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Server 7567 Couldn’t Make Fire After Looting Military Location Leading to Death
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I was looting small military camp just north west of BblCOKOE at night. After looting I lost my heat buff so I preceded to go into the woods to make a fire. After chopping up some sticks and even firewood, I then preceded to try and light the fire with both Matches and a lighter but neither gave me the option too, I then proceeded to add more kindling and small sticks incase that might have been the issue but again no option to ignite. I then proceeded to try and move the fireplace to 4 different locations but AGAIN no ignite prompt. I then died after not being able to start the fire.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 7
Game Physics

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Fri, Feb 28, 11:36 AM