent.
I can manage with any new mechanics, you can also and many other more experienced players. But I'm worried that such changes may slowly kill the idea of Conflict.
In T187294#2725495, @byNautiic wrote:Well, we won't be dealing with this:
That was the best decision to turn off this function. I was tired of fighting the Freshspaws with spawn protection. If you don't defend your base, you're out of luck. Fair play for all. Spawning on bases that are under conquest is unfair! I don't need opponents spawning in front or behind me and happily killing me. And I have to guess when to fire. Yes! They have protection running. THAT is unfair. PLE
I tried Debian 11 in a podman container, that didn't make a difference.
I no longer have the logs unfortunately. But if I remember correctly it was a migration from debian 11 to fedora server 39. I know this is not useful for you without logs.
Im having these issues as well, i assume no one has a fix yet? Is it tied to the recent update pushed a coupel days ago?
In T175939#2576945, @rarnold wrote:Issue started occurring when relocating a server to a new machine and keeping the configs from the old one. RSYNC was used. I suspect keypair mismatch.
After discussing this in the dayz discord, we are pretty sure that this bug and
Fix please((
Today my friend played to on the official server. The client crashed with this error:
Was mentioned by 1 server owner in Expansion Discord that he didn't have airdrops running and it was still happened to him. only passing on info
I did both and it persists
@Geez hi :)
Perhaps this is done because players encounter infantry more often than vehicles