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Fri, Feb 28
Fri, Feb 28
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T165644: [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Please change main weapon from PKT to KPVT.
PR9INICHEK renamed T165644: [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Please change main weapon from PKT to KPVT from [Feature request] (BTR-70) Please change main weapon from PKT to KPVT to [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Please change main weapon from PKT to KPVT.
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T167005: [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Add system when commander can give azimut to gunner.
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T167005: [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Add system when commander can give azimut to gunner.
PR9INICHEK renamed T167005: [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Add system when commander can give azimut to gunner from [Feature request] (BTR-70) Add system when commander can give azimut to gunner to [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Add system when commander can give azimut to gunner.
PR9INICHEK renamed T172108: [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) {UI} Gunner seat. Please add a compass centered at the bottom of the screen to make it easier to aim the turret. from [Feature Request] (BTR-70) {UI} Gunner seat. Please add a compass centered at the bottom of the screen to make it easier to aim the turret. to [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) {UI} Gunner seat. Please add a compass centered at the bottom of the screen to make it easier to aim the turret..
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information on T189422: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving the interaction between the gunner and the commander.
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T189423: [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Add degrees markings to indicate how much the tower is turned..
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T189423: [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Add degrees markings to indicate how much the tower is turned..
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T189423: [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Add degrees markings to indicate how much the tower is turned..
PR9INICHEK updated the task description for T189423: [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) Add degrees markings to indicate how much the tower is turned..
PR9INICHEK renamed T189422: [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving the interaction between the gunner and the commander from [Feature Request] (BTR-70/BRDM-2) A collection of tickets for improving the interaction between the gunner and the commander to [Feature Request] A collection of tickets for improving the interaction between the gunner and the commander.
I did some further testing.
this might help you with few things i have found in toplin.
So as you see there is few issues in Toplin. Please have a look{F4991557}
I think it has to do with the broken door animation
TroubleShooter updated the task description for T189418: "GPU Hangs" Error even on newest experimental.
In T189394#2760042, @Geez wrote:Hello Ponezun.
Please always include the following in the ticket:Game Version number:
Modded?: (Yes/No)
If modded, please list the mods:Issue Description:
reproduction steps
new logs attached, thx!
Ok, this litte Entity will solve the problem. If placed close to a building, to destruction can be disabled. Maybe you can also include something like this in vanilla?
In T189367#2760117, @R34P3R wrote:No its not a overheating related, because it also crash with just 70 - 75°C and was never a problem before 1.2
No its not a overheating related, because it also crash with just 70 - 75°C and was never a problem before 1.2
Since some other people attribute this to GPU overheating I logged my temps in HWinfo during a crash.
GPU hotspot max temp reached 81C. I´ve also attempted to throttle GPU usage in AMD software and ingame with lowest settings + 30 FPS max. Still crashes within 5 minutes.
Ah ok,thank you very much.
this does not solve the problem. I'm using the roads from here and there aren't any anyway.
Firewalker added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
I'm an idiot. So, yeah, I did have random supply drops running on both servers. The C130 drops from Expansion.
There are a lot of these buildings
Geez changed the status of T189407: Exp. - PeerTool - Duplicated PlayerID from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189357: please separate music volume from the sound for captured points from New to Feedback.
Geez changed the status of T189394: Characters can change ammo while rolling from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Hello Ponezun.
Please always include the following in the ticket:
Geez changed the status of T189359: Hovering crates in the official single player mission "Elimination" at grid 071-023 from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Ded_Mazai added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
DayZ_x64_2025-02-28_17-50-13.mdmp912 KBDownload
Geez changed the status of T189368: [] Bullet wounds no longer cause bleeding from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Ded_Mazai added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c669a819
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6695fd6
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c66e0c07
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6999d0c
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c69cc0d0
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff7c6e64941
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff7c6e60574
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff7c6d88737
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c69317ff
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6931454
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6bd6969
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6bdd146
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6bc056d
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6bdad14
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6ba5bf6
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6bdef69
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6bc26e2
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff7c6d9a489
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff7c6f2487e
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff7c6f1b48e
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff7c6f23ab7
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c69193c8
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff7c6f25b06
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff7c6a56cda
[CDPCreateClient]: ??? addr:0x7ff7c707f2a2
[BaseThreadInitThunk]: ??? addr:0x7ffa817c7034
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffa836bd0d1
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffa836bd0d1
Thank you for the report.
This is an issue we are aware of and it has been reported previously.
Closing as a duplicate.
Geez changed the status of T189345: Crash on Sakhal when zooming in w/ scope from Reviewed to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189410: Server errors and crashes after update 1.26 from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189321: Sakhal Shipwreck 1.27 stable from Awaiting internal Testing to Need More Info.
Hello MilesDownshur.
We were unable to reproduce this issue.
Can you please upload a video of the issue?
Geez changed the status of T189402: Server 7567 Couldn’t Make Fire After Looting Military Location Leading to Death from New to Reviewed.
DemotiVator added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
The same reason of crash C:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\DayZServer_x64.exe
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff62b20e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff
please fix it
Geez changed the status of T189372: Holding breath does not work on ps4/5 from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Known issue, closing as duplicate.
Geez changed the status of T189364: Urgent Assistance Needed – Server Issues After Update from New to Reviewed.
Hello huttch.
This should be primarily consulted with Nitrado.
Can you elaborate on "Now, the server simply won’t start at all, and Nitrado is no longer providing a solution."?
Geez changed the status of T189391: Respawning causes blank red screen from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
From the reports we have received it seems the issue persists even into 1.27 and we are looking into possible solutions.
Hello Micelli.
To move your character, log onto another server that shares the same character as yours, this will reset your characters position.
Hello Hendo3954.
To move your character, log onto another server that shares the same character as yours, this will reset your characters position. In case you are on a community server, please contact the server owner.
Geez changed the status of T189355: Players freezing in Place while you yourself are running smoothly for others from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Thank you for the report.
We are currently looking into this.
Geez changed the status of T189363: [1.27] Firearms desync when shooting while aiming down sight from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
In T189312#2759704, @megazordinary wrote:Hi, it could have been a ruined issue. Is there a reason improvised bone knife does not fit in the belt? It would make more sense to have it as a generic tool/knife slot like on packs
S.A.I.M.O.N added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
The server crashes with the Program error: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\DayZServer_x64.exe
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff62b20e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff
Thank you for the report.
This is a known issue that has been previously reported. Closing the ticket as duplicate.
Geez changed the status of T189378: DayZ crashes on the loading screen since Feb 25, 2025 from New to Need More Info.
Hello C2A.Intense.
Can you please try to disable Steam cloud sync, delete DayZ documents folder and try again? If that does not work, can you try if the game does work on experimental? And if so, can you then try to copy the contents of DayZ Exp folder in documents into the DayZ folder found in documents?
Geez changed the status of T189379: Pumpkin Growth > Superslow from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T189381: Logged on with my car in base and half its parts are missing! from New to Reviewed.
sileed added a comment to T183542: Can't water or remove seeds from garden plots - 1.26 Experimental.
Just wanted to add that for us (DUG) gardening in greenhouses worked fine in 1.26, but is now not working in 1.27. We only allow growing food in green houses so this is a major issue for our playerbase.
Geez changed the status of T189382: Items unable to be picked up in this area from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T189385: allow right ctrl to drop items from inventory, in addition to left ctrl from New to Feedback.
our players are reporting that garden plots in green houses/polly tunnels are now mostly just eating the seeds and fertilizer. they do the actions and the items simply disappear about 2/3 of the time.
redigging the plot does not fix it.
Thank you for the report.
We are aware of the problem and it is being looked into.
Please stop creating multiple tickets on this issue. Creating further tickets will result in your account being disabled.
If you want to appeal the ban you will have to contact BattlEye. There is nothing we can do for you at the moment.
Thank you for the report.
All hacking incidents are investigated by BattlEye.
Geez changed the status of T189389: Since 1.26 chinese cheaters on every single 3pp server from New to Feedback.
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